Sunday, June 21, 2020

King Of All Sports

Obviously, combat sports are for kids.  Nobody fights fair after high school or college age in a parking lot brawl to see who is better.  Nobody cares who is objectively better.  This society is about women and money, and if you fight, you either get shot down or arrested and ass-raped in jail.

But I like combat sports and the concept of self defense.  Most of all, I like the Japanese martial arts.  Collectively, they are known as the Gendai Budo, or Budo, which means 'Self Defense'.  It is not meant to make you a tough guy.  Going to a karate or judo dojo doesn't make you hard.  Japanese martial arts is about zen culture, not how to knock a man out or apply the shimewaza. 

If you can master yourself, you can master the universe.  A human being is heaven and earth in miniature.  We are all a microcasm within a macrocasm.  In reality, we only have power over what happens within not what happens outside our body.  Be humble.

The thing I got from my 15 years of Judo practice is how to be mentally tough.  In the beginning, you lose all your matches.  But after a while, you start to apply in randori what you learned in the class.  It is by trying, experimenting, and finally learning how it works in sparring that you learn it for yourself.  So all Judo is an individual thing.  My style is not your style.  I know maybe three or four throws, three or four pins, one armbar, and two chokes.  But if I can do it against any opponent in any situation, I know these techniques.  I have internalized them.

So Self Defense is just a myth.  Martial artists are punks.  But I am a good punk.  I know I am not Cassius.  I am not even Mayweather.  I am a takedown expert and I know what I can and cannot do.  Combat sport is fair, you get on the mat and you see who is better.  And ultimately, by 35 you are too old and slow.  The main thing is speed, power, and conditioning, and by 35 you are already starting to age.  So combat sports and self defense is for young people.  Get involved in your teenage years, and don't stop till you retire at 30 or 35.

There are many good things about sport.  Judo is the second biggest sport in the world next to Soccer.  Obviously, people around the world see the value of Judo.  It is not just physical education or team combat for the military.  It has use for rearing strong, competitive youth.  In the USA, Judo is not that established because there is no Pro Judo, so there is no money to be made.  So what is the point of funding full time athletes?  It will never pay off economically.  America is about money and everything else.  But money can't buy me love.

So I am glad I have over 20 years of grappling experience.  Shootfighting is the original MMA.  Judo and Sambo is jacket wrestling.  Boxing is about being tough and not conforming.  I am rich in experience. 

Besides martial arts, I have also done music for over 20 years.  I have played guitar for a quarter of a century.  I started right when Kurt Cobain died and the music industry was reeling.  The music of the 0s and teens was garbage.  With the death of grunge rock, music became very commercial and chinsy.  It is more about the appearance and personality of the performer and not how good they are.  There are very few good musicians out there now.

So what I am trying to say is, martial arts and combat sports doesn't make you hard, it makes you mentally tough, and get involved in hobbies and stick with them all your life.  If you don't have 20 years experience, you are not the master.  I am the master.  So bow down bitches.

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