Saturday, June 27, 2020

They Don't Make Them Like They Used To

You can observe, if you look with an unbiased eye, that everything in society is degrading.  They don't make them like they used to.  In the span of one generation, which is 20 years, society gets worse not better. 

In the 1960s, America was exploding.  Things were better than ever.  The abundance of the 1950s led to the explosion of the 1960s.  And it all centered around rock n roll.  It was originally a black people's music invented by Robert Johnson, made famous by Muddy Waters, and brought to the masses by Chuck Berry.  But in the 1960s, the British musicians took the ball and ran with it.

This was the climax of western civilization.  Even the British bluesmen were not as talented as the musicians they were inspired by.  Jimmy Page was not as talented as Robert Johnson.  Eric Clapton was very good, but wasn't as good as the BB King that inspired him.  Later, Stevie Ray Vaughn was inspired by Albert King and had tremendous technical virtousity.  But white dudes ain't got the same soul.

The main act of the 1960s was the Beatles.  Their talent was extraordinary and they raised the bar for everyone.  At the same time, they made music about being good looking, popular, exuberant, and appealing to the teenage girls who just want to spend their money and dream of pretty boys.  The Beatles were the first boy band.

You can see that the 1960s was the climax of Western Civilization.  Muhammed Ali was the greatest boxing champion of the modern era.  Jack Johnson was the first strong black man to prove Aryan Supremacy is just a myth.  But twenty years later, Mike Tyson became synonymous with boxing.  So in one generation, it went from a heroic champion who could walk the walk and talk the talk, to some sleazy criminal from the Catskills who decided to take up pugilism.  Everything is degrading.

Even in music you can see the same thing.  John Lennon led the Beatles.  He was neither the most good looking nor the most talented, Paul was, but he was the leader because he had the most love.  As the Beatles popularity move on, he became disillusioned with fame and wealth and celebrity.  He went to India to learn Yoga from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  Every good celebrity gets tired of fame and fortune and realizes the best things in life are free.  George understood yoga better, but John was more a man of action and was inspired to act.  The Beatles broke up in 1970, which is 50 years ago. 

John Lennon's solo career was impressive.  Some people don't like it because it was too avant garde, but I think the opposite.  The Beatles music was clever pop music designed to manipulate your emotions.  John' solo career was an expression from within.  He was exploring himself, exploring the world, and making political commentary.  He was the first celebrity who tried to use his fame and wealth for good.  He started a trend. 

I like the songs from the 1970s that he wrote.  'Nobody Told Me', 'Watching the Wheels' 'Imagine' 'Instant Karma' and 'Jealous Guy' were great songs.  I don't like chinsy pop music.  I like exploration and innovation.  A good musician pushes the boundaries.

When John Lennon was murdered in 1980, the world lost something.  In the 1990s, grunge rock rose about as an attempt to counter the commercial pop rock of the 1980s.  That stuff was crap.  All the poodle pop musicians of the 1980s weren't interested in music and poetry, they just wanted money and fame and groupies.  Grunge rock was an attempt to save music and save America.  But they failed.  I remember Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam.  I was a teenager during the 1990s, the last great era of music.  I really liked Nirvana, they were genius.  Kurt Cobain was handsome, intelligent, irreverant, talented, and rebellious.  He was the best thing since the Beatles. 

But ultimately, musicians are just punks who do drugs and sleep with groupies.  They are not heros.  Most of them live terrible lives.  Kurt Cobain was essentially a depressed man who did drugs, hated himself, and eventually commited suicide.  He left behind a wife, a fatherless child, and music was not the same after him.  It was 1994 when he died.  I discovered the Beatles that year too.  And that is what started it all.

So from Muhammed Ali to Mike Tyson and from John Lennon to Kurt Cobain was a big degredation.  Muhammed Ali was a hero, Mike Tyson is a skillful criminal.  John Lennon was an enormous talent who was murdered, Kurt Cobain was a mentally ill genius who commited suicide.  I see the signs.  Even within my small view of music and martial arts, I can observe the trend.  The JudeoChristian bible is not mythology.  We are in the end times.  I cant imagine what the current generation will do.

They don't make them like they used to.  Now, I am 41 which is considered middle aged.  I don't despise the youth, I just see them as young fools.  I'd like to teach their ass.  But they don't believe me. 

In the past 20 years, music is crap, and is all about looks and personality and not about music and poetry.  I only watch videos on YouTube from the 50s and 60s.  Even martial arts is garbage now.  Boxing is all about speed and power and aggression and nobody has a jab or footwork.  That Tyson Fury guy strolls around the ring throwing wild punches, but if he lands its over.  Boxing has degraded, MMA is a vicious cage beatdown.  The times are not improving.  A good man keeps his integrity and realizes the bible is not mythology.  The bible is consolation in an evil world.

But if you understand more than the scriptures, you realize the system of things had a beginning and it will have an end.  But every end is a beginning and every beginning an end.  So I am not afraid.  I know one system will die and a new one will be born.  So I have no fear. 

I am getting tired of combat sports because it is all aggression and gets boring.  But music is essential in life.  Music is emotional therapy, and we are all emotionally ill.  Everyone needs music, not everyone needs art or books.  Musicians will never go out of business.

I have 5 albums online.  I also have 2 books.  And I've made money in copywriting and blogging.  I consider myself succcesful even though I am not rich.  I am just making do.  The main thing in real life is work/life balance.  You can't live without working.  If your work is fun and your play is fun and your sleep is fun, then your whole life is fun.  And I just want to have fun. 

So I observe society degrading but I don't interact.  I don't like society.  I spend most of my time alone.  But I am happy as a loon.  I do not want to postpone judgement day, I want to make it come sooner.  The sooner I die and the system dies, the sooner there will be Paradise again.  And that is what I want, Paradise.

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