Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey

This is a knickname for Israel mentioned in the Bible.  The modern state of Israel began in 1948 and this was an ominous time for the human race.

After World War 2, the United Nations granted a land for the exiled and homeless Jews of Europe in British Palestine.  The secular state of Israel began over 70 years ago and is going strong now.

Israel is not like what you think it is.  People in the USA have a different idea of what Jews are like.  Israeli Jews are more hip, more modern, more tough, and more athletic.  The climate is much hotter in Israel and the food is on a much higher level than in any part of America.

I visited Israel 5 years ago after graduating graphic design school.  It was an important experience.  A lot has happened since.  But I plan on returning one day, and I see Israel's great potential.

Technically, I am a type of Latino.  But I like Jewish and Asian culture.  If you read the bible carefully, Abraham was from modern day Iraq, and therefore was a descendant of Shem, which means he was an Asian.  He was neither a European nor an African.  So when Ben Gurion said, 'the Jews are an Asiatic race', he wasn't that far off.

In my life, I hope I get to visit Israel and Japan.  Israel is the leader of Hebrew culture and Japan is the pinnacle of East Asian culture.  Japan is the USA of the east.

But until I get to move back, I must learn how to survive, make money, and save up for the future.  I may never get to visit Mexico or Spain.  Mexico has a rich culture, but it is also swarming with crime and murder.  25 out of 100,000 people get murdered in Mexico.  That is a huge rate!  The Mexicans are passionate men of honor and carry knives.

The fun is at Hotel Tijuana but so is the danger.  And I am all avoiding danger.  But Israel and Japan are high societies with safe cities.

So I can live in the present moment and dream of the future.  Peace.

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