Saturday, July 4, 2020

Think and Grow Rich

I have plans for a career.  I see that copywriting and design are lucrative fields in this cultural milieu.  The internet changed the way people do business.  Most businesses and jobs involve the computer.  If you do not know English and Computers, you will fall behind.  I knew English and computers from a young age.  I grew up on long island, new york, and I was educated.  So I am not helpless.

I know I can survive the current economy.  I know I am a survivor.  I am like Sun Tzu on steroids. 

It went from Hindu philosophy to boxing to judo to graphic design to right here and now.  My life is not over.  I am still conscious, so I am not dead.

It turns out boxing is better than judo, and nutrition is better than TCM.  Judo is kids stuff. TCM is useless if you don't change your diet.  Both the western and eastern doctor is a kind of businessman.  I am by nature not trying to rob you.  I want mutual welfare and benefit.  I will not rob you.

I see my career in graphic design as a service to humanity.  When I show up to work, it is like showing up to a battle.  But nobody will get shanked.  It is simply a battle to do the right thing, not to kill all my enemies and watch them die.

So I will think and grow rich.  Even if I have to only work part time and live on a lean budget, I can do it.  Because I know how to survive.  I am neither the smartest nor the most beautiful nor the biggest, but I have the most capacity to distinguish between right and wrong.  So I choose what is beneficial and discard the useless.

Besides office jobs, I want to write illustrated books.  Something between comic books and real books.  Books with illustrations.  This was popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century.  There was an explosion of creativity before the coming of the modern era.  By the mid 1950s, boxing and music became more popular.  Maybe the modern era was a mistake?

I am trying to bring it back to the old school.  Music is a hobby.  Grappling is for kids. Sparring and Nutrition is something you learn in youth and you move on.  Since I am not esteemed as a high man, I cannot function as a doctor or healer. 

But through the agency of the computer, I can use text and graphics to teach children how to be healthy and strong.  My aim is to educate the youth.  But you don't have to do it in a classroom.  Even a fitness teacher or a bodybuilder is a kind of teacher.  Through illustrated books, I can educate the youth on how to be strong and healthy and survive a rigged economy.

So my next book will be titled, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense.'  It will be similar to the two previous books I wrote which are available on Amazon.  I plan on writing a book on diet, self defense, conditioning, saving money, living lean, and enjoying your time on earth.  It is in the same vein as Sport and Physical Culture and Taoist Nutrition.  The first book was a general primer on TCM.  Taoist Nutrition was a general cookbook on how to make Chinese food.  This third book will be my opus.  It will be a real service to humanity. 

I see Americans as being pathetic losers.  Every year goes by, I get more fit and healthy, and they get more fat and disabled and sick and rounded shoulders.  Sitting infront of a computer, using a smartphone all day, not interacting face to face, not walking, eating too much pizza and lattes, etc.. is not a recipe for a healthy life.  It is the opposite.  I'll teach your ass.

When you buck the trend, you are in the right.  When you go with the herd, you are sheep.  Nietzsche was the original philosophical rebel.  He was trying to say nobody does Christianity right, so go back to Hellenic lifestyle and live a full life.  Greeks invented culture but Hebrews invented morality.  These were two great innovations in world culture.

So I will think and grow rich.  I am talented in copywriting and design.  Both are aspects of the advertising business.  One is the English aspect the other is the art aspect.  If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense.  I want the payday, so I can get the love. 

So I have plans moving forward.  I hope my book is ready by the end of the year.  By the end of the summer would be even better.  I will write the whole manuscript and do the illustrations and prepare for publishing.  I see Americans as being boys compared to men.  Instead of defeating you, I will ift you up.  Each one Teach one.  I know things you don't know, and you have stuff you can teach me.  This is the premise of civilization.  Every man helping the other, so we all survive.

I see myself as the best man in America, and Donald Trump as the worst.  But most people think he is a hero and I am born loser.  But I take the opposite stance.  But you don't have to believe me.  So I will do my thing and see who is vindicated in the end. 

Above all, I just want to have fun and hurt no one.  Even if I go down dying, I am happy as a loon.  And that is all that matters.

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