Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Make that Money

Watch it burn.

I am learning about the real world.  John Lee Hooker was right.  It is all about women and money. 

Money is worldly value.  Money is power.  Women are weak, so they need money.  You can't get women without money. 

So the real world is not about ideals, or morals, or religion, or any artificial construct.  We want the love, and women know they are valuable, so we need the money.  It's money and everything else.

Of course, money is worthless and women are evil.  So the world is evil.  A Buddhist monk lives in a monastery and doesn't think much about money and women.  He doesn't enjoy power or pleasure, but pleasure and joy are not the same thing.

Joy has a spiritual component to it, Pleasure is with the body.  Food and Sex is very pleasurable.  Some people like other things.  But food and sex are the two natural appetites of a human being.  If you don't work, you don't eat.

My joy is music but I also need food and sex.  I find both pleasure and joy in everything I do.  Even work I see something I must do.  It is not just for the money.  It is a service to the world.

If I could, I would be a professional musician touring and performing.  But this is not a realistic goal.  I can play, but just not with the intention of making money  I have written over 50 good songs in my life.  I have produced 6 albums.

Graphic Design is a career field.  Copywriting and Design are both aspects of one business, Advertising or what is also called Marketing.  The picture, the title, and the blurb lures in the customer to click and see what you are saying or selling.  It is just a way of luring people in with something attractive. 

So I think I have found my niche.  Chinese Medicine was never the right thing for me.  I am not a doctor.  I mastered nutrition, but that just makes me a health education expert not a doctor.  A doctor has to be able to diagnose a patient and intervene.  I am more of a Creative Professional. 

So the beat goes on and I continue.  Copywriting and Design is the future of creative work.  The internet changed everything.  It made it easier to make money.  So overall, technology improved the life of many people.  But we are still suffering.  More money cannot make you more happy.  People need spirituality like Kabbalah and Yoga.  This is very modern philosophy.

So I am glad I have both a career and I know spirituality and nutrition.  But music is always the best thing in my life. I will just continue living with less ambition and more drive to do the daily grind.

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