Monday, June 8, 2020

The Soft Overcome The Hard

You will find that in every aspect of life, this is true.  The obvious thing is not true.  The counter-intuitive thing is always right.  You did not create the universe.  God created the universe.  A good man is humble and knows he doesn't know.  Humility goeth before honor.

In self defense, if you are tight and big and slow, you won't win.  Good fighters are soft, supple, have hand speed, flexibility, long arms and legs, and are agile on their feet.  They know how to yield.  Self defense is a metaphor.  The soft overcome the hard.

In combat, the evil man wins through treachery.  Combat means stealth and weapons.  It doesn't make you the better man.  It just means you are more sneaky.  But in reality, there is no justice in this world.  Combat is better than self defense.  But best of all is nonviolence.  To win without a fight, is to be the master.

So there are three types of warriors.  The Ninja, the Samurai, and the Saint Soldier.  Everyone knows Ninjas and Samurais from Japanese culture.  But few know what the Saint Soldier is.  The holy book of the Hindus is called the Baghavad Gita.  It is a story told in poetic meter of an archer and his charioteer discussing the nature of success and the meaning of life. 

In brief, it is a story of an archer who doesn't want to fight in a battle of rival clans.  The charioteer, who in folklore is known as God incarnate, instructs him he must do his duty or he is a coward.  In 18 chapters, Krishna instructs Arjuna on the meaning of life and duty.  In the end, Arjuna gets the courage and fights, and wins.  It is a story of courage and doing the right thing.  You can read one thousand books and know little or read the Gita and know every book.  It is one book that summarizes all books.

In America today, there seems to be stratification of society.  The whites and Chinese are the upper class.  The blacks and latinos are the underclass. The Jews know they are wrong but they love the money.  It is easy to manipulate gentile minds.  They are limited.

Indo European is a variant of white, Arab is a variant of Jew.  There are only really five races and two genders in the world.  You won't be too popular talking about gender issues in America.  But I love studying race and racial characteristics. 

Your race and gender is your identity.  It doesn't change within one lifetime.  It is what it is.  Believe in yourself.  You are here for a reason.  God didn't create you by accident.  You deserve it baby.

So in all manners of life, the soft overcome the hard.  The obvious thing is not true.  In any thing in life you can see this.  A man who is muscle bound can't punch.  A man who can't stand up, can't box.  He can't kickbox either. 

Even in sex, the soft overcome the hard.  A man ejaculates in less than 2 minutes.  Some ejaculate in 20 seconds.  A woman needs at least 6 minutes to achieve the first orgasm.  So even the woman is soft, she lasts longer than the man, who is hard.  Even in the bedroom, the soft overcome the hard.

Even in society this is true.  Whites and Chinese are in general terrible athletes.  Blacks and Latinos are the best athletes.  But if you are not Pro or Olympic talent, you don't get anything for it.  The best soccer players are Latin, the best boxers and runners are Black.  Whites and Chinese seem like children in physical maturity compared to ethnic people. 

But in American society, blacks and latinos are downtrodden and poor, and whites and Chinese are rich and succesful.  Physical strength means nothing.  The main thing in success is knowledge, the ability to socialize, and the ability to budget your resources.  Success has little to do with talent.  You must impress this upon the youth.  Don't let them live in fantasy land.  It doesn't help them.  There is no Santa Claus.

Donald Trump is the symptom of an evil society.  Obama tried to help America and came up short.  He is known as a hero.  Trump is hated by everyone, but you can't openly say that, or you will lose your day job.  I have no fear.  The story of America is the story of slavery.  It turns out Americans are more racist and antisemtic and mysogonistic than Nazi Germany or Russia.  But they are sneaky.  If you can make the money and pay the taxes, we will leave you alone.  We love the money.  But money can't buy me love.

I am not trying to incite a race riot.  I am trying to help by exposing America's flaws.  I am more patriotic than most Americans.  I see the obvious problems with this society.  It is deeply flawed.  Self Defense, Combat, and nonviolence, is just a metaphor.  It is philosophy.  In reality, we all need food, sex, and aggression.  It is part of our life.  It is the animal part of man.  But I got to get my jin on too.  I am no different.

If America wants to regain its standing in world society, it must get over race and gender issues.  Men are stronger than women.  Don't oppress them.  Blacks and Latinos are the best athletes, but they are less educated, so they do menial labor.  Don't despise them.  If white people want to stay in power, learn how to unlearn.  Observe other cultures and how they conduct themselves.  South America and Asia has a lot to offer the Anglo American.  Europe and Israel is very liberal and permissive.  Africa seems to be growing the slowest.  They need education and Christianity.   

You will find some day, that power is not power.  Knowledge is power.  When you are educated, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor.  Knowledge is the great equalizer.  I use Aikido as a metaphor for life.  The soft overcome the hard.  Aikido is about talking your way out of situations, and if you must fight, trap them down and pin them, and restrain them till they give up.  Nobody can take on multiple opponents and weapons.  That is Hollywood Karate.  Self Defense means your ability to win a fair fight.  Combat means your ability to hurt and kill.  Self Defense is for children, Combat is by nature sin.

A real man wrestles in high school and college, then he gets a job, a wife, a place of his own, and moves on.  Nonviolence is the discipline of life.  It doesn't make you a coward.  America is less Christian, more antisemitic, and more tolerant towards Islam.  These are dark days.  Brace yourself.

So I will keep living a quiet mystical lifestyle, playing music, writing books about health and nutrition, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.  Most of all I like music, but I also need food, sex, and sport.  I tend to neglect sport.  But I know I am not doomed and most times I am happy as a loon.  So I know I am soft and have the capacity to overcome the hard.  Aikido is  a metaphor for life.  You have a right to defend yourself, but don't be an asshole.

So the beat goes on.  Peace.

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