Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yesterday Don't Matter

You will find some day, that we cannot know the whole truth.  Man only understands right here and now.  God knows past, present, and future.  So it is right, what is written in the Book of Job.  God is greater than mortal man.

My music is the gospel blues.  I love music more than anything.  I have five albums available right now on YouTube and Spotify.  I try to sound like Chuck Berry, had he never invented rock n roll and stayed a bluesman.  My whole shtick is Chuck Berry playing the blues.

What he did was very clever.  He started performing at the age of 30 which is already old for a musician.  He quickly mastered the basic music theory of rhythm and blues and created a synthesis of Rosetta Tharpe's gospel music and T Bone Walker's jazz blues guitar.  He took this sound and wrote lyrics that appealed to the white mainstream audience.  In the 1950s, technology advanced and children did not have to spend their summers helping their fathers on the family farm.  They had free time and could work day jobs and make money and date and spend their hared earned money on anything they choose.  It's your money.

In this cultural mileu, Chuck Berry devised a strategy to appeal to the white audience who had more money than the black audience.  Rock n Roll is black people's music played to suit white people's tastes.  All the music of the 1950s, was about white and black musicians inspired by gospel music but writing secular songs for a secular audience.  Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Fats Domino, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, etc... were all musicians influenced by gospel music but writing about secular subjects like money and women and sex and dating and cars and jobs and parties, etc...

Rock n Roll is by nature not evil music.  It is secular music.  There were good and bad musicians.  It is just music.  You can use it any way you like.  It is just a neutral tool.  What Jimi Hendrix was looking for at the end of his life, was a spiritual blues sound.  He got tired of just singing about love and relationships.  I admire Jimi Hendrix.  He had power and love and soul.  He was a free spirit.  He could fight if he had to, but he just wanted to have fun and have a party.  He had many lovers in his life.  But he died at the age of 27 choking on his own vomit.  Because rockstars live bad lives and die young.

I aim to continue Jimi's quest.  But I am not a secular person.  I am not religious either.  I don't self identify as any faith.  Religion divides people.  We are only one human race, and two genders.  Don't pervert reality.  The man gives and the woman receives.  That is the way it should be, nice and easy.

So I consider myself a spiritual blues musician.  My lyrics are neither work and women nor are they about God and Jesus.  I am simply a spiritual man writing about his own experiences and emotions.  I internalize experiences and turn them into songs.  Some of my best songs are about relationships I had that didn't work out. 

So ultimately, it is better to be secular than religious.  If you love and date and experience women, you enjoy lust and love and you experience breaks up and misery and heartaches.  But in the end, you gain wisdom and emotional intelligence.  So do it wrong or do it right, you win in the end.  I don't regret any experience I have had with women.  It's all good.  Like Shakespeare said, it is better to have loved and lost, then never to had loved. 

I will continue writing songs, even if music is not my main career.  I would do this for free, any extra money I get from music is icing on the cake.  Money is about survival.  Desire is about doing what you want to do before you are dead. 

Yesterday don't matter, because we can't understand a complete reality.  We are limited.  God is not limited.  He has all the power, and the devil's power is illusionary.  Money has no intrinsic value, and women are by nature evil.  They want your time and money not just your looks and charm and a fat cock.

So the real riddle is, the world is almost worthless, and a good Christian is waiting on Judgement Day and the hope of the resurrection.  I write rock n roll songs, but I am not a clever, shady businessman doing it for the money.  Chuck Berry did many immoral, criminal acts in his life.  I like his music, I don't like him.  But he is known to posterity as the man who invented rock n roll.  The whole genre is about a man writing a song on a guitar and hamming it up infront of an audience.  This is kids stuff.  But I don't want to grow up.

But now I realize, yesterday don't matter.  Kids don't listen to rock n roll anymore.  Money is very important in real life.  If you have no money, you don't survive.  I have no fear of not surviving.  I know I will survive.  But if I want a higher quality of life, I need to earn that money and watch it blow up.

So my teaching is that business is not about who is objectively better or more talented.  It is just warfare.  In war, there is no good guys and bad guys.  It is us vs them.  A good warrior understands if you fight fair, you most likely will lose.  If you fight dirty, and outsmart the opponent you might beat someone who is vastly superior to you.  So my message to the readers of this blog is.  Don't be the better man.  Just survive, learn how to play the game, and how to value peace above all things.

A warrior doesn't go looking for a fight.  He does the opposite.  He avoids all violence, and if you corner him and give him no other option to fight, he fights to the death.  That is what the warrior does. 

So my life is contrasted between grappling which is a kind martial art and music, which is all about love and peace and women and having a ball.  So I combine the very hard and the very soft.  And now that I am old and broken, I can't fight, so all i can do is work and make money and survive and write songs and sing of the glory of the past.

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