Monday, July 6, 2020

Things Are On The Up And Up

When you do a little bit every day, and never give up on yourself, you accumulate results and leave something to posterity.  Since 2017, I have been exploring all kinds of creative online work, and three years later, it is finally accumulating into something.

Since 2017, I released 6 albums, 2 books, and numerous articles and blog posts.  My life has changed drastically since learning how to survive.  Acupuncture didn't pay off.  Nobody wants a wholistic health doctor who goes to the strippety strip.  There is a lack of credibility here.

Judo is an amateur sport.  I went from boxing to judo to find out self defense is for children.  So I mastered a useless skill.

But now I am back in the saddle.  Since 2015, I have had a graphic design diploma that I have used in different ways to become a Creative Professional.  Overall, design is not where my heart is.  I do not see myself in an office.

But as an online musician and author, I have some success.  The trick is simple.  Do a little bit every day, and never give up on yourself.  I am determined to be somebody.  Right now, my instagram account is approaching 1000 followers, and my YouTube channel is growing.  I will insert links below.

So I found that I ended where I started.  A punk jew from Syosset playing his guitar to impress girls.  Life comes full circle.

If only I could get more guitar students, gig out more, play more Open Mics, and create Poster art in Photoshop, then I could diversify income streams and make a living as a professional musician.  I see the sponsered ads on Instagram, and these guys are delusional about their abilities.  All you see is a handsome young guy or girl with a fancy guitar in a fancy apartment playing a cover with speed and technical virtuousity.

But John Lee Hooker proved that that is all hogwash.  All you need is one chord, five notes, rhythm and soul, and the desire to be heard.  He had very little, and he did a lot with it.  Most musicians these days suck.  Because they think more is more.  That if I am fast and virtuoso talent, then I am better.  But I am right about this one.  Less is More.  The soul comes through the music, it doesn't matter how talented you are.

So I will continue this trend.  Every day, I look at YouTube and Instagram and check on my account balances on the two companies I published through.  Things are improving, because I am constantly doing. 

All life begins in your mind.  From thought, to word, to action, is life.  But if you just talk a mean mess and never act, you end up with nothing.  In my life, I have met some empty talkers.

Don't be a talker.  Be a Doer.  It doesn't matter what level you reach.  Karma means action.  Your fate is a result of the accumulation of your actions.  Thoughts and words don't even matter.  Do something.

So I will continue in the music direction and be happy.  I have no ambition to use my college degrees.  College is a scam.  You learn by doing.  You cannot digest someone else's experiences and gain skill that way.  What you can see yourself doing, day in and day out, for the rest of your life, is your vocation.  Night time is the right time.  Your evenings and weekends are for blowing your wad and spending your time and money as you please.

But you got to do the work before you get to the pleasure.


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