Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Survival of the Fittest

By nature, life is not fair.  The better man never wins.  So survival of the fittest, natural selection, and evolution of species is wrong.  In this society, you are not rewarded for being more handsome, more honest, or more straightforward.  By nature, talent is useless. The main thing in success is the ability to socialize, to use military strategy to outsmart the customer, and to manage your resources.

Life is not about who is better.  America is not better.  Communism failed because it is unrealistic to expect everyone to be peace hippies and share the wealth.  Nobody really cares.  Capitalism appeals to lowest common denominator.  But Capitalism proves to be failing, and Europe and Israel is making strides over America.  America seems a joke in the past 40 years.  It is a nation in decline, I came to America 40 years ago, around the turn of the late 70s and early 80s.  So I came to America right before it was about to decline.

I am not the worst man in the best country.  It is the opposite.  I am the only good man in a Godless nation of capitalist thieves.  I don't work for the money.  I work to do a good job, and the money and results is just a side benefit.  This is the Hindu worldview.  Do your work and life as a service to humanity, and fame and wealth will naturally follow.

Warfare is by nature sin.  We are meant to live in Paradise sharing wealth.  But in this society, you must defeat all your enemies and keep the wealth to yourself.  So I conclude that Capitalism is the worst system of economy ever, and Americans are heartless criminals.  Success in an artificial economy has nothing to do with survival of the fittest.  It is the converse.  The strongest, most dominant males don't usually succeed.  Because they are genetically dominant, they are angry and agressive and get involved in physical acts of violence, and get punished by the system.

So it is opposite.  There is spiritual culture and there is consumeristic culture.  Russia failed, and now America is failing.  I am determined to eek out an existence and find a girl to impregnate to bring forth seed in the world.

I am way more talented than the average graphic designer, and in my youth, I mastered judo, and my matwork level was Olympic level.  I am better than the jokes on the USA Judo squad.  These guys never win anything.  It is an embarassment. Americans don't value Judo because it is for military combat and less for self defense.

But by nature, self defense is a myth.  Nobody fights without weapons.  Nobody fights fair.  Nobody gets sex for free.  Rock n Roll is kid's music.  Youth culture is by nature a foolish proposition.  America died a long time ago.  And now the world is dying too.

So the biblical idea that the Anglo American Empire is the last evil empire seems true.  Persia, Syria, Babylon, Rome, and USA are all evil empires.  They conquered and eventually were destroyed from within.

Life in society is not about survival of the fittest.  I see most rich men as punks who have four inch cocks.  Without their money, their wives would leave them for a real man who is tough and athletic and has a big cock.

So it is opposite.  It is survival of the sleeziest.  Self Defense is a myth.  Nobody after high school age gets free sex.  Rock n Roll is kid's music.  Chuck Berry invented the American teenager and the concept of youth culture.  And that was the biggest mistake ever.

There is no hope for the USA, and I plan on leaving.  My graphic design skills are sharp, and I can be succesful in other places.  Now that I am too old for judo, and I can continue Aikido practice.  The life of a martial artist is about teaching and learning for your whole life.

I had a background in shootfighting and boxing not just judo and sambo.  I am probably the best trained fighter in New York City.  I am a living legend.  But you don't have to believe me.

So in my life, I finished TCM school, mastered music, mastered the field of Graphic Design, and sparred at a high level.  An average boxer can beat grapplers at their own game.  That is how ridiculous martial arts and combat sports are.  Athletes beat martial artists.  They are not fit or strong or fast like real athletes.  Everyone over 30 knows wrestling and martial arts is for kids.  If you want to be an athlete, start sparring at 15 and stick with it until your 30s or 40s.  No combat sport is real fighting.  Boxing is the most realistic self defense system on earth, and by nature, it is flawed.  All sport fighting is flawed.  MMA is not a real street beef.

So I sound un-American when I say Christianity is a myth, Capitalism is sin, MMA is for punks, medicine and education should be an inalienable right of every citizen, and if you can't work, you deserve basic income.  They have basic income in Portugal but not here.

So America is a retarded youth culture.  That is my honest opinion.  All their values stem from disbelieving in Christianity, and there are deep anti-semitic, mysognistic, and racist sentiments in America.  I want to leave this country.  But I am alone, and I must work hard to attain this goal.

I would be happier in Israel and visit Japan regularly.  Israel is the high culture of the Western tradition, and Japan is the epitome of East Asian culture.  I do not want to visit Europe, Africa, or Latin America.

I know my art is exceptional and people in Israel see me as a hero while people in Japan see me as an enlightened being.  I see Jews and Asians as variants of the same race.  I want to explore Jewish culture and Asian culture.  They are aspects of the same thing.

So survival in America has nothing to do with survival of the fittest.  You are not the fittest.  If you are fat and flabby and have ugly, autistic children, your genome is not strong.  Just look in the mirror.  Talent has nothing to do with success.

So I vow to continue developing as a copywriter and designer.  I don't see it as a job, I see it as survival.  I am the fittest of the species.  I have the most dominant genome.  And I am probably the most talented graphic designer in this country.  So I must see work as a way to get my desired goal, of independence and leaving America.  I wasted almost 40 years in a nation in decline.

I am the fittest.  And if you don't believe me, I will prove you wrong.  It is neither the most intelligent nor the most strong that survives but the most adaptable to change.  That is why Jews and Asians are the best at making money, because they don't even value things like beauty and strength and SAT scores and being an actor in Hollywood.  They simply educate the youth, venerate the elders, show deference for the youth, and keep the traditions of their culture.  I am a type of Hispanic Jew and I feel antisemitism.  So I belong in a country where Jews are the majority not a hated minority.

This is a divided nation.  I see no end to the racial divide.  Even in designs and cartoons,  I can make political commentary on America's situation.  The answer is not to riot in the street of fight against police officers.  The answer is to get educated, get a job, get a wife, give to charity, go to church, volunteer, and lessen your own feelings of bias towards the oppressed.

My copywriting and design career is my service to humanity.  I don't do it for the paycheck or so I can have the funds to marry and own a home.  I do it for vindication, and fight the good fight every day.

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