Sunday, July 5, 2020

Meet Me At The Bottom

If you are really honest with yourself, you know we are all suffering and in doubt.  I have problems just like you have problems, but most people are interested in gain in society, and hide their problems behind a veneer.  I am more honest and blunt and have nothing to hide.  I know this doesn't make me a popular person, but I would rather have integrity than be popular.

I know we are all equal.  We are not all equal in talent or merit or looks or money.  But we are all equal in that we took a human birth, we have a chance to win salvation, and we have the chance to acquire knowledge.

Howlin Wolf wrote a song called, 'Meet Me At The Bottom'.  Like many of his hits, it is passionate and raw and full of soul.  He was a great musician, and had a great backing band including Hubert Sumlin on rhythm guitar.  The blues is a music about hardship and loneliness and poverty.  That is why I identify with the blues.

When I play, I don't sound like the delta bluesmen.  I sound more happy and upbeat with a more major tonality.  I play rock n roll and rhythm and blues on an acoustic guitar.  I get a lot of fun from performing infront of people.  I perform everywhere I can bring my guitar, including the park, the beach, the Open Mics in my area, and for gigs.  I even play outside my home.

When I perform, I think about making other people happy.  I am not just doing it for myself.  It is a great experience every time I play and I get satisfaction from playing and talking and preaching.

The blues is not evil music.  It is music about real life, just the way it is.  The world is evil, but that is not my fault.  So coming to the conclusion that the blues is the devil's music is a reductionist worldview.  The blues is the music of reality. 

So I will continue innovating on my sound and writing songs.  The possibility of the guitar is endless.  With six strings and twelve frets, there is infinite creativity.  So I will continue what I am doing and be happy with it.

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