Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Is It Really Real?

At some point in your life, you will learn to distinguish fantasy from reality.  And after a while, you will acquire a taste for reality.  Reality is ugly and raw but it makes you more happy than fantasy, which is just an illusion.

This is a principle of life.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  You cannot really create anything new.  Everything you create is a combination of things that have come before.  I never created anything new, I just took old ideas and recombined them in different ways.

Hollywood is all about the appearance of the actor.  MMA is a bully beatdown in a cage.  It is a realistic combat sport.  But sport is not reality.  Sport teaches you the timing and reflexes of a trained fighter.  No combat sport is a legal streetfight.  Streetfighting is by nature not legal.  You should avoid violence. They might shank you, they might blindside you, they might sucker punch you, they might tackle you and get the full mount on you.  A smart man avoids trouble.  Don't go looking for fun.  The fun is inside your mind, it is not out there.

I like reality.  My favorite entertainment is blues music.  It is not a music of fantasy, but rather, the music of oppressed slaves who sang of their hardship.  My favorite musician is Lightnin Hopkins from Houston, Texas.  He was a humble black man who was at once a musician and poet who only played three chords in his whole career.  You can do more with less or less with more.  He did the bare minimum, but he was so creative, he could reinvent an E boogie every time he played or wrote a song.  So he had efficiency in music.

Hollywood is all about appearance.  MMA is about aggression and confrontation and pride.  Boxing is a very competitive sport, but what does it amount to?  Porno is  a part of everyone's life, whether they admit it or not.  But I see it as a necessary evil, not something you should walk  around talking about.  A pornographer is essentially a famous prostitute.  The music industry is extremely corrupt, and the guys who are pop stars are not necessarily the most talented guys. 

The whole history of modern pop music comes from white guys stealing black people's music.  Black people have the creativity, but the anglo saxon have the most musical talent.  I admire the Spanish flamenco guitarists.  They have speed and agility in their hands. 

The way you play guitar is influenced by your innate characteristics like your physique, your talent, your personality, etc... I am strong and slow with agility and intellect and this comes through in the way I play my guitar.  I find the best guitarists are Anglo Saxon and Spanish and Black and there are even some guitarists with Native American blood in them.

My favorite musicians include Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, and Jimi Hendrix.  Bob Dylan was a Jewish man with a terrible voice and terrible guitar style but his lyrics were genius, and that was what made his whole career.  He overcame a tremendous deficiency of talent to be a superstar.  And when he is interviewed these days, he dismisses his own importance.  He knows he is just a punk Jewish rockstar.  Real Jews are doctors and lawyers and rabbis.  Even Itzschak Pearlman is more talented but less famous.  The media is fake.  But even in Babylon, there is wisdom.

I admire Jimi Hendrix.  He was a master of love.  At his heart, he was just an Afro-Irishman who wanted to have a good time and sing about love.  He was a lover, and he innovated on the genre. 

But most of all, I admire Bob Marley.  He came from poverty, started with nothing, wrote numerous great songs, and now he is posthumously known as the hero of Jamaica.  Every Jamaican admires Bob Marley.  I feel his songs were gentle and soft and pleasing, which shows he strong a survivor he was.  It takes strength to be gentle.  If he sang such a soft song, he must have been tough as nails.

You will find some day, that the Taoists are right. Reversal is the movement of the Tao. If you are a punk, you talk tough to hide your feelings of insecurity.  If you are tough, you speak gently and don't need to prove yourself.  I have met many fake toughguys and many real men.  When I look at humanity I see 8 out of 10 are just average and I ignore them.  1 out of 10 is exceptionally good.  1 out 10 is beneath contempt.  Like the Hitlers and Stalins of the world.  I try to contemplate the characteristics of good people and try to not think about the bad.   I don't even remember average people.

I have met a handful of good people in my life.  Most of my friends are good losers like me.  But I admire the good winners.  I have met a kickboxing coach, a rabbi, a commodities broker, a practitioner of TCM, and a good simple accountant.  I admire the qualities of good people and I try to emulate them.  Even with small talent, I can dream big and keep my eyes on the goal. 

There are all kinds of people in this world.  There are many talented failures and many succesful zeros.  But there are few talented successes.  That is why Hollywood and the elite are less than 5% of the whole world.  Very few win the game.  Very few are both good and rich. I have met bad rich people and good losers.  It takes all kinds.

I am opposite of the world.  My biggest joys are zen buddhism, morality, music, and poetry.  I do not value money and women and power and pleasure and porno and MMA and streetfighting.  So despite being poor, I am more happy than most people.  My desire in life is to teach people how to be happy.  The trick is, it has nothing to do with how much stuff you have.  The Buddhists are right.  Happinesss is an inside job.  It starts in your mind. 

So if you want to attain reality and clarity and wisdom and sagacity and ultimately happiness, you must distinguish reality from fantasy.  Reality is always better.  The whole story of modern American society is a bunch of rich people imitating what they see on TV.  If you try this at home, you will get injured.

It is so fake.  That is why I don't watch TV or Movies or go to Nightclubs or read newspapers.  It all seems so fake.  If you want to know reality, go out your door, look up at the sky, look at the trees and grasses and shoots and the street and the cars and people, etc..  Reality is right where you are.  It is not somewhere else.  Do not postpone happiness for later.  You might be dead by the time you reach happiness.

In my life, I must learn not to be a beggar.  Nobody owes me free shit.  In America, there is no socialist medicine or education or basic income.  America was founded on the principle of open market economy.  It has nothing to do with JudeoChristian morality.  The founding fathers were not Christian.  They all smoked weed and raped black female slaves.  John Adams had mulatto trick sons.  I am not kidding.

In this society, you can either sink down into despair or learn how to play the game.  I must see my career in graphic design and copywriting not as a career but as survival.  It is a war.  And even if they despise me, I can show them the results and learn to make do on a low income and be independent.  So my message is a positive one. I can learn to survive, and so can you.

Beyond a day job, I want to teach my knowledge to the youth.  I would like to teach guitar and Aikido and LifeFood and offer all my services to the youth.  A volunteer job pays more than a paying job.  But money is the real deal.  Without money, you don't survive.  Make the money first, then with your time and money, you can really have a ball.  During the evenings and weekends it is your time and your money.  So rock on.

I love reality.  I do not like fake shit.  All my friends admire my honesty and bluntness.  I have had more than five or ten friends and lovers in my life.  They have come and gone.  But some have stayed.  Keep your friends.  Don't burn your bridges. 

So you must ask yourself, what is really real?  Is the visible world all there is to see?  Is there something beyond tangible reality?  We cannot perceive UV light or electromagnetic radiation, but it exists regardless.  Some things are beyond our understanding.  The mark of a good scientists is that he knows he doesn't know.  That is why he is wise.  He knows the extent of his own foolishenss.  So Solomon wins again.  Humility goeth before honor, Haughtiness before a fall. 

Stay humble stay real, keep your eyes on the dream.

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