Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lighter Fare

I think I will take a break from morality, metaphysics, the fallacy of Aryan Supremacy, the Asiatic Black Man, and all other controversial subjects and spend some time gabbing about nutrition.

Nutrition is the first thing you should learn in life.  It is before money, women, dating, self defense, morality, religion, zen, socializing, history, math, economics, etc...  Nutrition is first thing.

Most people in America don't know the basics.  They are eating too much, getting fat and sick and going to the doctor to fix them.  The doctor is not your friend.  He is getting a paycheck.  It is not a service, it is a dayjob.  He gets over 300 dollars per hour to talk to you and give you advice.  He is a thief.  I am not a thief.  I am a health education expert.  I'll teach your ass.

Better than medication and surgery is avoiding disease in the first place.  A strong body with a healthy immune system can fight off any disease including Corona Virus and STDs.  Stay strong, and you won't have to worry about anything.  All of life is a fight, we are not living in Paradise.  Even if you don't fight, you are a warrior anyway.  This is the secret teaching of the Gita.

The basic thing in nutrition is protein and fiber and enough starch to fuel your lifestyle.  Eat mostly rice and vegetables, and you will get adequate fiber, starch, vitamins, and minerals, and water.  Most people eat too much protein not too little.  You are not suffering from a protein deficiency.  On the contrary, you are probably eating way too much.  But more protein means more strength and more satiety.  It is good to overdo protein, but dont over do overdoing it.

The Atkins diet was a good innovation in the 1970s.  Back then, the obesity epidemic was getting insane.  It is not a lifestyle diet.  It is a fix for unbalanced metabolism.  A real diet involves protein, vegetables, grain, and fruit.  Those in general are the four food groups.  There are also small things like tea, coffee, seeds, nuts, condiments.  But the main thing is protein and starch and produce.  That is a complete meal.

What I am trying to say is, Americans don't know the basics.  They are much richer than other countries, but are living a lower quality of life.  I have less money and more joy, and you have more money and less joy.  So who's better?

The main thing in life is work/life balance.  Even if you don't have a paying dayjob, you are working. If you can do more than eat, sleep, and shit, you are doing work.  The pay does not matter.  Everything in life is action and consequence.  Your actions come back to you.

So in the past 3 months, I have learned to live on lighter fare.  That includes eggs, rice, vegetables, beans, tuna, some fruit, coffee and herbal tea, so on and so forth.  I do not eat only protein and vegetables and lift weights.  I do not want to look like a muscle fatty.  That is not my goal.  Longevity, disability free lifespan, and dying without pain is my goal.  That is all TCM promises you.  But that is enough.

So every day, I practice one hour of music and one hour of cooking.  Day by day, my music and cooking improves.  Who knows where I will be in five or ten years?  Like Jigoro Kano said, 'where there is effort, there is always results.'  If you do good work , it goes out into the universe and comes back to you.  So don't do wrong.  And if you do wrong, don't complain about the White Man or blame God or the Devil.  This is mythology.  This is not science.  Vedanta means spiritual science.  Hinduism is a scientific religion.  It is a way to live in the world, but not be of the world.  The world is worthless anyway.

So I subsist on lighter fare, and my life has improved not gotten worse.  Less is more.  I don't need beef, bacon, chicken, lamb, bread, pasta, milk, or anything from Starbucks.  This is called merchandise.  I eat food not merchandise.  Merchandise is actually poison.

When you learn to like simple, plain things, your life improves.  Less is more.  Simple is always better.  I get most of my protein from eggs, and most of my starch from white rice.  I eat lots of vegetables and drink a lot of fluids like juice and herbal tea.  Most people in America are overfed, I've met vegans who are underfed.  But in my case, I am perfectly nourished.  The Buddha once said, 'Moderation destroys all sorrow.'  He was right.  By avoiding extremes of normal behavior, you stay happy.  And happiness is the meaning of life.

So word to the wise.  Eat lighter fare, spend less on food, don't obsess about gourmet food.  It actually does more harm than good.  So avoid extremes of human behavior.  Hit the one in the middle.  The secret of life, from a movie about an Italian boxer.  Hit the one in the middle not any extreme but the one between too much and too little.

I am eating lighter fare and I am doing well.  Peace.

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