Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Gospel

I know religion makes you less popular in this current cultural milieu, but frankly, I don't give a damn.

Christianity is not a mythology.  The bible is not just some book.  Yes, not all of it is historically accurate.  But it is not written by God.  God does not have a hand, a pen, a book, nor the desire to be known.  He doesn't write.  Men write.  The bible is inspired scripture, and there are even some scriptures not included in the official modern bible, including The Book of Enoch, which is probably the most important book in the world.

I am not saying become a devout Christian and leave the world.  Don't even convert to the Jehovah's Witness religion.  I am saying, both the bible and meditation can help you lead a better life with less suffering and more success.  Even a simple black dude who reads the bible and prays and puts the principles into action can succeed according to his talent.

The Hebrew Scriptures are not just mythology or folklore.  They contain myths, and poems, and wise sayings, and history, and law, and ethics, and dietary laws, and laws of hygiene.  The Jewish tradition is rich.  But it lacks something.  They don't talk about Judgement Day and the conclusion of this system of things.  If this system had a beginning, it will have an end too.  Every beginning has an end.  This is simple logic. 

The whole story of the bible can be summarized as Paradise Lost.  LIfe began in an Idyllic Paradise, and we acquired sin and fell.  The devil rules the world, and each subsequent generation gets worse not better.  So the only hope for the downtrodden and oppressed is Christianity.  I believe we are in the end times.  I cannot say exactly when it will end, but this is obviously the most crapulent generation ever.  The internet and smartphone ruined my life, and it ruined yours too.

There are more fake jobs, less social interaction, people get less exercise, they use dating sites to find girlfriends.  People are addicted to pornography.  Technology ruins everything, because it makes you dependent on the technology.  So when you are given something, you are enabled, and when you learn to do it for yourself, you gain strength.

I know how to draw by hand and how to play an acoustic guitar fingerstyle.  I have old school skills in a time when most people have no real skills.  The musicians these days have so much technical virtuousity and speed in their fingers, but they got no rhythm and soul.  So they produce crappy music.  Over 90% of modern musicians suck.  In art, if you don't learn to draw by hand first, you will not be a great artist.  Every great artist, up to Van Gogh learned art by drawing by hand first.  Van Gogh's drawings were phenomenal and I admire them.  He died penniless, and was only known to posterity.

So the Christian worldview is right.  When you look at the liberal media, all you see is veganism, and homosexuality, and transgender rights, and bashing white people and calling Donald Trump a loser.  But this is opposite.  The world is too liberal.  If you keep your integrity til Judgement Day, you will not be destroyed.  The main feature of a good person is integrity.  They refuse to do evil.  Some can't do exceptional works of goodness.  But as long as you don't harm the innocent, you will not be punished. 

I tie this in with my career as such.  I will continue doing art and music.  But I will infuse judeochristian concepts in my cartoons and songs.  There is Voodoo in art and there is a genre called the Gospel Blues.  So you can use creativity as a form of worship.  Most people don't do Christianity right.  They do Churchianity.  They show up to Church on Sunday in their finest clothing and they go through the motions and they socialize but they are not kind, forgiving, humble people.  So I don't need to go to Church.  I need the bible, prayer, meditation, diet and exercise, and above all, art and music.  When you create, you are using sexual energy to create something new. 

Don't sit around masturbating to Pornhub all day.  You will waste your life.  Moderate your ejaculations  Save some of that creative energy for art and music and poetry.  The Gospel is, good will win in the end.  The Israelite slaves will know freedom.  And the Masters of War will be crushed.

It turns out, the media is fake.  The best fighters are not in MMA.  The best lovers are not in Porno.  The best looking guys are not in Hollywood.  Those guys are gay drug users who rape children and worship the devil.  Boxing is a fair contest, but is not realistic self defense.  It is just entertainment.  When it comes down to it, the best musician are not in pop music.  They are in the church.  And they never get rich nor famous.  I am both a musician and I am quite handsome and athletic.  But I am neither rich nor famous.  Because there is no justice in this world.  Success is not based on who is fitter or better or has more talent.  It is based on guile and deception and stealth.  That is why Anglo Americans and Europeans are the richest people, because they understand military tactics, which is based on stealth.  You don't get more for being the better man, you get less.  There is no justice.

But in this conclusion of this system of things, there is hope in the resurrection.  I am becoming more Christian and realize it is the best faith for a reason.  All the concepts seem true.  But there is something beyond prayer and scriptures.  These are just the basic tools of religion.  But you go to start somewhere. 

So the gospel is, good will win in the end.  It only appears weak and slow and vulnerable.  But good men have no fear.  So I will sing my song and draw my picture and live in hope.  Meanwhile, I can enjoy earthly women and eat lacto ovo vegetarian food.  I might even eat some ceviche every now and then.  Life is good.  It could be a lot worse.

People should know there is nothing right about the world.  But if this evil world had a beginning, it will have an end to.  And that should be a comfort for good people.

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