Friday, July 3, 2020

Once Again Back Is The Incredible...

I decided I won't give up on this blog completely.  I just won't give away free advice or ideas and work for free.  My future involves graphic design, some books and albums, and getting involved in sports again.

This is July 4 weekend.  We celebrate the birthday of the United States of America.  Obviously, it's a sin to be rich.  But I am indebted to this country, because it is better than being poor in other countries.  Poor in the USA is like rich in other countries.  It is possible to live in the USA and not assimilate to American culture.

Lots of people do this.  What I like best about American culture is mostly the pop art and music which comes from the poor and downtrodden.  I most of all like rock n roll music and comic books.  I feel I was destined for showbusiness.  But even if this never happens, I don't care.  There is no success.

In my youth, I mastered Hindu philosophy and Kodokan Judo.  I am not a beginner.  I am both a healer with a philosophical mindset and a takedown expert.  This philosophy of being a saint soldier empowers me to do what I want to do.

I know we are all going to die.  The purpose of life is simply to have fun and exist.  I was brainwashed by an evil family with wrong ideas.  There are few good Jews, and I have not met one authentic Christian.  But I see Vedanta, or Yogic philosophy, as having the capacity to civilize the gentiles.  Philosophy doesn't work in a cage brawl.  But Hindu Philosophy is not about philosophy.  It is about being courageous in both love and war.  I avoid confrontation and seek out love.  I could rise to honor if I had to, but I want to live in peace.  I just want to have fun and find friends and lovers.

So this July 4, before you throw another shrimp on the barbie, or scarf down another hot dog, think and reflect on how you can be a better person.  The point of life is not to acquire stuff or to win anything.  It is simply to be happy and useful.

On that note, I will look forward to getting more graphic design jobs, writing more illustrated books, and even play some music here and there.  I am glad I am here and not in Israel or Africa or South America.  The real leader of the free world is now Europe and Asia.  America is falling behind.  But I can take advantage of this situation and eek out an existence.

Darwin knew that he was full of bologna.  He once said, 'it is neither the strongest nor the most intelligent that survives, but the most adaptable to change.'  That means, strength and intelligence and beauty is almost useless.. The main thing in surviving is the ability to choose between right and wrong and go where the best chances for survival are.  That is why the Chinese are the most successful people in the USA.  They are neither the most beautiful, the most strong, nor the most intelligent.  But they can observe what works, and they cling to what works and discard what doesn't.  So they win. 

All eastern philosophy and culture arises from Indian thought.  But the Chinese took the ball and ran with it.  And then the Japanese preserved the original Chan Buddhism in its original form which they call Zen. 

Japan does business, warfare, and dating similar to America.  But they got more pinnache and style and spirit.  So Japan is growing, and America is sinking.  The reason is, Japan did not abandon faith.  They incorporate a more realistic faith into their lifestyle, and don't argue Christianity vs Evolution vs Veganism vs Gay rights vs Donald Trump is a loser.  Their lifestyle is their faith.  Every aspect of life is part of their irreverent yet spiritual culture. 

So no matter what you do or don't do, philosophy is part of your life.  It is not a useless academic subject.  It can literally be the difference between comiting suicide and living one more day.

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