Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yesterday Don't Matter

You will find some day, that we cannot know the whole truth.  Man only understands right here and now.  God knows past, present, and future.  So it is right, what is written in the Book of Job.  God is greater than mortal man.

My music is the gospel blues.  I love music more than anything.  I have five albums available right now on YouTube and Spotify.  I try to sound like Chuck Berry, had he never invented rock n roll and stayed a bluesman.  My whole shtick is Chuck Berry playing the blues.

What he did was very clever.  He started performing at the age of 30 which is already old for a musician.  He quickly mastered the basic music theory of rhythm and blues and created a synthesis of Rosetta Tharpe's gospel music and T Bone Walker's jazz blues guitar.  He took this sound and wrote lyrics that appealed to the white mainstream audience.  In the 1950s, technology advanced and children did not have to spend their summers helping their fathers on the family farm.  They had free time and could work day jobs and make money and date and spend their hared earned money on anything they choose.  It's your money.

In this cultural mileu, Chuck Berry devised a strategy to appeal to the white audience who had more money than the black audience.  Rock n Roll is black people's music played to suit white people's tastes.  All the music of the 1950s, was about white and black musicians inspired by gospel music but writing secular songs for a secular audience.  Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Fats Domino, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, etc... were all musicians influenced by gospel music but writing about secular subjects like money and women and sex and dating and cars and jobs and parties, etc...

Rock n Roll is by nature not evil music.  It is secular music.  There were good and bad musicians.  It is just music.  You can use it any way you like.  It is just a neutral tool.  What Jimi Hendrix was looking for at the end of his life, was a spiritual blues sound.  He got tired of just singing about love and relationships.  I admire Jimi Hendrix.  He had power and love and soul.  He was a free spirit.  He could fight if he had to, but he just wanted to have fun and have a party.  He had many lovers in his life.  But he died at the age of 27 choking on his own vomit.  Because rockstars live bad lives and die young.

I aim to continue Jimi's quest.  But I am not a secular person.  I am not religious either.  I don't self identify as any faith.  Religion divides people.  We are only one human race, and two genders.  Don't pervert reality.  The man gives and the woman receives.  That is the way it should be, nice and easy.

So I consider myself a spiritual blues musician.  My lyrics are neither work and women nor are they about God and Jesus.  I am simply a spiritual man writing about his own experiences and emotions.  I internalize experiences and turn them into songs.  Some of my best songs are about relationships I had that didn't work out. 

So ultimately, it is better to be secular than religious.  If you love and date and experience women, you enjoy lust and love and you experience breaks up and misery and heartaches.  But in the end, you gain wisdom and emotional intelligence.  So do it wrong or do it right, you win in the end.  I don't regret any experience I have had with women.  It's all good.  Like Shakespeare said, it is better to have loved and lost, then never to had loved. 

I will continue writing songs, even if music is not my main career.  I would do this for free, any extra money I get from music is icing on the cake.  Money is about survival.  Desire is about doing what you want to do before you are dead. 

Yesterday don't matter, because we can't understand a complete reality.  We are limited.  God is not limited.  He has all the power, and the devil's power is illusionary.  Money has no intrinsic value, and women are by nature evil.  They want your time and money not just your looks and charm and a fat cock.

So the real riddle is, the world is almost worthless, and a good Christian is waiting on Judgement Day and the hope of the resurrection.  I write rock n roll songs, but I am not a clever, shady businessman doing it for the money.  Chuck Berry did many immoral, criminal acts in his life.  I like his music, I don't like him.  But he is known to posterity as the man who invented rock n roll.  The whole genre is about a man writing a song on a guitar and hamming it up infront of an audience.  This is kids stuff.  But I don't want to grow up.

But now I realize, yesterday don't matter.  Kids don't listen to rock n roll anymore.  Money is very important in real life.  If you have no money, you don't survive.  I have no fear of not surviving.  I know I will survive.  But if I want a higher quality of life, I need to earn that money and watch it blow up.

So my teaching is that business is not about who is objectively better or more talented.  It is just warfare.  In war, there is no good guys and bad guys.  It is us vs them.  A good warrior understands if you fight fair, you most likely will lose.  If you fight dirty, and outsmart the opponent you might beat someone who is vastly superior to you.  So my message to the readers of this blog is.  Don't be the better man.  Just survive, learn how to play the game, and how to value peace above all things.

A warrior doesn't go looking for a fight.  He does the opposite.  He avoids all violence, and if you corner him and give him no other option to fight, he fights to the death.  That is what the warrior does. 

So my life is contrasted between grappling which is a kind martial art and music, which is all about love and peace and women and having a ball.  So I combine the very hard and the very soft.  And now that I am old and broken, I can't fight, so all i can do is work and make money and survive and write songs and sing of the glory of the past.

Monday, June 29, 2020

The MTV Generation

I grew up in the 1990s.  I started high school in 1992 and graduated in 1996.  By the late 90s, I was already a man.  My whole high school experience was colored by watching MTV all evening and weekend long.  I didn't do much extracurricular activities besides swimming and wrestling.  And I wasn't a great athlete.

The thing was, I hated waking up at 6am every morning.  Back then, I was suffering from Crohn's Disease which is a disease of the intestine.  I didn't know back then that all diseases are rooted in disbiosis of the intenstinal flora.  You cure your gut, and you cure your life.  Nutrition is not everything, but is the first thing you must learn to be equipped for life.  There are 40 year olds who don't know nutrition, so they are obese, and stooped, and cant fight, and can't get an erection.  This is a disgrace.  A 40 year old obese man who needs viagra is a loser.  But I digress.

I was sick all my youth.  Crohn's not only affects your gut but your brain too.  So I didn't learn until later how to help myself.  So all I did during my high school career was begrudgingly wake up, fake it during school, come home, sleep from 3pm to 6pm and then watch MTV all weekend long.  This is not a real youth, but it is better than dying. 

Back then, MTV did not suck.  There was music, and reality TV shows, and Beavis and Butthead which I thought was genius.  Those where the days.  I loved Beavis and Butthead, because it was so crude and yet so sophisticated in its intellect and criticism of society.  Reality TV shows were also cool.  The Real World set in NYC was great.  I learned some things from watching good looking young people living in an apartment not paying rent and being videotaped all day.  You can learn from fake shit too.  A wise man learns from both wise man and a fool.  The key feature of a wise man, is that he is always learning.  Therefore he is always growing.  The day you stop learning, is the day you die.

But most of all MTV was about music.  Grunge Rock was big in the 1990s.  Nirvana was the biggest hit.  But there was Pearl Jam and SoundGarden and Stone Temple Pilots and some other things like hip hop and pop music.  But I did not like the black kid's sound.  And I think pop music is garbage.  The white kids listen to more sophisticated music because they have more innate intelligence.  All this rock n roll music is directly descended from Chuck Berry.  It started with 3 chord songs and people took the ball and ran with it.  Rock n Roll is America's contribution to society.  And nowadays, it is a dead genre.  That is a pity.

So all my youth, I didn't do extracurricular activities and socialize and date.  I just went home, slept, jerked off, and watched MTV.  Your youth is the foundation of your life.  You waste your youth, and you waste your life.  That is stupid.  Don't grow up too quick.  Get skills, explore hobbies, don't impregnate your high school girlfriend.  You can do handjobs and mutual masturbation and eat pussy.  You do not need coitus that bad.  It's not worth it.  Masturbation is good.  Masturbation is great.  Rock on Condaleeza Rice.  You got soul.

So now that I am 41, I can look back on a misspent youth.  But have the wisdom and desire to teach the youth not to be rebellious punks.  You don't win that way.  You win by doing the opposite.  But I digress.

By 1995, I started playing guitar.  By 1998, I started grappling.  Shootfighting is the original MMA.  Submission comes from Japan, not Brazil or Russia or the USA.  All Japanese martial arts instructors teach judo, karate, jujutsu, aikido, and some have talent in freestyle wrestling.  The best men do Greco.. Upper Body Wrestling takes the most physical strength and dominant genome.  So Greco champs are the kings of the earth. 

In my youth, I developed a desire for music videos and I worshiped Olympic grapplers like the Greco Roman Wrestlers and Judokas.  Boxing seemed like punk aggression.  And when MMA came out, I saw it as fake bullshit.  I do not like Boxing and MMA, but I see its gross entertainment value.  It is no better or worse than pornography.  It is all seedy entertainment for a seedy society.

I am not insulting America to put you down.  I am trying to expose your flaws to help rectify yourself.  America has base values.  In an open market economy, it is just a heartless battle for resources that already exist.  The government can give it to us for free, but instead, they make us work at least 40 hours per week just to afford a home and a wife and some children.  So we are all slaves.  Good, Bad, and Indifferent, we are all wage slaves.  My hour is worth more than 15 dollars.  It is worth more than 100 dollars.  What is an hour worth?  On your death bed, you would gladly give a million dollars for one more hour.  But God does not accept currency.  He can't be bought.  He sees no value in money, and despises women.  But your whole shtick is money and women.  So you are wrong, and I have better values.

I wasted my youth.  But it wasn't a complete waste.  Zen, music, wrestling, grappling, swimming, even pornography was fun.  I had fun, and sowed seeds for the future.  Now that all is done, I can only have music now.  So I ended where I started, with music videos.  Every day, I watch Lightnin Hopkins and Chuck Berry and John Lee Hooker videos.  Most of them are in black and white but I don't care.  Sometimes, I explore other things like flamenco and grunge rock and even pop music.  But when I watch Nirvana or Pearl Jam, it reminds of the past.  And I don't like that.

In music, I traced the daughters back to the mother.  Rock n Roll comes from Chuck Berry.  He was the most important innovator of the genre.  Every boy wants to sing and play guitar and write his own songs and perform on stage and be a ham.  That comes from Chuck Berry not Elvis or Buddy Holly.  The Beatles were chinsy pop music for girls to swoon over.  They were the British answer to Elvis.  This is kids stuff.  Real music is the song of the slaves.  Music and Poetry of the oppressed minorites.  I am not black and yet I feel I am a slave too.  So I sing the blues.

So life is just like music.  You end where you started, on the rootnote.  A song begins in one place, goes through a bunch of changes, and resolves to the one.  So all of life is like music.  You come full circle.  I started in music videos and I ended music videos.  So I have nothing to complain about. 

All the convolusions and experience of my life taught me lessons.  Even MTV taught me lessons about what not to value.  Pop music is crap.  Reality TV shows are fake.  Beavis and Butthead is crude art and crude humor.  So I have learned to unlearn.  In the end, all I want is zen and morality and music and poetry.  So that is what I am going do.  If I get paid to have fun, then I kill two birds with one stone. 

So now, I am working on monetizing my YouTube channel.  I should also learn to sell more articles online.  I can work from home and supplement my income with music and copywriting.  So even now, I am not totally bereft.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Don't give up.

So I am glad I grew up in the final good generation.  We had good music, and although we were rebellious, we still listened to our parents.  I pity this modern generation.  They have nothing going for them.  A full head of hair and sick pack means nothing.  You will be slow and hunchback and bald someday too.  That is if you live to see 40.  Some people don't make that far.  I made it to middle age as as  a morally good man.

I know the prognosis is good.  So I will continue until I am done.  My plans are to keep working online from home.  Essentially I am a musician and author.  I don't need my scholastic educations.  It didn't help me.  College is just a scam.  You learn by doing.

What I have done, I have mastered.  And now that judo is no longer and option, I can do what I can do.  So I will keep doing it.  Se La Vi.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Gospel

I know religion makes you less popular in this current cultural milieu, but frankly, I don't give a damn.

Christianity is not a mythology.  The bible is not just some book.  Yes, not all of it is historically accurate.  But it is not written by God.  God does not have a hand, a pen, a book, nor the desire to be known.  He doesn't write.  Men write.  The bible is inspired scripture, and there are even some scriptures not included in the official modern bible, including The Book of Enoch, which is probably the most important book in the world.

I am not saying become a devout Christian and leave the world.  Don't even convert to the Jehovah's Witness religion.  I am saying, both the bible and meditation can help you lead a better life with less suffering and more success.  Even a simple black dude who reads the bible and prays and puts the principles into action can succeed according to his talent.

The Hebrew Scriptures are not just mythology or folklore.  They contain myths, and poems, and wise sayings, and history, and law, and ethics, and dietary laws, and laws of hygiene.  The Jewish tradition is rich.  But it lacks something.  They don't talk about Judgement Day and the conclusion of this system of things.  If this system had a beginning, it will have an end too.  Every beginning has an end.  This is simple logic. 

The whole story of the bible can be summarized as Paradise Lost.  LIfe began in an Idyllic Paradise, and we acquired sin and fell.  The devil rules the world, and each subsequent generation gets worse not better.  So the only hope for the downtrodden and oppressed is Christianity.  I believe we are in the end times.  I cannot say exactly when it will end, but this is obviously the most crapulent generation ever.  The internet and smartphone ruined my life, and it ruined yours too.

There are more fake jobs, less social interaction, people get less exercise, they use dating sites to find girlfriends.  People are addicted to pornography.  Technology ruins everything, because it makes you dependent on the technology.  So when you are given something, you are enabled, and when you learn to do it for yourself, you gain strength.

I know how to draw by hand and how to play an acoustic guitar fingerstyle.  I have old school skills in a time when most people have no real skills.  The musicians these days have so much technical virtuousity and speed in their fingers, but they got no rhythm and soul.  So they produce crappy music.  Over 90% of modern musicians suck.  In art, if you don't learn to draw by hand first, you will not be a great artist.  Every great artist, up to Van Gogh learned art by drawing by hand first.  Van Gogh's drawings were phenomenal and I admire them.  He died penniless, and was only known to posterity.

So the Christian worldview is right.  When you look at the liberal media, all you see is veganism, and homosexuality, and transgender rights, and bashing white people and calling Donald Trump a loser.  But this is opposite.  The world is too liberal.  If you keep your integrity til Judgement Day, you will not be destroyed.  The main feature of a good person is integrity.  They refuse to do evil.  Some can't do exceptional works of goodness.  But as long as you don't harm the innocent, you will not be punished. 

I tie this in with my career as such.  I will continue doing art and music.  But I will infuse judeochristian concepts in my cartoons and songs.  There is Voodoo in art and there is a genre called the Gospel Blues.  So you can use creativity as a form of worship.  Most people don't do Christianity right.  They do Churchianity.  They show up to Church on Sunday in their finest clothing and they go through the motions and they socialize but they are not kind, forgiving, humble people.  So I don't need to go to Church.  I need the bible, prayer, meditation, diet and exercise, and above all, art and music.  When you create, you are using sexual energy to create something new. 

Don't sit around masturbating to Pornhub all day.  You will waste your life.  Moderate your ejaculations  Save some of that creative energy for art and music and poetry.  The Gospel is, good will win in the end.  The Israelite slaves will know freedom.  And the Masters of War will be crushed.

It turns out, the media is fake.  The best fighters are not in MMA.  The best lovers are not in Porno.  The best looking guys are not in Hollywood.  Those guys are gay drug users who rape children and worship the devil.  Boxing is a fair contest, but is not realistic self defense.  It is just entertainment.  When it comes down to it, the best musician are not in pop music.  They are in the church.  And they never get rich nor famous.  I am both a musician and I am quite handsome and athletic.  But I am neither rich nor famous.  Because there is no justice in this world.  Success is not based on who is fitter or better or has more talent.  It is based on guile and deception and stealth.  That is why Anglo Americans and Europeans are the richest people, because they understand military tactics, which is based on stealth.  You don't get more for being the better man, you get less.  There is no justice.

But in this conclusion of this system of things, there is hope in the resurrection.  I am becoming more Christian and realize it is the best faith for a reason.  All the concepts seem true.  But there is something beyond prayer and scriptures.  These are just the basic tools of religion.  But you go to start somewhere. 

So the gospel is, good will win in the end.  It only appears weak and slow and vulnerable.  But good men have no fear.  So I will sing my song and draw my picture and live in hope.  Meanwhile, I can enjoy earthly women and eat lacto ovo vegetarian food.  I might even eat some ceviche every now and then.  Life is good.  It could be a lot worse.

People should know there is nothing right about the world.  But if this evil world had a beginning, it will have an end to.  And that should be a comfort for good people.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

They Don't Make Them Like They Used To

You can observe, if you look with an unbiased eye, that everything in society is degrading.  They don't make them like they used to.  In the span of one generation, which is 20 years, society gets worse not better. 

In the 1960s, America was exploding.  Things were better than ever.  The abundance of the 1950s led to the explosion of the 1960s.  And it all centered around rock n roll.  It was originally a black people's music invented by Robert Johnson, made famous by Muddy Waters, and brought to the masses by Chuck Berry.  But in the 1960s, the British musicians took the ball and ran with it.

This was the climax of western civilization.  Even the British bluesmen were not as talented as the musicians they were inspired by.  Jimmy Page was not as talented as Robert Johnson.  Eric Clapton was very good, but wasn't as good as the BB King that inspired him.  Later, Stevie Ray Vaughn was inspired by Albert King and had tremendous technical virtousity.  But white dudes ain't got the same soul.

The main act of the 1960s was the Beatles.  Their talent was extraordinary and they raised the bar for everyone.  At the same time, they made music about being good looking, popular, exuberant, and appealing to the teenage girls who just want to spend their money and dream of pretty boys.  The Beatles were the first boy band.

You can see that the 1960s was the climax of Western Civilization.  Muhammed Ali was the greatest boxing champion of the modern era.  Jack Johnson was the first strong black man to prove Aryan Supremacy is just a myth.  But twenty years later, Mike Tyson became synonymous with boxing.  So in one generation, it went from a heroic champion who could walk the walk and talk the talk, to some sleazy criminal from the Catskills who decided to take up pugilism.  Everything is degrading.

Even in music you can see the same thing.  John Lennon led the Beatles.  He was neither the most good looking nor the most talented, Paul was, but he was the leader because he had the most love.  As the Beatles popularity move on, he became disillusioned with fame and wealth and celebrity.  He went to India to learn Yoga from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  Every good celebrity gets tired of fame and fortune and realizes the best things in life are free.  George understood yoga better, but John was more a man of action and was inspired to act.  The Beatles broke up in 1970, which is 50 years ago. 

John Lennon's solo career was impressive.  Some people don't like it because it was too avant garde, but I think the opposite.  The Beatles music was clever pop music designed to manipulate your emotions.  John' solo career was an expression from within.  He was exploring himself, exploring the world, and making political commentary.  He was the first celebrity who tried to use his fame and wealth for good.  He started a trend. 

I like the songs from the 1970s that he wrote.  'Nobody Told Me', 'Watching the Wheels' 'Imagine' 'Instant Karma' and 'Jealous Guy' were great songs.  I don't like chinsy pop music.  I like exploration and innovation.  A good musician pushes the boundaries.

When John Lennon was murdered in 1980, the world lost something.  In the 1990s, grunge rock rose about as an attempt to counter the commercial pop rock of the 1980s.  That stuff was crap.  All the poodle pop musicians of the 1980s weren't interested in music and poetry, they just wanted money and fame and groupies.  Grunge rock was an attempt to save music and save America.  But they failed.  I remember Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam.  I was a teenager during the 1990s, the last great era of music.  I really liked Nirvana, they were genius.  Kurt Cobain was handsome, intelligent, irreverant, talented, and rebellious.  He was the best thing since the Beatles. 

But ultimately, musicians are just punks who do drugs and sleep with groupies.  They are not heros.  Most of them live terrible lives.  Kurt Cobain was essentially a depressed man who did drugs, hated himself, and eventually commited suicide.  He left behind a wife, a fatherless child, and music was not the same after him.  It was 1994 when he died.  I discovered the Beatles that year too.  And that is what started it all.

So from Muhammed Ali to Mike Tyson and from John Lennon to Kurt Cobain was a big degredation.  Muhammed Ali was a hero, Mike Tyson is a skillful criminal.  John Lennon was an enormous talent who was murdered, Kurt Cobain was a mentally ill genius who commited suicide.  I see the signs.  Even within my small view of music and martial arts, I can observe the trend.  The JudeoChristian bible is not mythology.  We are in the end times.  I cant imagine what the current generation will do.

They don't make them like they used to.  Now, I am 41 which is considered middle aged.  I don't despise the youth, I just see them as young fools.  I'd like to teach their ass.  But they don't believe me. 

In the past 20 years, music is crap, and is all about looks and personality and not about music and poetry.  I only watch videos on YouTube from the 50s and 60s.  Even martial arts is garbage now.  Boxing is all about speed and power and aggression and nobody has a jab or footwork.  That Tyson Fury guy strolls around the ring throwing wild punches, but if he lands its over.  Boxing has degraded, MMA is a vicious cage beatdown.  The times are not improving.  A good man keeps his integrity and realizes the bible is not mythology.  The bible is consolation in an evil world.

But if you understand more than the scriptures, you realize the system of things had a beginning and it will have an end.  But every end is a beginning and every beginning an end.  So I am not afraid.  I know one system will die and a new one will be born.  So I have no fear. 

I am getting tired of combat sports because it is all aggression and gets boring.  But music is essential in life.  Music is emotional therapy, and we are all emotionally ill.  Everyone needs music, not everyone needs art or books.  Musicians will never go out of business.

I have 5 albums online.  I also have 2 books.  And I've made money in copywriting and blogging.  I consider myself succcesful even though I am not rich.  I am just making do.  The main thing in real life is work/life balance.  You can't live without working.  If your work is fun and your play is fun and your sleep is fun, then your whole life is fun.  And I just want to have fun. 

So I observe society degrading but I don't interact.  I don't like society.  I spend most of my time alone.  But I am happy as a loon.  I do not want to postpone judgement day, I want to make it come sooner.  The sooner I die and the system dies, the sooner there will be Paradise again.  And that is what I want, Paradise.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Get Tough

Judo empowers you to win.  There are other more effective martial arts out there to do, like Karate and Submission Grappling.  But there is something special about Judo.  It is not just physical education.

I endured many things in my life.  I could have imploded and destroyed myself.  I could have just given up.  But because I know I am right and I was meant to be vindicated in the end, I never gave up on myself. 

Judo is not just an Olympic Sport or Jacket wrestling.  It is a comprehensive system with a lot to it.  There is more to it than Sport Judo.  Besides contest Judo, there is kata, randori, lecture, discussion, the atemi waza which is similar to Karate and the Goshin Budo Jitsu which is similar to Aikido.  Americans tend to think in results driven fashion.  Judo is jacket wrestling and that's it.  But compared to Taoist philosophers, they have simple minds. 

It is not just physical education.  It is a system where you start with child's play and you build up.  MMA is a realistic contest where you see what works and what doesn't.  A philosopher wouldn't do too well in a cage brawl.  Philosophy is useless.  The Gracies invented a great martial art and introduced the world to what works in a real brawl.  But the Gracies don't own the game anymore.

A real Jujutsu master starts with randori, or wrestling on the feet, and builds up from there.  He doesn't start with just kickboxing or just grappling.  If you are overspecialized in one thing, you are not complete, and you fail.  The foundation of MMA is wrestling, sport wrestling works without a gi, jacket wrestling works with a gi.  I read one guy on the internet who said, 'wrestling is to MMA what Judo is to the street'.  It is not the end knowledge, it is the beginning point.  You start in wrestling, you add strikes and submissions, and then you add weapons and then you really know jujutsu.  It is not just about jumping right in.

There is wholistic medicine and there is wholistic martial art.  There is wholistic everything.  When you see one thing and one thing only you are stupid.  When you understand that what exists now depends on a rich complex of factors that began in the past, you become mature.  This present moment is not all there is, but it is all humans can understand.

Now that TCM and Judo are no longer options, I have to get even more tough and move on.  I have career potential in graphic design, and my music is growing.  In my life, I mastered TCM, Judo, Graphic Design, and Music.  Some paid off big and some didn't pay off at all.  It turns out, the money is in Graphic Design, but the fun is in my hobbies.  Just call me the hobbyist. 

So I got tough.  If I wasn't tough, I wouldn't be here being a keyboard warrior.  I wouldn't have fingers to manipulate the keyboard.  Lots of innocent people are victimized by the system in the USA, but very few are the one in a million who survive to tell the tale.  I am that one champion who won the game.  So I am the Cassius Clay of mental patients. 

In Judo, we say 'Gambare!' which means 'get tough'.  In every aspect of life, you must get tough.  TCM empowered me with a worldview and a philosophy to guide all of life.  With it, I mastered many things.  And my life keeps improving.  I can say the best experience of my life where training Sambo, discovering art, playing music infront of people, and leaving my mother's home.  So the past 10 or 15 years where better than my youth.  I didn't enjoy my youth.  But now as a middle aged man, I am better off than ever.  The best is yet to come.

So in this essay I described how Judo and my education helped me survive.  I got tough.  I am not saying I can get in the octagon and take on Fedor.  I am not stupid.  But I am saying I am tough, experienced, I believe in myself, and I have won more than I have lost.  So in the end, I am a winner, and most people never reach what I have reached. 

It is easy to write on a keyboard about martial arts.  In reality, there is no way to win.  The more I write, the more good people like me and bad people hate me.  But I wouldn't want it any other way.  I want good people to like me and bad people to bark up.  If you bark, I know you are wrong.  The good people just smile and acknowledge me.  The gospel, or good news, is, good will win in the end.  Evil appears fast and strong but it doesn't win.  Maybe some initial victories, but in the end, all the good, weak, slow, poor, downtrodden people will win in the end.  So get tough, and don't quit.

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Birth of Rhythm and Blues

I have several ideas for books in my mind.  One of them I mentioned in this blog.  I am planning a cookbook called, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense.'  I also am dreaming of a book on art any mythology called, 'The Osiris Myth in World Culture'.  But I think a lot about music and how the Beatles changed everything.

So I thought I'd chat about the birth of rhythm and blues.  It didn't start in the 1960s with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix.  All good musicians start out new, listen to a lot of music, and start to sound like their influences.  Being a great musician is all about who you sound like.  So one decade of music is based on the previous. 

I first like grunge rock in the 1990s. I was a teenager and thought those cats were cool.  I especially liked Nirvana.  Three guys from Seattle who were rockstars but didn't want to be rockstars.  It was a bit of a paradox.  When Kurt Cobain died, the music world was reeling.

After 1994, I got into the Beatles.  Their 30 year re-issue of their two greatest hits albums showed me what real music is.  These guys don't mess around.  Even their mainstream hits were genius, let alone their lesser known songs on their multiple albums.  The Beatles were special.  Each song featured 8 or 9 or 10 chords, and was not chinsy 3 chord pop music like all the music of the 50s and 60s.  These guys were good.

What I came to realize was, was that they didn't invent this shit either.  Their initial sound was four white boys from Liverpool with long hair playing black people's music.  So rock n roll does not come from Britain, they just took the ball and ran with it.

Rock n Roll is black music.  It started in the 1950s with Muddy Waters who discovered Chuck Berry.  These were the two great innovators.  Without Muddy, we would be defunct.  He was the first bluesman from Mississippi to go from the south to the north and from acoustic to electric.  I dig his music.  Visually, he looks like a jokey man, but he as soul and pinnache and can do so much with three chords.  His songwriting capacity is mind boggling. 

Muddy Waters discovered Chuck Berry in 1955 and that was when Maybellene was released.  That was Chuck Berry's first hit and the beginning of his career.  He was already past 30 at the time, so he was a middle aged man singing songs for a teenage audience.  It was a bit pretentious, but nobody seemed to mind.

I like Chuck Berry's music the best.  He was the axis mundi of rock n roll.  It went from Robert Johnson to Muddy Waters to Chuck Berry to everybody else.  His music was profound.  Although it only featured three chords per song, he could innovate on his sound every time he wrote a song and keep it fresh.  He wrote intelligent lyrics that appealed to a mainstream audience.  15 and 16 year old children starting out on working and dating could spend some of their hard earned money on his albums.  This was a great time for America.

Obviously, the era of rock n roll was short lived. I would say, from 1955 to the end of the 1970s was the heyday of rock n roll.  By the end of the Vietnam War, rock n roll was dying, the ghetto scene began, the war on drugs began, and black soldiers came back from the Army addicted to drugs with no relevant job skills.  The past 40 years has been a washout.  Each year, America degrades not improves.  Europe, Israel, and Asia has taken leaps and bounds beyond America.  America is no longer leader of the free world.

But at least when I listen to Chuck Berry or John Lee Hooker or Muddy Waters or Elmore James, I can hear the music of the climax.  The black rhythm and blues musicians led to the anglo rock n roll musicians.  Eric Clapton is extremely talented and is now an elderly man.  He is the hero of everybody who likes blues and rock.

So it didn't just start in one place and explode.  Each decade builds on the previous one.  Chuck Berry and his sound was largely based on Rosetta Tharpe and her overall sound and the guitar playing of T Bone Walker.  Great musicians innovate.  They take old things and recombine them and add something new.  I don't just listen to black dudes playing guitar.  I also like Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, CCR, and The Doors.  By now, most of these guys are elderly or deceased.  But those were the days.

Today's music aint got the same soul.  It is all about looks and not talent.  The personality, reputation, and stage presence of the musician is more important than how good they actually are.  I don't think Kanye West knows the difference between a D Major and a D Minor chord.  And Taylor Swift's guitar is essentially a prop.  But they are rich and I am poor so I tap out.

I started guitar right when music was dying.  I don't like most of the music of the past two decades.  I think it is more commercial and has nothing to do with the music and poetry of oppressed people.  Most of the delta bluesmen never got rich or famous, and they invented something of benefit to society.  So it reconfirms the JudeoChristian worldview.  Suffering is Grace.  Even the famous bluesmen like Howlin Wolf and Elmore James are just a minority of the guys who where out there at the time.  Most of them didn't become famous names.

So the birth of Rhythm and Blues is a uniquely American story.  It has to do with white people playing black people's music.  In the 1960s, people were brought together through music.  This was the golden era.  These are dark times. 

So as a middle aged man in the year 2020, I don't have to listen to Nirvana or the Beatles.  I got over that.  I go straight to the source, to black men playing guitars in the 1950s.  I often listen to Lightnin Hopkins, Elmore James, Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters, and my favorite, Mr. Chuck Berry.  The way a black man plays guitar, it is like he is choking the instrument to death.

So I like blues and rock and I will keep listening to it even if I am no longer relevant. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

King Of All Sports

Obviously, combat sports are for kids.  Nobody fights fair after high school or college age in a parking lot brawl to see who is better.  Nobody cares who is objectively better.  This society is about women and money, and if you fight, you either get shot down or arrested and ass-raped in jail.

But I like combat sports and the concept of self defense.  Most of all, I like the Japanese martial arts.  Collectively, they are known as the Gendai Budo, or Budo, which means 'Self Defense'.  It is not meant to make you a tough guy.  Going to a karate or judo dojo doesn't make you hard.  Japanese martial arts is about zen culture, not how to knock a man out or apply the shimewaza. 

If you can master yourself, you can master the universe.  A human being is heaven and earth in miniature.  We are all a microcasm within a macrocasm.  In reality, we only have power over what happens within not what happens outside our body.  Be humble.

The thing I got from my 15 years of Judo practice is how to be mentally tough.  In the beginning, you lose all your matches.  But after a while, you start to apply in randori what you learned in the class.  It is by trying, experimenting, and finally learning how it works in sparring that you learn it for yourself.  So all Judo is an individual thing.  My style is not your style.  I know maybe three or four throws, three or four pins, one armbar, and two chokes.  But if I can do it against any opponent in any situation, I know these techniques.  I have internalized them.

So Self Defense is just a myth.  Martial artists are punks.  But I am a good punk.  I know I am not Cassius.  I am not even Mayweather.  I am a takedown expert and I know what I can and cannot do.  Combat sport is fair, you get on the mat and you see who is better.  And ultimately, by 35 you are too old and slow.  The main thing is speed, power, and conditioning, and by 35 you are already starting to age.  So combat sports and self defense is for young people.  Get involved in your teenage years, and don't stop till you retire at 30 or 35.

There are many good things about sport.  Judo is the second biggest sport in the world next to Soccer.  Obviously, people around the world see the value of Judo.  It is not just physical education or team combat for the military.  It has use for rearing strong, competitive youth.  In the USA, Judo is not that established because there is no Pro Judo, so there is no money to be made.  So what is the point of funding full time athletes?  It will never pay off economically.  America is about money and everything else.  But money can't buy me love.

So I am glad I have over 20 years of grappling experience.  Shootfighting is the original MMA.  Judo and Sambo is jacket wrestling.  Boxing is about being tough and not conforming.  I am rich in experience. 

Besides martial arts, I have also done music for over 20 years.  I have played guitar for a quarter of a century.  I started right when Kurt Cobain died and the music industry was reeling.  The music of the 0s and teens was garbage.  With the death of grunge rock, music became very commercial and chinsy.  It is more about the appearance and personality of the performer and not how good they are.  There are very few good musicians out there now.

So what I am trying to say is, martial arts and combat sports doesn't make you hard, it makes you mentally tough, and get involved in hobbies and stick with them all your life.  If you don't have 20 years experience, you are not the master.  I am the master.  So bow down bitches.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Great Sport of Boxing

I shouldn't have been so naive.  Boxing is a great sport.  Some don't consider it a sport at all, some consider it legal self defense, or a fight with gloves on.  Obviously, boxers are punks.  All they want to do is get in the ring and pugilize each other.

But I see it as more than just punching.  It is a lifestyle of not conforming, not caring about success, and not wanting to fit in.  Boxers are rebels.  They tend to be less intelligent people from the lower echelons of society who just want to express their frustration.

There is good and bad in every flock.  I've met boxers who where poets with sensitive hearts and I've met poets who can't fight for shit.  It takes all kinds.  Boxing is a great sport.  I want to get back into being a boxing fan and forget about wrestling, judo, and all the sports.

Less than 5% of the human population can really box.  Of that group, less than 5% make it to the top level.  People like Pacquiao, Alvarez, Mayweather, Ruiz, Joshua, Golovkin, Lomochenko, Wilder, and even that clown Fury are the top of the top of the top.  It is extremely competitive and brutal.  If you are an international name in boxing, you are exceptionally tough and fit.  Wrestlers are high dominance males, boxers are super dominant males.

So besides music and cooking and my judo/aikido practice, I will start watching some boxing on the internet.  It is fun.  It is not so much the anger or aggression I like, but the expression of masculinity and will and the feelings I had that I wasted my athletic potential.  I had a great jab.  I could have been at least a competitive amateur in my youth.  But I decided to take up judo instead.

Judo is physical education.  The point of Judo is to make you mentally tough.  You get used to winning and losing and it prepares you for life.  In life, you win some and you lose some.  If you have a strong spirit, you never get discouraged by loss and you never celebrate when you win.  Judo players are winners.

But boxing is an exaggeration of masculine behavior and it is not as easy as it appears on television.  The average man versus the average boxer might get killed in the ring.  A boxer has to do pushups, run, eat the low carb diet, stretch, do situps, and spar and hit the heavy bag.  Most men can't take a punch.  They have no real ability to fight, no matter what they look like or what they say.  Don't be dissuaded by looks, size, appearance, or words. 

I don't regret anything I did in life.  It happened for a reason.  But now that I am middle aged, I can look back on the good and the bad.  Boxing was an important experience in my life.  It is a great sport.  I actually want to use YouTube to look at the top level guys and what they are doing.  There are B+ boxers, there are A boxers, and there are A+ boxers.  And then there is Ali and Tyson, whose names are almost synonymous with the sport.

I found out that the Christian bible is right.  Suffering is grace.  Poor, downtrodden, simple people are better than rich, haughty, powerful, and conceited people.  More than 2/3 of the American populace are not rich.  They are working poor, disabled, on welfare, or retirement benefits.  One third are middle class, upper class, or the 1% who are all evil men.  But even the poor in America are like the rich in other countries.  So count your blessings.  Most Americans biggest dilemma is how to budget themselves.  In places like South America and Africa and Russia, people fight for food.  We have it easy.

So boxing is a metaphor.  Fair is Fair.  In this type of sport, it is all about who is better not who is more sneaky or has more strategy.  If you don't have speed, power, timing, and reflexes, you are not going to make it as a pugilist.  So I see it as a morality play not a fight between to uneducated retards.

I am a fan of boxing and I find full length wrestling, judo, and MMA bouts to be rather boring.  But that is just me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

No Particular Place To Go

In life, there is nothing to accomplish.  More is not more.  Less is more.  When you have the bare minimum, you have enough.  Less than the bare minimum is dying.  But more than the bare minimum is excess.  Excess is not good.  Moderation destroys all sorrow.

People get addicted to all kinds of things.  Some drugs are legal, some are not.  Sugar is actually the worst, most addictive, and most destructive drug there is.  But they put it in every item in the grocery store.  Once you are addicted to Coca Cola or Cheetos or Frappucino, you are hooked for life.  Sugar has caused more death than tobacco, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, etc.. combined.  Some drugs are legal, some are illegal.  Addiction is a matter of health and not morality or crime or sin.  These are all false concepts.

I've met people addicted to sex, to marijuana, to gambling, to alcohol, to cigarettes, and obviously, to sugar.  I myself love sex.  I see nothing wrong with any form of sex for money.  It is in the bible.  There are good and bad prostitutes.  Prostitution is everywhere.  It might be lurking next door.  Sex addiction is an addiction.  Of all the addictions, I think gambling is the worst.  In gambling, you throw away your money in hopes of getting more money.  But it is just an illusion.  Gamblers always lose.  The house always wins.  I think sex addiction is the most innocent addiction.  But that is just me.  It seems like sex for money is America's biggest business, not a problem.  It's business as usual.

This post is called No Particular Place To Go after a Chuck Berry song.  It one of his classics.  He invented the genre known as rock n roll.  The music of youth and rebellion.  The actual song is a story of  a man and his girlfriend driving around with no destination in mind.  It is cute and ironic and ends with a twist.  Chuck Berry was a songwriting genius.  There were other great musicians out there.  But he was special.

In my life, I have no particular place to go.  I have no ambition or goal in mind.  I simply want to live and die in peace.  I enjoy music and food and sex and I exercise if I have to.  I tend to be lazy.  But that's just me.

So far, I have produced 6 albums and 2 books.  One album came off the market.  Some music platforms are better than others.  Some are a rip off, some are sleazy businesses, some are good business paradigms where both parties benefit.  A good businessman believes in mutual welfare and beenfit.  He is not interested in making a short term killing and making off with the loot.  That is sin.  That is crime.

The whole premise of society is the economy.  If you do the right thing, work with enthusiasm, and get good results, you will be succesful.  It is all karma.  Do good and get good.  Do wrong and get punished. 

So the beat goes on, and I continue making music.  I want music to be my career.  Life is too short to do something boring and useless just to make a paycheck.  I am going to die just like you are going to die.  Only God doesn't die.  Camp Undefeated.  So if my time is short, I want to have money and fun at the same time.  Music is the best career ever.

The distance between rich and famous and unknown starving artist is shrinking.  There are more full time muscians making between 30,000 and 40,000 per year than ever.  But they have advanced marketing savvy.  My talent is extraordinary.  But my business savvy is intermediate.  So I must learn how to market and reach a bigger audience.  1000 streams gets you 7 dollars on Spotify.  That is pesos.  That means you need 1 million streams to make 7000 dollars.  So every musician needs a huge following to make real money. 

Taylor Swift knew Spotify would ruin the music industry.  But nobody listened.  So music fans get it for free, and professional musicians have to hustle.  I know I am a good musician.  I am not exactly Beyonce or Kanye West but I got my own skills.  I play acoustic blues and flamenco.  I am sure there is someone out there who digs it.  I could be a full time musician.  Dollar and a dream.

So I have no ambition, but I do have something in mind.  I have a goal.  I don't want to use my college degrees and trade time for money.  My hours are worth more than 15 dollars, or even 100 dollars.  I just want to live and die in peace and live on a budget.  I also want to find a latina who is good looking and humble but not rich and haughty.  I want to make about a part time income from music.  In this part of the world, that is between 500 and 1000 per month.  If I learn marketing, I can increase streams, downloads, and views.  And then I can branch out into other forms of music.  Like gigging out, teaching guitar, making music-related art, and also syncing and licensing.  It turns out, streams and downloads is the worst way to make money with music.  But right now, that is my only income stream from music.  So I am not rich.  But somebody likes it out there.  So what I must do, is target my niche audience, learn to how to advertise to them, create relationships with the customer, and above all, keep churning out good quality content.  If the content is not good, you have nothing.  But you don't have to have master skill to be rich.  All you need is intermedate skill and advanced business savvy.  Business is more important than talent.  Get real.

So I have hope for the future.  I have other things besides music, but that is what I find most joy in.  And my college degrees did not help me that much.  College is a scam.  All a degree is, is qualification to apply to a job.  It doesn't mean you know the job, can do it well, or even know you are talking about.  In reality, you learn by doing.  Experience is the best teacher.  It takes 20 years to master a skill.  But these days, people with ten of fifteen years experience are teaching.  Don't worship false gurus.  It takes a generation.  I have mastered more than just music and martial arts.  But I want to do music.  I feel it is my last chance.  So I really have somewhere to go.  I have a goal in mind.

Through music, you can rebel and spread ideas and lead people without inciting violence and hatred and bias and scorn.  John Lee Hooker sang a song called, 'The Healer'.  In it, he sings, 'the blues is a healer, it healed me, it can heal you!'.  He was a simple black man who understood music has more value than just entertainment and getting groupies.  It is part of politics, religion, education, culture, medicine, besides other things.  So I am a disciple of John Lee.  I need more than one chord to write a song.  But I am pretty good too. 

So I know my desire and I have a goal to work towards.  All great musicians overcome great odds and limitations to become legendary performers.  Music is better than boxing.  In music, nobody gets knocked out.  In boxing, there are winners and losers.  In music, everyone wins.  And that is nice. 

Look out for my next album which will be ready by the end of this summer.  I will use Routenote to publish it.  It's going to be a good album.  The money doesn't matter, I am building momentum towards the payday.  And that is what I want.  The big old payday.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Square One

I think it is time to go back to judo practice.  I haven't practiced consistently in years, and the past decade has been about me practicing a few times, starting out good, then losing, then despairing, and then quitting.  After a few months of inactivity, I go back to judo and the cycle repeats again. 

Judo is not easy to do.  It is not just jacket wrestling.  It involves a whole change of lifestyle not just an hour or two or three per week.  Your whole life has to revolve around judo or you won't succeed.  In your teens, twenties, and thirties, you can work or go to school and train judo in the evenings and weekends.  But as you get past 35, your body slows down, you accumulate injuries, life throws you children and relationships and other obligations, and you just lose interest as you realize it's all been done before.

I am 41 years old.  For today's standards, that is old but not too old.  And I look way younger than my age.  I still look like someone in his prime.  But I am older and slower than most young athletes.

I want to incorporate a judo workout into my lifestyle.  Once or twice per week is good.  I need to start doing conditioning or it won't work.  That includes pushups, stretches, and cardio.  Diet is the main thing in fitness but it is not the only thing.  Just eating chicken and brown rice every night is not a recipe for fitness.  It's not that simple.

As I age, I learn to be less ambitious.  I don't want to work.  I don't want to make more and spend more.  I want to be less ambitious and more fulfilled.  I can do music, judo, home cooking, and date lower socio-economic women and not need a boatload of money.  More money does not mean more happiness.  Jesus called this, 'the Vanity of Riches'.

So one thing I must do is re-incorporate judo into my daily and weekly life.  It is not enough to play guitar, cook your own food, and masturbate to porno every day.  That is not a real life.  Judo is the one thing I gave to society and it is too late to start something new. 

Every young man must learn that life is not a free for all or orgy.  You must do service before you get to the fun part.  Business before pleasure.  My job literally is to grapple down policemen and pin them.  You may work at Starbucks.  To each his own.  Judo is not just physical education or Olympic combat sport.  It is a lifestyle.  It is also a theory, that the soft overcome the hard.

So besides music and home cooking, I should learn I must do what I must do.  Judo is the only thing I really succeeded at, and abandoning it in midlife is a mistake.  As long as I have two arms, two legs, and one head, I can play judo.  I can also crosstrain Aikido.  Judo and Aikido go together.  The clinch and weapons grappling.  This is not boxing or wrestling, which is just sparring and competition.  Judo is a competitive martial art with a philosophy and guiding principle.

So I am back to square one.  I did not waste my life.  I had fun, accomplished great things, and met some interesting characters.  I am not even old.  Someone in his early 40s who is still fit is still young.  The point of all this is to start something in youth, do a little bit every day, and never quit on yourself.  Don't just vegitate eating pizza and getting lapdances.  That is not a life.  Do something and be somebody.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lighter Fare

I think I will take a break from morality, metaphysics, the fallacy of Aryan Supremacy, the Asiatic Black Man, and all other controversial subjects and spend some time gabbing about nutrition.

Nutrition is the first thing you should learn in life.  It is before money, women, dating, self defense, morality, religion, zen, socializing, history, math, economics, etc...  Nutrition is first thing.

Most people in America don't know the basics.  They are eating too much, getting fat and sick and going to the doctor to fix them.  The doctor is not your friend.  He is getting a paycheck.  It is not a service, it is a dayjob.  He gets over 300 dollars per hour to talk to you and give you advice.  He is a thief.  I am not a thief.  I am a health education expert.  I'll teach your ass.

Better than medication and surgery is avoiding disease in the first place.  A strong body with a healthy immune system can fight off any disease including Corona Virus and STDs.  Stay strong, and you won't have to worry about anything.  All of life is a fight, we are not living in Paradise.  Even if you don't fight, you are a warrior anyway.  This is the secret teaching of the Gita.

The basic thing in nutrition is protein and fiber and enough starch to fuel your lifestyle.  Eat mostly rice and vegetables, and you will get adequate fiber, starch, vitamins, and minerals, and water.  Most people eat too much protein not too little.  You are not suffering from a protein deficiency.  On the contrary, you are probably eating way too much.  But more protein means more strength and more satiety.  It is good to overdo protein, but dont over do overdoing it.

The Atkins diet was a good innovation in the 1970s.  Back then, the obesity epidemic was getting insane.  It is not a lifestyle diet.  It is a fix for unbalanced metabolism.  A real diet involves protein, vegetables, grain, and fruit.  Those in general are the four food groups.  There are also small things like tea, coffee, seeds, nuts, condiments.  But the main thing is protein and starch and produce.  That is a complete meal.

What I am trying to say is, Americans don't know the basics.  They are much richer than other countries, but are living a lower quality of life.  I have less money and more joy, and you have more money and less joy.  So who's better?

The main thing in life is work/life balance.  Even if you don't have a paying dayjob, you are working. If you can do more than eat, sleep, and shit, you are doing work.  The pay does not matter.  Everything in life is action and consequence.  Your actions come back to you.

So in the past 3 months, I have learned to live on lighter fare.  That includes eggs, rice, vegetables, beans, tuna, some fruit, coffee and herbal tea, so on and so forth.  I do not eat only protein and vegetables and lift weights.  I do not want to look like a muscle fatty.  That is not my goal.  Longevity, disability free lifespan, and dying without pain is my goal.  That is all TCM promises you.  But that is enough.

So every day, I practice one hour of music and one hour of cooking.  Day by day, my music and cooking improves.  Who knows where I will be in five or ten years?  Like Jigoro Kano said, 'where there is effort, there is always results.'  If you do good work , it goes out into the universe and comes back to you.  So don't do wrong.  And if you do wrong, don't complain about the White Man or blame God or the Devil.  This is mythology.  This is not science.  Vedanta means spiritual science.  Hinduism is a scientific religion.  It is a way to live in the world, but not be of the world.  The world is worthless anyway.

So I subsist on lighter fare, and my life has improved not gotten worse.  Less is more.  I don't need beef, bacon, chicken, lamb, bread, pasta, milk, or anything from Starbucks.  This is called merchandise.  I eat food not merchandise.  Merchandise is actually poison.

When you learn to like simple, plain things, your life improves.  Less is more.  Simple is always better.  I get most of my protein from eggs, and most of my starch from white rice.  I eat lots of vegetables and drink a lot of fluids like juice and herbal tea.  Most people in America are overfed, I've met vegans who are underfed.  But in my case, I am perfectly nourished.  The Buddha once said, 'Moderation destroys all sorrow.'  He was right.  By avoiding extremes of normal behavior, you stay happy.  And happiness is the meaning of life.

So word to the wise.  Eat lighter fare, spend less on food, don't obsess about gourmet food.  It actually does more harm than good.  So avoid extremes of human behavior.  Hit the one in the middle.  The secret of life, from a movie about an Italian boxer.  Hit the one in the middle not any extreme but the one between too much and too little.

I am eating lighter fare and I am doing well.  Peace.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Then You Might Know What It's Like

To sing the blues....

This weekend, I am broke.  I don't have much money to go out spending on food, groceries, or having fun.  But I will not despair.  I know I can survive until my next paycheck.

One thing you must learn as a young adult or someone just starting out on his own, is to budget yourself.  In general, one should budget per day, per week, and per month.  The most important thing is a weekly budget, because some days you spend more and some days you spend less.

Now I know what it is like to be poor.  I can't rely on rich parents or a brother to take care of me.  I have to do things for myself.  And that is a blessing in disguise.  When someone gives you something for free, they are enabling you.  When someone teaches you how to do something, they are empowering you.  When you can do it for yourself, then you are strong.

This society is ridiculous.  There is money coming and going everywhere.  If you were foolish, you could blow your whole wad at the grocery store or 711.  But that is stupid.  Moderation destroys all sorrow.  By being moderate and only spending on what you need, you avoid harm to yourself.

So this weekend will include simple fare cooked at home.  Eggs, vegetables, cheese, beans, tuna salad, sardines in tomato sauce, etc... The best diet is lacto ovo vegetarian with some fish.  But you don't have to be strict.  Most farmers would eat meat from time to time when it was available.  Rice is probably the best food, it is cheap, bland, sweet, easily digested, warms up the body, and goes well with anything.  I eat rice every day.

So I don't worry that I am broke.  It is Friday morning.  On Tuesday morning, I get more money, and the beat goes on.  So this will be a lean weekend.  I can cook, play guitar, write, read, and enjoy myself.  The point of life is not to acquire more stuff or to win anything.  It is to be happy and useful.  I am both happy and useful.  So I attained the meaning of life.

In my career, I plan on releasing an electric album by the end of the summer, and a new cookbook by the end of the year.  The book takes a lot more effort.  The album will be called, 'Rhythm and Blues World Service' and the book will be entitled, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense'.

So now I know what it is like to sing the blues.  Because I have lived the blues.  The blues is not just about romantic love.  It is also about money and poverty and mental instability and political uncertainty.  The blues is the music of real life, not pop music or fantasy land.

So keep on the lookout for more stuff from me.  Graphic design is just a day job.  I do it for the money.  I want to be a musician and author.  But I am not rich. 

So keep on keepin on.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Soft Overcome The Hard

You will find that in every aspect of life, this is true.  The obvious thing is not true.  The counter-intuitive thing is always right.  You did not create the universe.  God created the universe.  A good man is humble and knows he doesn't know.  Humility goeth before honor.

In self defense, if you are tight and big and slow, you won't win.  Good fighters are soft, supple, have hand speed, flexibility, long arms and legs, and are agile on their feet.  They know how to yield.  Self defense is a metaphor.  The soft overcome the hard.

In combat, the evil man wins through treachery.  Combat means stealth and weapons.  It doesn't make you the better man.  It just means you are more sneaky.  But in reality, there is no justice in this world.  Combat is better than self defense.  But best of all is nonviolence.  To win without a fight, is to be the master.

So there are three types of warriors.  The Ninja, the Samurai, and the Saint Soldier.  Everyone knows Ninjas and Samurais from Japanese culture.  But few know what the Saint Soldier is.  The holy book of the Hindus is called the Baghavad Gita.  It is a story told in poetic meter of an archer and his charioteer discussing the nature of success and the meaning of life. 

In brief, it is a story of an archer who doesn't want to fight in a battle of rival clans.  The charioteer, who in folklore is known as God incarnate, instructs him he must do his duty or he is a coward.  In 18 chapters, Krishna instructs Arjuna on the meaning of life and duty.  In the end, Arjuna gets the courage and fights, and wins.  It is a story of courage and doing the right thing.  You can read one thousand books and know little or read the Gita and know every book.  It is one book that summarizes all books.

In America today, there seems to be stratification of society.  The whites and Chinese are the upper class.  The blacks and latinos are the underclass. The Jews know they are wrong but they love the money.  It is easy to manipulate gentile minds.  They are limited.

Indo European is a variant of white, Arab is a variant of Jew.  There are only really five races and two genders in the world.  You won't be too popular talking about gender issues in America.  But I love studying race and racial characteristics. 

Your race and gender is your identity.  It doesn't change within one lifetime.  It is what it is.  Believe in yourself.  You are here for a reason.  God didn't create you by accident.  You deserve it baby.

So in all manners of life, the soft overcome the hard.  The obvious thing is not true.  In any thing in life you can see this.  A man who is muscle bound can't punch.  A man who can't stand up, can't box.  He can't kickbox either. 

Even in sex, the soft overcome the hard.  A man ejaculates in less than 2 minutes.  Some ejaculate in 20 seconds.  A woman needs at least 6 minutes to achieve the first orgasm.  So even the woman is soft, she lasts longer than the man, who is hard.  Even in the bedroom, the soft overcome the hard.

Even in society this is true.  Whites and Chinese are in general terrible athletes.  Blacks and Latinos are the best athletes.  But if you are not Pro or Olympic talent, you don't get anything for it.  The best soccer players are Latin, the best boxers and runners are Black.  Whites and Chinese seem like children in physical maturity compared to ethnic people. 

But in American society, blacks and latinos are downtrodden and poor, and whites and Chinese are rich and succesful.  Physical strength means nothing.  The main thing in success is knowledge, the ability to socialize, and the ability to budget your resources.  Success has little to do with talent.  You must impress this upon the youth.  Don't let them live in fantasy land.  It doesn't help them.  There is no Santa Claus.

Donald Trump is the symptom of an evil society.  Obama tried to help America and came up short.  He is known as a hero.  Trump is hated by everyone, but you can't openly say that, or you will lose your day job.  I have no fear.  The story of America is the story of slavery.  It turns out Americans are more racist and antisemtic and mysogonistic than Nazi Germany or Russia.  But they are sneaky.  If you can make the money and pay the taxes, we will leave you alone.  We love the money.  But money can't buy me love.

I am not trying to incite a race riot.  I am trying to help by exposing America's flaws.  I am more patriotic than most Americans.  I see the obvious problems with this society.  It is deeply flawed.  Self Defense, Combat, and nonviolence, is just a metaphor.  It is philosophy.  In reality, we all need food, sex, and aggression.  It is part of our life.  It is the animal part of man.  But I got to get my jin on too.  I am no different.

If America wants to regain its standing in world society, it must get over race and gender issues.  Men are stronger than women.  Don't oppress them.  Blacks and Latinos are the best athletes, but they are less educated, so they do menial labor.  Don't despise them.  If white people want to stay in power, learn how to unlearn.  Observe other cultures and how they conduct themselves.  South America and Asia has a lot to offer the Anglo American.  Europe and Israel is very liberal and permissive.  Africa seems to be growing the slowest.  They need education and Christianity.   

You will find some day, that power is not power.  Knowledge is power.  When you are educated, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor.  Knowledge is the great equalizer.  I use Aikido as a metaphor for life.  The soft overcome the hard.  Aikido is about talking your way out of situations, and if you must fight, trap them down and pin them, and restrain them till they give up.  Nobody can take on multiple opponents and weapons.  That is Hollywood Karate.  Self Defense means your ability to win a fair fight.  Combat means your ability to hurt and kill.  Self Defense is for children, Combat is by nature sin.

A real man wrestles in high school and college, then he gets a job, a wife, a place of his own, and moves on.  Nonviolence is the discipline of life.  It doesn't make you a coward.  America is less Christian, more antisemitic, and more tolerant towards Islam.  These are dark days.  Brace yourself.

So I will keep living a quiet mystical lifestyle, playing music, writing books about health and nutrition, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.  Most of all I like music, but I also need food, sex, and sport.  I tend to neglect sport.  But I know I am not doomed and most times I am happy as a loon.  So I know I am soft and have the capacity to overcome the hard.  Aikido is  a metaphor for life.  You have a right to defend yourself, but don't be an asshole.

So the beat goes on.  Peace.

Friday, June 5, 2020

You Do What You Want To Do

The best career advice I got was from a friend on Facebook.  She posted a meme that had a picture of a girl with a camera and had a caption that read, 'do your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession'.

That about sums it up.  These days, I do music and cooking on a daily basis.  I dedicate one hour every day to cooking, and at least one hour every day to music.  So day by day, my skill increases.  I have been playing guitar for 25 years and cooking for 17 years.

The way to succeed is to do a little bit every day, day in and day out, and never quit on yourself.  The daily grind.  But most people only do what they love here and there and aren't consistent.  Some give up completely.  So they lose.

I do graphic design for the money.  It is my job.  But I really enjoy music and food and other things.  So I do duty and I have fun.  This is a wonderful lifestyle.

In my life, I have met people who have fun jobs.  And the reason they are doing the job they want is because they started early and never stopped.  I know an environmental conservationalist, a vegan chef, a judo instructor, a boxing coach, an art curator, a fashion designer, a kickboxing instructor, so on and so forth.  The thing they all have in common is that they started early and continued for over twenty years.  That means they started in youth on their dream.  Which means educators should expose children to different things between the ages of 8 and 15 so they get a glimpse of what they can become.

I would love to be a teacher of some kind.  In my youth, I went to a Jewish high school and had a great physical education teacher, a great music teacher, a great art teacher, and a great English teacher.  They tried to help.  Teachers are altruistic.  They don't do it just for the money.

In my life, I seperate business and pleasure.  Money ruins everything.  Most people are not professional boxers or pornstars.  Most people are not involved in Hollywood or MMA.  I do the simple office work to get the money so I can have the freedom to do what I want to do.  Money is power, and women are pleasure.

So I continue.  I enjoy my lifestyle.  I do what I must do.  Business before pleasure.  Of course, if I had my way, I would just collect state funds and just vegitate.  But then I would waste my life.  And I don't want to do that.

So the theme of this post is, do what you want to do.  Start young, and never stop.  Life is too short to not to what you want to do.  Do your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Make that Money

Watch it burn.

I am learning about the real world.  John Lee Hooker was right.  It is all about women and money. 

Money is worldly value.  Money is power.  Women are weak, so they need money.  You can't get women without money. 

So the real world is not about ideals, or morals, or religion, or any artificial construct.  We want the love, and women know they are valuable, so we need the money.  It's money and everything else.

Of course, money is worthless and women are evil.  So the world is evil.  A Buddhist monk lives in a monastery and doesn't think much about money and women.  He doesn't enjoy power or pleasure, but pleasure and joy are not the same thing.

Joy has a spiritual component to it, Pleasure is with the body.  Food and Sex is very pleasurable.  Some people like other things.  But food and sex are the two natural appetites of a human being.  If you don't work, you don't eat.

My joy is music but I also need food and sex.  I find both pleasure and joy in everything I do.  Even work I see something I must do.  It is not just for the money.  It is a service to the world.

If I could, I would be a professional musician touring and performing.  But this is not a realistic goal.  I can play, but just not with the intention of making money  I have written over 50 good songs in my life.  I have produced 6 albums.

Graphic Design is a career field.  Copywriting and Design are both aspects of one business, Advertising or what is also called Marketing.  The picture, the title, and the blurb lures in the customer to click and see what you are saying or selling.  It is just a way of luring people in with something attractive. 

So I think I have found my niche.  Chinese Medicine was never the right thing for me.  I am not a doctor.  I mastered nutrition, but that just makes me a health education expert not a doctor.  A doctor has to be able to diagnose a patient and intervene.  I am more of a Creative Professional. 

So the beat goes on and I continue.  Copywriting and Design is the future of creative work.  The internet changed everything.  It made it easier to make money.  So overall, technology improved the life of many people.  But we are still suffering.  More money cannot make you more happy.  People need spirituality like Kabbalah and Yoga.  This is very modern philosophy.

So I am glad I have both a career and I know spirituality and nutrition.  But music is always the best thing in my life. I will just continue living with less ambition and more drive to do the daily grind.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Music and Porn

In one case, you turn the volume up, in the other, you turn the volume down.  Nobody wants to hear the moaning.

I use both porno and music on a daily basis.  I see music as a medicine and porno as a drug.  Music heals your emotions, porno is a dose of fantasy in a cruel, harsh world. 

I listen to rhythm and blues, delta blues, rock n roll, and pop music.  I like most of all the music of the 1950s and how it led to the music of the 1960s.  This was the climax of western civilization, the height of the American empire, and the beginning of the end.

In porno, I love the moneyshot.  It is not a porno if you don't see the actor ejaculate.  Without the moneyshot, it is just a study of human reproduction.  It's the moneyshot and everything else.

So my life goes on, and I do what I must do to get what I want to get.  Business before pleasure.  I do all kinds of work, get all kinds of paychecks, just to get more music and porn.  That is where the fun is.

I admire boxing but think it is too hardcore.  And Hollywood and MMA is crap.  That is not my kind of entertainment.

When I was young, before 30, I was obsessed with Greco Roman Wrestling and Judo.  The legendary photos of Olympic grapplers excited me.  It is like real life wrestlemania. 

But I am not a kid anymore.  So the beat goes on, and I move on.  I do what I must do.  Work is not pleasant, but I do it because it is duty.  When you are done doing what you must do, do you have the energy to do what you want to do?  That is the question you must ask yourself.