Monday, June 29, 2020

The MTV Generation

I grew up in the 1990s.  I started high school in 1992 and graduated in 1996.  By the late 90s, I was already a man.  My whole high school experience was colored by watching MTV all evening and weekend long.  I didn't do much extracurricular activities besides swimming and wrestling.  And I wasn't a great athlete.

The thing was, I hated waking up at 6am every morning.  Back then, I was suffering from Crohn's Disease which is a disease of the intestine.  I didn't know back then that all diseases are rooted in disbiosis of the intenstinal flora.  You cure your gut, and you cure your life.  Nutrition is not everything, but is the first thing you must learn to be equipped for life.  There are 40 year olds who don't know nutrition, so they are obese, and stooped, and cant fight, and can't get an erection.  This is a disgrace.  A 40 year old obese man who needs viagra is a loser.  But I digress.

I was sick all my youth.  Crohn's not only affects your gut but your brain too.  So I didn't learn until later how to help myself.  So all I did during my high school career was begrudgingly wake up, fake it during school, come home, sleep from 3pm to 6pm and then watch MTV all weekend long.  This is not a real youth, but it is better than dying. 

Back then, MTV did not suck.  There was music, and reality TV shows, and Beavis and Butthead which I thought was genius.  Those where the days.  I loved Beavis and Butthead, because it was so crude and yet so sophisticated in its intellect and criticism of society.  Reality TV shows were also cool.  The Real World set in NYC was great.  I learned some things from watching good looking young people living in an apartment not paying rent and being videotaped all day.  You can learn from fake shit too.  A wise man learns from both wise man and a fool.  The key feature of a wise man, is that he is always learning.  Therefore he is always growing.  The day you stop learning, is the day you die.

But most of all MTV was about music.  Grunge Rock was big in the 1990s.  Nirvana was the biggest hit.  But there was Pearl Jam and SoundGarden and Stone Temple Pilots and some other things like hip hop and pop music.  But I did not like the black kid's sound.  And I think pop music is garbage.  The white kids listen to more sophisticated music because they have more innate intelligence.  All this rock n roll music is directly descended from Chuck Berry.  It started with 3 chord songs and people took the ball and ran with it.  Rock n Roll is America's contribution to society.  And nowadays, it is a dead genre.  That is a pity.

So all my youth, I didn't do extracurricular activities and socialize and date.  I just went home, slept, jerked off, and watched MTV.  Your youth is the foundation of your life.  You waste your youth, and you waste your life.  That is stupid.  Don't grow up too quick.  Get skills, explore hobbies, don't impregnate your high school girlfriend.  You can do handjobs and mutual masturbation and eat pussy.  You do not need coitus that bad.  It's not worth it.  Masturbation is good.  Masturbation is great.  Rock on Condaleeza Rice.  You got soul.

So now that I am 41, I can look back on a misspent youth.  But have the wisdom and desire to teach the youth not to be rebellious punks.  You don't win that way.  You win by doing the opposite.  But I digress.

By 1995, I started playing guitar.  By 1998, I started grappling.  Shootfighting is the original MMA.  Submission comes from Japan, not Brazil or Russia or the USA.  All Japanese martial arts instructors teach judo, karate, jujutsu, aikido, and some have talent in freestyle wrestling.  The best men do Greco.. Upper Body Wrestling takes the most physical strength and dominant genome.  So Greco champs are the kings of the earth. 

In my youth, I developed a desire for music videos and I worshiped Olympic grapplers like the Greco Roman Wrestlers and Judokas.  Boxing seemed like punk aggression.  And when MMA came out, I saw it as fake bullshit.  I do not like Boxing and MMA, but I see its gross entertainment value.  It is no better or worse than pornography.  It is all seedy entertainment for a seedy society.

I am not insulting America to put you down.  I am trying to expose your flaws to help rectify yourself.  America has base values.  In an open market economy, it is just a heartless battle for resources that already exist.  The government can give it to us for free, but instead, they make us work at least 40 hours per week just to afford a home and a wife and some children.  So we are all slaves.  Good, Bad, and Indifferent, we are all wage slaves.  My hour is worth more than 15 dollars.  It is worth more than 100 dollars.  What is an hour worth?  On your death bed, you would gladly give a million dollars for one more hour.  But God does not accept currency.  He can't be bought.  He sees no value in money, and despises women.  But your whole shtick is money and women.  So you are wrong, and I have better values.

I wasted my youth.  But it wasn't a complete waste.  Zen, music, wrestling, grappling, swimming, even pornography was fun.  I had fun, and sowed seeds for the future.  Now that all is done, I can only have music now.  So I ended where I started, with music videos.  Every day, I watch Lightnin Hopkins and Chuck Berry and John Lee Hooker videos.  Most of them are in black and white but I don't care.  Sometimes, I explore other things like flamenco and grunge rock and even pop music.  But when I watch Nirvana or Pearl Jam, it reminds of the past.  And I don't like that.

In music, I traced the daughters back to the mother.  Rock n Roll comes from Chuck Berry.  He was the most important innovator of the genre.  Every boy wants to sing and play guitar and write his own songs and perform on stage and be a ham.  That comes from Chuck Berry not Elvis or Buddy Holly.  The Beatles were chinsy pop music for girls to swoon over.  They were the British answer to Elvis.  This is kids stuff.  Real music is the song of the slaves.  Music and Poetry of the oppressed minorites.  I am not black and yet I feel I am a slave too.  So I sing the blues.

So life is just like music.  You end where you started, on the rootnote.  A song begins in one place, goes through a bunch of changes, and resolves to the one.  So all of life is like music.  You come full circle.  I started in music videos and I ended music videos.  So I have nothing to complain about. 

All the convolusions and experience of my life taught me lessons.  Even MTV taught me lessons about what not to value.  Pop music is crap.  Reality TV shows are fake.  Beavis and Butthead is crude art and crude humor.  So I have learned to unlearn.  In the end, all I want is zen and morality and music and poetry.  So that is what I am going do.  If I get paid to have fun, then I kill two birds with one stone. 

So now, I am working on monetizing my YouTube channel.  I should also learn to sell more articles online.  I can work from home and supplement my income with music and copywriting.  So even now, I am not totally bereft.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Don't give up.

So I am glad I grew up in the final good generation.  We had good music, and although we were rebellious, we still listened to our parents.  I pity this modern generation.  They have nothing going for them.  A full head of hair and sick pack means nothing.  You will be slow and hunchback and bald someday too.  That is if you live to see 40.  Some people don't make that far.  I made it to middle age as as  a morally good man.

I know the prognosis is good.  So I will continue until I am done.  My plans are to keep working online from home.  Essentially I am a musician and author.  I don't need my scholastic educations.  It didn't help me.  College is just a scam.  You learn by doing.

What I have done, I have mastered.  And now that judo is no longer and option, I can do what I can do.  So I will keep doing it.  Se La Vi.

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