Friday, June 12, 2020

Then You Might Know What It's Like

To sing the blues....

This weekend, I am broke.  I don't have much money to go out spending on food, groceries, or having fun.  But I will not despair.  I know I can survive until my next paycheck.

One thing you must learn as a young adult or someone just starting out on his own, is to budget yourself.  In general, one should budget per day, per week, and per month.  The most important thing is a weekly budget, because some days you spend more and some days you spend less.

Now I know what it is like to be poor.  I can't rely on rich parents or a brother to take care of me.  I have to do things for myself.  And that is a blessing in disguise.  When someone gives you something for free, they are enabling you.  When someone teaches you how to do something, they are empowering you.  When you can do it for yourself, then you are strong.

This society is ridiculous.  There is money coming and going everywhere.  If you were foolish, you could blow your whole wad at the grocery store or 711.  But that is stupid.  Moderation destroys all sorrow.  By being moderate and only spending on what you need, you avoid harm to yourself.

So this weekend will include simple fare cooked at home.  Eggs, vegetables, cheese, beans, tuna salad, sardines in tomato sauce, etc... The best diet is lacto ovo vegetarian with some fish.  But you don't have to be strict.  Most farmers would eat meat from time to time when it was available.  Rice is probably the best food, it is cheap, bland, sweet, easily digested, warms up the body, and goes well with anything.  I eat rice every day.

So I don't worry that I am broke.  It is Friday morning.  On Tuesday morning, I get more money, and the beat goes on.  So this will be a lean weekend.  I can cook, play guitar, write, read, and enjoy myself.  The point of life is not to acquire more stuff or to win anything.  It is to be happy and useful.  I am both happy and useful.  So I attained the meaning of life.

In my career, I plan on releasing an electric album by the end of the summer, and a new cookbook by the end of the year.  The book takes a lot more effort.  The album will be called, 'Rhythm and Blues World Service' and the book will be entitled, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense'.

So now I know what it is like to sing the blues.  Because I have lived the blues.  The blues is not just about romantic love.  It is also about money and poverty and mental instability and political uncertainty.  The blues is the music of real life, not pop music or fantasy land.

So keep on the lookout for more stuff from me.  Graphic design is just a day job.  I do it for the money.  I want to be a musician and author.  But I am not rich. 

So keep on keepin on.

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