Thursday, July 2, 2020

Don't Give It Away For Free

I know I am doing wrong with this blog.  While it is growing, and I am getting a name as a designer and copywriter, I have not monetized this blog, so I am essentially giving away ideas for free.

If I want to succeed, I need to monetize what I do.  That means, get paid for your services.  In any business, you start working for free, and then you start charging for what you do.  It is similar to the business model of the crack dealer.  He gives you free samples, then you get addicted, then you cannot live without his product, then he starts charging you, and then he has a customer for life.

I must learn to be a skillful crack dealer.  But not literally.  My music is pretty darn good.  I have produced 6 official albums and over 100 unique songs.  Just my albums feature over 35 songs.  They are all high quality and feature sensitive songwriting and skillful use of rhythm guitar.  I should be rich, but I am not.  Because I am too generous, lack business savvy, and want to help the world.

By nature, business is not a charity act.  It is warfare.  I am serving you, and you renumerate me with money.  I want to make music and get paid for it.  Streams and Downloads is the lowest way to make money with music.  If you want to make money with music, you must get paying gigs, monetize your YouTube channel, get syncing and licensing deals, do merchandise and poster art, and teach guitar lessons.  What I am saying is that music is a lot like other businesses in the modern era.  You must diversify income streams.

Right now, I only have two income streams from music, and they have not paid out yet.  I have made some money in books and blogs and copywriting and designs.  But this is not where my heart is.  I do not belong in an office.  I belong in showbusiness, because I have the looks and talent for it.  But in reality, there is no justice in this world, and you never get what you really deserve.

So I will balance between hustling for money and doing what I really love.  Music and poetry is what I really love.  I see my college educations as a waste.  I studied for nothing and ultimately got nothing.  It is when you do something out of desire, a little bit every day, day in and day out, that you get what you want.  That is the secret to success and the teaching of Taoism.  Your life is simply the daily practice.  Your job is what you can see yourself doing every day, day in and day out, for the rest of your life. 

I saw a meme on Facebook that said, 'do your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession'.  I have done music for 25 years, I have done martial arts for 22 years, although I started wrestling in junior high school.  My record does not matter.  I am not results driven.  I started young, and never gave up.  So over many years, I developed skill and technique.

Now that I am older, judo and tai chi are no longer relevant.  Music is all I have.  And ultimately, it is all I want.  I love the feeling of performing for people and being a clown.  It is like imitating Chuck Berry, except I am not in it to fool you and make a million dollars.  I just want to make you happy and be loved.

So I will balance between what I do for love and what I do for money.  I will stop posting in this blog so often, because I do not want to give my stuff away for free.  I am aware people are reading this blog and stealing my ideas.  I will never run out of ideas.  The more you use creativity, the better it gets.  You cannot exhaust creativity.  But if you work for free, you are a slave.  I am tired of being a slave.  So watch out for music and books and dayjobs and dates and nights out on the town.  I am not a free service.  You must pay me for what I do.

The whole premise of a civilized society is mutual welfare and benefit.  If one is only giving and one is only receiving, someone is being used.  Love and Business and Friendship is a two way street.  Life is all about giving and receiving.  So Kabbalah wins again.  God gives to us, we receive, and our job is simply to give and receive all day long.  So West same stupid as the East.

I want to make love all day long, and get paid for it.  I am not giving away free shit.  Love is a two way street.  So watch out for more creative stuff from Lior Avni.  I am both a musician and an author, and I have a degree in graphic design.  So I consider myself a Creative Professional.  I will work until I die.

So don't look on this blog as often.  I want to work in silence and just show people the results.  I am planning a new album out by end of summer and a new book out by end of the year.  I am also looking for jobs.  So Peace, and be well.

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