Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Great Thing About Aikido

There are a panopoly of styles to choose from when selecting a martial arts school.  Since the advent of MMA, karate has lost popularity.  It went from being the master to being the champion.

But anyone who understands MMA knows it is based on wrestling with elements of Muay Thai and Submission Grappling.  Most succesful MMA guys have freestyle wrestling backgrounds.

But this is kids stuff.  I don't like MMA and the bully beatdowns.  I have been involved in Shootfighting, judo, and Combat Sambo since 1998.  And I am tired of it.  Self Defense is a mythology.  Nobody after high school or college age brawls to see who is better.  Self Defense and kumite is by nature just an exercise.  Don't take yourself so seriously.

When you are 30 or older, but still interested in survival and combat, take up Aikido or Tai Chi.  Anything real has a competitive element to it.  If you are too dangerous to spar, you don't the timing and reflexes of a trained fighter.

There is a kind of Aikido that involves randori or free-fighting.  It is called Tomiki Aikido.  I was fortunate enough to choose a judo school that also teaches karate, jujutsu, and tomiki aikido.  The Japanese martial arts is like a religion not just about being tough or brave.

Now that I am older, I realize violence is wrong.  I learned that young, fell back into depravity, only to return to my original face.  Tomiki Aikido is the best thing for me.

In Tomiki Aikido, there is a randori element to training.  It is the ideal martial art for the police, since it involves trapping, pinning, and defenses against stick, knife, and gun.  Karate is for children, and MMA is for brawlers.  I am not interested in MMA.

Judo was a big part of my life.  It looks cool, it is useful, and it is like wrestlemania.  But now that I am over 40, I would be beat by young guys with less talent.

So the great thing about Aikido is, even a slow, weak, crippled man can do it and learn to survive.  Eastern culture is not about morality or the bible or judgments of right and wrong.  It is simply about nature, and in nature, animals raise their children in hopes they will survive and carry on the genome.

So there is morality in nature, but we don't see it.  Just educating and feeding your children is morality.  Not do this don't do that.  That is hypocrisy.  Every Asian knows, there is no morality in food or sex.  Some eat pork bacon and some don't.  Some are celibate, some are monogamous, and some are polyamorous.  By nature, morality makes you a hypocrite.

So I admire the culture of China and Japan.  It all originated in India, but the Chinese and Indian are radically different people.  I like Indian food because i am more a western man than an eastern man, but I admire aspects of Chinese culture. 

So I want to train judo and Aikido again and shut up.  I have talent in matwork and Aikido.  I feel USA Judo is not strong enough because we are amateurs competing against pros.  But the country will grow.

So the thing about Aikido is, you learn to distinguish combat from self defense.  Self Defense or brawling is for kids.  Combat means stealth and weapons, and is useful for survival.  You must survive, all ideas about the afterlife are hogwash.  Live for this life.  Food is good, sex is good, music is good, art is good, etc...

I dig Asian women and see them as the most delicate and refined.  Black girls are the opposite.  They are strong and sexy.  Every black dude secretly admires Bruce Lee, Chinese food, and the massage parlors.  I aint lying.

So I will continue my training in judo and Aikido and be happy with it.

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