Wednesday, February 5, 2020


There are something in life you cannot change.  You can change your political and religious views, but you cannot change your race and gender for example.  It is inborn, in your DNA.  Race and Gender is more indicative of who you will be than political ideology or religion.  You can change your religion.

On a mural on a wall in an Egyptian Pyramid of a Pharoah is a depiction of the four primeval races of man.  They are the European, the Asian, the African, and the Egyptian.  The Egyptians were not the same thing as Africans.  They were a seperate race.

In more recent times, a new race has emerged, the Latino.  They are mixed race by nature, not a pure race.  They tend to look brown skinned with Asiatic features.  They can look extremely caucasian, brown, black, or even aboriginal Asian.  Latinos are mixed race people.

So perhaps the Latinos are the future of the human race.  If enough intermarriage happens, everyone will eventually have brown skin and Asiatic features.  There will be homogeny amongst the human race, and less conflict over race and identity. 

The riddle is, there are only three religions.  The old religion, the new religion of Judaism, and the promise of Christianity.  I am not a Christian.  I don't believe in Jesus or a physical resurrection of corpses from the ground.  That seems like mythology. 

Ultimately, you can be a good Hindu or a good Jew and reach the same end.  A fulfilled life of altruistic action and a contented death.  But you can never be the master, as a human being you are limited by a human body and dependent on the earth for food.  God doesn't need us, we need him.  He only gives to us, and the only thing we can give him is a song.

So Judaism is a better religion than Yoga, although Yoga has more capacity to civilize the gentiles and bring world peace.  Hinduism or Yoga means Henotheistic religion, not paganism.  The One God behind the Many.  It does not mean polytheism.  These ideas have been proven wrong, pagans have no real faith.

I reiterate you can change your religious or political beliefs, but you cannot change your race or gender.  If at some point you acquire the Y chromosome, you are born male with balls and can produce semen.  Sex is all about the giving and receiving of semen.  It is the transfer of genetic information.  The man gives and the woman receives.  This is nature.

So I am proud to be a type of Hispanic Jew.  It is not that far off.  Although I have admiration for other races and other religions, I feel Latin people are the most intense and Judaism is the best religion.  So I am an upright man.  I should be admired in the community.  If nothing else, I contributed my judo career and now I have my music career.  I want to enjoy my life and benefit others too.  Mutual welfare and benefit.

The most important thing I ever did in my life was attain enlightenment.  And I did it at a precious age of 8.  So all my life has been joy within suffering.  Enduring until the end.  The Yogis call enlightenment samadhi, while the Zen buddhists call it kensho.  But I like Yoga more than Buddhism because it is less strict and less about monastic discipline.  You can have more fun as a Hindu. 

So my words should not be controversial, they are all true.  Just like Sadhguru, a leader in India who has a strong social media influence, I say accurate things and try to help people.  But he is more tactful and mature and I am more straightforward and blunt.  Each of our innate natures conforms to our heritage.  He is an Indo-European, I am a kind of Latino.  But once you attain samadhi, you are equally the master as any other master.  Only fools despise knowledge.

There are other things I would like to explore.  I want to learn about Latin American Studies, more Yogic philosophy, the myths of the Norse and Celts, and more about Judaism.  There is more to Judaism than what the rabbis teach you.  They are trying to protect you from knowing too much for your own good.  You have to be mature before you can handle the real knowledge.  Knowledge is power, and like a weapon, it can hurt someone. 

So I urge you reading this to learn more, not in a college or high school, but on your own, from libraries, bookstores, and through online courses.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  I've learned most from the Baghavad Gita, because it is a kind of sourcebook of mysticism and philosophy.  If you've mastered the Gita, you've mastered every other book in the library.  And yet, most Americans cannot even prounce the Gita let alone know what it is about.  Well done is better than well said.

The ultimate teaching of yoga is that there is a kind of divine justice in the world.  It is called Karma.  Your own actions come back to you in this life and the next.  So you can't blame God or the devil for your calamity.  You are responsible for yourself, and you can help yourself.  Yoga is the ultimate self help guide. It is Indo-European mysticism for attaining freedom.  This is the best thing you can do with your life, attain enlightenment and be happy with everything.  It truly is a better life than living for Money and Women.

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