Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Work and Work Out

Life in America is very simple.  You work a day job, you work out on the evenings, and you date on the weekends.  Friday and Saturday night is most appropriate to going to a bar or nightclub and socializing or dating your girlfriend or wife.

Of course, this lifestyle is ridiculous.  In Europe and Israel, people are much more loose and liberal and do what they feel.  America is a con game and we are being duped by our own government.  Nobody says when you must work and when you must play and when you must exercise.  This society is based on the plantation system and encourages conformity and submissiveness.

An intelligent man can see that this whole society is about slavery.  Without hard, physical black and mestizo men, we wouldn't be able to cultivate land in a temperate zone.  Man is not meant to live in a temperate zone.  He is meant to live in a semi tropical environment like Florida or Mexico or Jamaica.  Our main foodstuff should be fruit and rice.

So your whole life in America is eating coffee and eggs and bacon for breakfast to give you the strength to exchange 8 hours for some pesos and then go home, eat dinner, and raise your kids on the evenings and weekends.  This is not a real life.

But since I live in America, and have done so for the past 40 years, I must now learn to conform to the system in order to beat the system.  That is the only way to beat it.

My degree in graphic design will help me.  It helps me in work, in designing book covers, in designing album covers, in increasing my knowledge of computers.  The real ability to survive is the ability to adapt.  It is not about being faster or stronger or better.  The Olympics is just an ideal.  Sport is not reality.  Survival is nothing like wrestling or judo.  It is more like Tai Chi, in Kung fu, there are no winners and losers, there is only the quick and the dead.

So I must learn to survive an evil society.  I can work, and I can work out, and I can date on the weekends.  Even if my work is in graphic design or copywriting, I can use the money to get yoga classes and access to a pool, which keeps me rich and healthy, and then I can go out on the weekends to a strip joint and talk to strippers.  Sex workers are women just like any other woman.  1 out of 10 of them, are saints who are just honest women forced into a debaucherous business.  One out of 10 of anything is great.  This is called the Bell Curve.  When you write ten songs, 8 are average, 1 is terrible, and 1 is an exceptional song.  8 out of 10 of anything is just average.

So I am the 1 out of 10 disabled geniuses.  I am in the ranks of Nikola Tesla, Van Gogh, and Robert Johnson.  All three struggled in life, were dependent on others in life, but after death, became known as great geniuses who contributed to society.  Van Gogh invented impressionism, Robert Johnson invented the Delta Blues as we know it, and Tesla invented AC electric current, the radio, the television, and various other kinds of labor saving technology.  We would not have the modern era without Tesla.  And he gave away his knowledge for free, and died alone, with a pigeon as his true love.

There is nothing right about the world.  It simply an ammoral fight for resources.  Philosophy and religion is useless.  Tao is not religion or philosophy, it is observing what works in nature and what will help you survive.  So I am neither religious nor philosophical.  That would be a waste of time.  I simple observe what works and do what works.

So what works is increasing income streams and therefore increasing my money situation so I can exercise on the evenings and go to strippers on the weekend.  I see nothing ammoral about strippers.  All women get money for sex.  Free love is a myth.  So is self defense.  And rock n roll is a musical genre for children.  Hip Hop and Goth Metal are descendant versions of rock n roll.  I see through the illusion, so it doesn't affect me.  It is fake.

So living in a fake culture doesnt affect me.  Jesus was an outcast of his time too.  So I am in good company.  When you are opposite of the world, you are spiritual.  And when you embody the world's values, you are miserable and lusty and violent.  So I choose to buck the trend and simply survive in the world  but not assimilate to their cultural values.

Racially, I am an Irish Mestizo with a black grandmother.  That means I am mostly not black.  I am mostly a half blood in the old parlaiance.  I am neither black nor latino.  I was born in Central America, somehow made it to South Africa, was sold into slavery, went from Africa to Israel to New York.  So  I was a slave in the 20th and 21st centuries.  That is not right.  I don't have the niggardly characteristics of a slave.  I have the noble qualities of a prince.

So what I must do is learn to survive on my own.  I prefer to be alone most times.  I can socialize if I have to, but I don't go looking for compaionship.  The main thing in my life, is work, work out, date on the weekends.  Even if I live an atypical life, it is my life, and I am content with it.  So I keep living, and I keep improving. 

So watch out for more designs, more illustrated books, more albums, and more blog posts.  I can't be stopped until it is my time to go.  I do not care about popularity.  I just want to be saved and save others in the process.  This is called Mahayana Buddhism.  You get enlightened to get happy, and then you teach the process to others so they can be happy too.

Get happy.

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