Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Money and Everything Else

This society is obviously perverted.  The only criteria for doing something is, can I afford it?  and can i get away with it?

When you are hated by the world, you are loved by God, and vice versa.  I am hated by the world, but God loves me the most.  I cannot say the same for the President.  But that is not a threat, in this society, you have a freedom of speech and can openly criticize politicians.

It's money and everything else.  In an open market economy, the main desire of government is to control the means of production and divert the flow of currency from those who need it to those who already have too much.  This the opposite of social justice.

Ethnically, I am a biracial latino, but I identify as a Latino Israelite.  Hebrews are people of ethnicities other than Semitic who identify as Hebrews or Israelites.  There are Celts, Jamaicans, Hispanic people, Hamitic Jews, and people in Asia who identify as Israelites.  Although in essence, they are not part of the Semitic race.

It turns out, Jews are the best people, if they keep their observance of their tradition.  A secular Jew can do a lot of harm.  Both Capitalism and Communism were ideas purported by secular Jews in academia in the 19th century Europe.  These ideas were so virulent, they caused two wars, millions upon millions of deaths of innocent soldiers and victims.  Hitler was motivated by anti-semitism and the purity of the white race.

These days, Russia has failed.  America is failing.  And Europe and Israel work together to bring about social justice.  In Germany, people are deeply ashamed that their grandparents joyfully executed innocent Jews.  And Jews were not the only minority persecuted in World War 2.  Blacks, homosexuals, gypsies, Russian soldiers, Christians, mental patients, people born with deformities, anyone considered 'impure' was destroyed.  I purport that America is actually worse than Nazi Germany.  But if you can make the money and pay the taxes, we will leave you alone. 

New York and California is where most of the American Jews live.  But it turns that, that is also where the anti-semites are.  People in the midwest are more cool and laid back and know Irish and Spanish and Native American people are lost tribe Isrealites too.  I think the best people in America are the Irish and the Mexicans and how they interact with the minorities.

So one of my goals is to leave my current residence and move to Houston, to live with my other side of my family.  They need my help, and I need a change of local.  I am tired of the liberality and perversion of the east and west coast of America.  When you are more educated, you tend to be mroe rich, and more permissive, and more tolerant, and more lusty, and less traditional.

Even music wise, I think the gospel and country music from the midwest of America is better than the Hip Hop, Pop, and Goth Metal they listen to on the east and west coast.  When I sit in my apartment, people in their cars, listen to this modern pop shit and it irritates me.  Innovation is always bad.  Traditional society lasted so long, and worked so long, that it can't be beat.

So don't innovate.  Stay like your parents, be less ambitious, and more fulfilled.  That is the secret to a happy life.  Boddhidarma, the founder of Chan Buddhism, said, 'boddhisattvas are idle people, they do not go around seeking fortune and fame.'  By nature, spiritual people are lazy and know, the more you do, the more you give away.  So just do the bare minimum and enjoy your free time to yourself.

So no matter where I am, I can live in bliss, and realize money is just a tool.  As long as you budget yourself, per day, per week, and per month, money is not even an issue.  The main thing is to be happy and useful.  I am both happy and useful.

My two great joys that I do every day is play guitar and write.  I have 5 albums on Spotify and YouTube and 2 books on Amazon.  And I just want to create more and more.  The money is not the important part.  Neither is the notoriety.  It is simply to express the inner light, be productive, and leave something to posterity.  When I leave the world of men, many will admire me, for being a handsome, wise, tough athlete who wrote books and produced albums later in life after his athletic career.

So I have already been vindicated, the rest of my life is just a party.  So party on, and keep it real on the streets.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Survival of the Fittest

By nature, life is not fair.  The better man never wins.  So survival of the fittest, natural selection, and evolution of species is wrong.  In this society, you are not rewarded for being more handsome, more honest, or more straightforward.  By nature, talent is useless. The main thing in success is the ability to socialize, to use military strategy to outsmart the customer, and to manage your resources.

Life is not about who is better.  America is not better.  Communism failed because it is unrealistic to expect everyone to be peace hippies and share the wealth.  Nobody really cares.  Capitalism appeals to lowest common denominator.  But Capitalism proves to be failing, and Europe and Israel is making strides over America.  America seems a joke in the past 40 years.  It is a nation in decline, I came to America 40 years ago, around the turn of the late 70s and early 80s.  So I came to America right before it was about to decline.

I am not the worst man in the best country.  It is the opposite.  I am the only good man in a Godless nation of capitalist thieves.  I don't work for the money.  I work to do a good job, and the money and results is just a side benefit.  This is the Hindu worldview.  Do your work and life as a service to humanity, and fame and wealth will naturally follow.

Warfare is by nature sin.  We are meant to live in Paradise sharing wealth.  But in this society, you must defeat all your enemies and keep the wealth to yourself.  So I conclude that Capitalism is the worst system of economy ever, and Americans are heartless criminals.  Success in an artificial economy has nothing to do with survival of the fittest.  It is the converse.  The strongest, most dominant males don't usually succeed.  Because they are genetically dominant, they are angry and agressive and get involved in physical acts of violence, and get punished by the system.

So it is opposite.  There is spiritual culture and there is consumeristic culture.  Russia failed, and now America is failing.  I am determined to eek out an existence and find a girl to impregnate to bring forth seed in the world.

I am way more talented than the average graphic designer, and in my youth, I mastered judo, and my matwork level was Olympic level.  I am better than the jokes on the USA Judo squad.  These guys never win anything.  It is an embarassment. Americans don't value Judo because it is for military combat and less for self defense.

But by nature, self defense is a myth.  Nobody fights without weapons.  Nobody fights fair.  Nobody gets sex for free.  Rock n Roll is kid's music.  Youth culture is by nature a foolish proposition.  America died a long time ago.  And now the world is dying too.

So the biblical idea that the Anglo American Empire is the last evil empire seems true.  Persia, Syria, Babylon, Rome, and USA are all evil empires.  They conquered and eventually were destroyed from within.

Life in society is not about survival of the fittest.  I see most rich men as punks who have four inch cocks.  Without their money, their wives would leave them for a real man who is tough and athletic and has a big cock.

So it is opposite.  It is survival of the sleeziest.  Self Defense is a myth.  Nobody after high school age gets free sex.  Rock n Roll is kid's music.  Chuck Berry invented the American teenager and the concept of youth culture.  And that was the biggest mistake ever.

There is no hope for the USA, and I plan on leaving.  My graphic design skills are sharp, and I can be succesful in other places.  Now that I am too old for judo, and I can continue Aikido practice.  The life of a martial artist is about teaching and learning for your whole life.

I had a background in shootfighting and boxing not just judo and sambo.  I am probably the best trained fighter in New York City.  I am a living legend.  But you don't have to believe me.

So in my life, I finished TCM school, mastered music, mastered the field of Graphic Design, and sparred at a high level.  An average boxer can beat grapplers at their own game.  That is how ridiculous martial arts and combat sports are.  Athletes beat martial artists.  They are not fit or strong or fast like real athletes.  Everyone over 30 knows wrestling and martial arts is for kids.  If you want to be an athlete, start sparring at 15 and stick with it until your 30s or 40s.  No combat sport is real fighting.  Boxing is the most realistic self defense system on earth, and by nature, it is flawed.  All sport fighting is flawed.  MMA is not a real street beef.

So I sound un-American when I say Christianity is a myth, Capitalism is sin, MMA is for punks, medicine and education should be an inalienable right of every citizen, and if you can't work, you deserve basic income.  They have basic income in Portugal but not here.

So America is a retarded youth culture.  That is my honest opinion.  All their values stem from disbelieving in Christianity, and there are deep anti-semitic, mysognistic, and racist sentiments in America.  I want to leave this country.  But I am alone, and I must work hard to attain this goal.

I would be happier in Israel and visit Japan regularly.  Israel is the high culture of the Western tradition, and Japan is the epitome of East Asian culture.  I do not want to visit Europe, Africa, or Latin America.

I know my art is exceptional and people in Israel see me as a hero while people in Japan see me as an enlightened being.  I see Jews and Asians as variants of the same race.  I want to explore Jewish culture and Asian culture.  They are aspects of the same thing.

So survival in America has nothing to do with survival of the fittest.  You are not the fittest.  If you are fat and flabby and have ugly, autistic children, your genome is not strong.  Just look in the mirror.  Talent has nothing to do with success.

So I vow to continue developing as a copywriter and designer.  I don't see it as a job, I see it as survival.  I am the fittest of the species.  I have the most dominant genome.  And I am probably the most talented graphic designer in this country.  So I must see work as a way to get my desired goal, of independence and leaving America.  I wasted almost 40 years in a nation in decline.

I am the fittest.  And if you don't believe me, I will prove you wrong.  It is neither the most intelligent nor the most strong that survives but the most adaptable to change.  That is why Jews and Asians are the best at making money, because they don't even value things like beauty and strength and SAT scores and being an actor in Hollywood.  They simply educate the youth, venerate the elders, show deference for the youth, and keep the traditions of their culture.  I am a type of Hispanic Jew and I feel antisemitism.  So I belong in a country where Jews are the majority not a hated minority.

This is a divided nation.  I see no end to the racial divide.  Even in designs and cartoons,  I can make political commentary on America's situation.  The answer is not to riot in the street of fight against police officers.  The answer is to get educated, get a job, get a wife, give to charity, go to church, volunteer, and lessen your own feelings of bias towards the oppressed.

My copywriting and design career is my service to humanity.  I don't do it for the paycheck or so I can have the funds to marry and own a home.  I do it for vindication, and fight the good fight every day.

The Great Thing About Aikido

There are a panopoly of styles to choose from when selecting a martial arts school.  Since the advent of MMA, karate has lost popularity.  It went from being the master to being the champion.

But anyone who understands MMA knows it is based on wrestling with elements of Muay Thai and Submission Grappling.  Most succesful MMA guys have freestyle wrestling backgrounds.

But this is kids stuff.  I don't like MMA and the bully beatdowns.  I have been involved in Shootfighting, judo, and Combat Sambo since 1998.  And I am tired of it.  Self Defense is a mythology.  Nobody after high school or college age brawls to see who is better.  Self Defense and kumite is by nature just an exercise.  Don't take yourself so seriously.

When you are 30 or older, but still interested in survival and combat, take up Aikido or Tai Chi.  Anything real has a competitive element to it.  If you are too dangerous to spar, you don't the timing and reflexes of a trained fighter.

There is a kind of Aikido that involves randori or free-fighting.  It is called Tomiki Aikido.  I was fortunate enough to choose a judo school that also teaches karate, jujutsu, and tomiki aikido.  The Japanese martial arts is like a religion not just about being tough or brave.

Now that I am older, I realize violence is wrong.  I learned that young, fell back into depravity, only to return to my original face.  Tomiki Aikido is the best thing for me.

In Tomiki Aikido, there is a randori element to training.  It is the ideal martial art for the police, since it involves trapping, pinning, and defenses against stick, knife, and gun.  Karate is for children, and MMA is for brawlers.  I am not interested in MMA.

Judo was a big part of my life.  It looks cool, it is useful, and it is like wrestlemania.  But now that I am over 40, I would be beat by young guys with less talent.

So the great thing about Aikido is, even a slow, weak, crippled man can do it and learn to survive.  Eastern culture is not about morality or the bible or judgments of right and wrong.  It is simply about nature, and in nature, animals raise their children in hopes they will survive and carry on the genome.

So there is morality in nature, but we don't see it.  Just educating and feeding your children is morality.  Not do this don't do that.  That is hypocrisy.  Every Asian knows, there is no morality in food or sex.  Some eat pork bacon and some don't.  Some are celibate, some are monogamous, and some are polyamorous.  By nature, morality makes you a hypocrite.

So I admire the culture of China and Japan.  It all originated in India, but the Chinese and Indian are radically different people.  I like Indian food because i am more a western man than an eastern man, but I admire aspects of Chinese culture. 

So I want to train judo and Aikido again and shut up.  I have talent in matwork and Aikido.  I feel USA Judo is not strong enough because we are amateurs competing against pros.  But the country will grow.

So the thing about Aikido is, you learn to distinguish combat from self defense.  Self Defense or brawling is for kids.  Combat means stealth and weapons, and is useful for survival.  You must survive, all ideas about the afterlife are hogwash.  Live for this life.  Food is good, sex is good, music is good, art is good, etc...

I dig Asian women and see them as the most delicate and refined.  Black girls are the opposite.  They are strong and sexy.  Every black dude secretly admires Bruce Lee, Chinese food, and the massage parlors.  I aint lying.

So I will continue my training in judo and Aikido and be happy with it.

Work and Work Out

Life in America is very simple.  You work a day job, you work out on the evenings, and you date on the weekends.  Friday and Saturday night is most appropriate to going to a bar or nightclub and socializing or dating your girlfriend or wife.

Of course, this lifestyle is ridiculous.  In Europe and Israel, people are much more loose and liberal and do what they feel.  America is a con game and we are being duped by our own government.  Nobody says when you must work and when you must play and when you must exercise.  This society is based on the plantation system and encourages conformity and submissiveness.

An intelligent man can see that this whole society is about slavery.  Without hard, physical black and mestizo men, we wouldn't be able to cultivate land in a temperate zone.  Man is not meant to live in a temperate zone.  He is meant to live in a semi tropical environment like Florida or Mexico or Jamaica.  Our main foodstuff should be fruit and rice.

So your whole life in America is eating coffee and eggs and bacon for breakfast to give you the strength to exchange 8 hours for some pesos and then go home, eat dinner, and raise your kids on the evenings and weekends.  This is not a real life.

But since I live in America, and have done so for the past 40 years, I must now learn to conform to the system in order to beat the system.  That is the only way to beat it.

My degree in graphic design will help me.  It helps me in work, in designing book covers, in designing album covers, in increasing my knowledge of computers.  The real ability to survive is the ability to adapt.  It is not about being faster or stronger or better.  The Olympics is just an ideal.  Sport is not reality.  Survival is nothing like wrestling or judo.  It is more like Tai Chi, in Kung fu, there are no winners and losers, there is only the quick and the dead.

So I must learn to survive an evil society.  I can work, and I can work out, and I can date on the weekends.  Even if my work is in graphic design or copywriting, I can use the money to get yoga classes and access to a pool, which keeps me rich and healthy, and then I can go out on the weekends to a strip joint and talk to strippers.  Sex workers are women just like any other woman.  1 out of 10 of them, are saints who are just honest women forced into a debaucherous business.  One out of 10 of anything is great.  This is called the Bell Curve.  When you write ten songs, 8 are average, 1 is terrible, and 1 is an exceptional song.  8 out of 10 of anything is just average.

So I am the 1 out of 10 disabled geniuses.  I am in the ranks of Nikola Tesla, Van Gogh, and Robert Johnson.  All three struggled in life, were dependent on others in life, but after death, became known as great geniuses who contributed to society.  Van Gogh invented impressionism, Robert Johnson invented the Delta Blues as we know it, and Tesla invented AC electric current, the radio, the television, and various other kinds of labor saving technology.  We would not have the modern era without Tesla.  And he gave away his knowledge for free, and died alone, with a pigeon as his true love.

There is nothing right about the world.  It simply an ammoral fight for resources.  Philosophy and religion is useless.  Tao is not religion or philosophy, it is observing what works in nature and what will help you survive.  So I am neither religious nor philosophical.  That would be a waste of time.  I simple observe what works and do what works.

So what works is increasing income streams and therefore increasing my money situation so I can exercise on the evenings and go to strippers on the weekend.  I see nothing ammoral about strippers.  All women get money for sex.  Free love is a myth.  So is self defense.  And rock n roll is a musical genre for children.  Hip Hop and Goth Metal are descendant versions of rock n roll.  I see through the illusion, so it doesn't affect me.  It is fake.

So living in a fake culture doesnt affect me.  Jesus was an outcast of his time too.  So I am in good company.  When you are opposite of the world, you are spiritual.  And when you embody the world's values, you are miserable and lusty and violent.  So I choose to buck the trend and simply survive in the world  but not assimilate to their cultural values.

Racially, I am an Irish Mestizo with a black grandmother.  That means I am mostly not black.  I am mostly a half blood in the old parlaiance.  I am neither black nor latino.  I was born in Central America, somehow made it to South Africa, was sold into slavery, went from Africa to Israel to New York.  So  I was a slave in the 20th and 21st centuries.  That is not right.  I don't have the niggardly characteristics of a slave.  I have the noble qualities of a prince.

So what I must do is learn to survive on my own.  I prefer to be alone most times.  I can socialize if I have to, but I don't go looking for compaionship.  The main thing in my life, is work, work out, date on the weekends.  Even if I live an atypical life, it is my life, and I am content with it.  So I keep living, and I keep improving. 

So watch out for more designs, more illustrated books, more albums, and more blog posts.  I can't be stopped until it is my time to go.  I do not care about popularity.  I just want to be saved and save others in the process.  This is called Mahayana Buddhism.  You get enlightened to get happy, and then you teach the process to others so they can be happy too.

Get happy.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Things Are On The Up And Up

When you do a little bit every day, and never give up on yourself, you accumulate results and leave something to posterity.  Since 2017, I have been exploring all kinds of creative online work, and three years later, it is finally accumulating into something.

Since 2017, I released 6 albums, 2 books, and numerous articles and blog posts.  My life has changed drastically since learning how to survive.  Acupuncture didn't pay off.  Nobody wants a wholistic health doctor who goes to the strippety strip.  There is a lack of credibility here.

Judo is an amateur sport.  I went from boxing to judo to find out self defense is for children.  So I mastered a useless skill.

But now I am back in the saddle.  Since 2015, I have had a graphic design diploma that I have used in different ways to become a Creative Professional.  Overall, design is not where my heart is.  I do not see myself in an office.

But as an online musician and author, I have some success.  The trick is simple.  Do a little bit every day, and never give up on yourself.  I am determined to be somebody.  Right now, my instagram account is approaching 1000 followers, and my YouTube channel is growing.  I will insert links below.

So I found that I ended where I started.  A punk jew from Syosset playing his guitar to impress girls.  Life comes full circle.

If only I could get more guitar students, gig out more, play more Open Mics, and create Poster art in Photoshop, then I could diversify income streams and make a living as a professional musician.  I see the sponsered ads on Instagram, and these guys are delusional about their abilities.  All you see is a handsome young guy or girl with a fancy guitar in a fancy apartment playing a cover with speed and technical virtuousity.

But John Lee Hooker proved that that is all hogwash.  All you need is one chord, five notes, rhythm and soul, and the desire to be heard.  He had very little, and he did a lot with it.  Most musicians these days suck.  Because they think more is more.  That if I am fast and virtuoso talent, then I am better.  But I am right about this one.  Less is More.  The soul comes through the music, it doesn't matter how talented you are.

So I will continue this trend.  Every day, I look at YouTube and Instagram and check on my account balances on the two companies I published through.  Things are improving, because I am constantly doing. 

All life begins in your mind.  From thought, to word, to action, is life.  But if you just talk a mean mess and never act, you end up with nothing.  In my life, I have met some empty talkers.

Don't be a talker.  Be a Doer.  It doesn't matter what level you reach.  Karma means action.  Your fate is a result of the accumulation of your actions.  Thoughts and words don't even matter.  Do something.

So I will continue in the music direction and be happy.  I have no ambition to use my college degrees.  College is a scam.  You learn by doing.  You cannot digest someone else's experiences and gain skill that way.  What you can see yourself doing, day in and day out, for the rest of your life, is your vocation.  Night time is the right time.  Your evenings and weekends are for blowing your wad and spending your time and money as you please.

But you got to do the work before you get to the pleasure.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Meet Me At The Bottom

If you are really honest with yourself, you know we are all suffering and in doubt.  I have problems just like you have problems, but most people are interested in gain in society, and hide their problems behind a veneer.  I am more honest and blunt and have nothing to hide.  I know this doesn't make me a popular person, but I would rather have integrity than be popular.

I know we are all equal.  We are not all equal in talent or merit or looks or money.  But we are all equal in that we took a human birth, we have a chance to win salvation, and we have the chance to acquire knowledge.

Howlin Wolf wrote a song called, 'Meet Me At The Bottom'.  Like many of his hits, it is passionate and raw and full of soul.  He was a great musician, and had a great backing band including Hubert Sumlin on rhythm guitar.  The blues is a music about hardship and loneliness and poverty.  That is why I identify with the blues.

When I play, I don't sound like the delta bluesmen.  I sound more happy and upbeat with a more major tonality.  I play rock n roll and rhythm and blues on an acoustic guitar.  I get a lot of fun from performing infront of people.  I perform everywhere I can bring my guitar, including the park, the beach, the Open Mics in my area, and for gigs.  I even play outside my home.

When I perform, I think about making other people happy.  I am not just doing it for myself.  It is a great experience every time I play and I get satisfaction from playing and talking and preaching.

The blues is not evil music.  It is music about real life, just the way it is.  The world is evil, but that is not my fault.  So coming to the conclusion that the blues is the devil's music is a reductionist worldview.  The blues is the music of reality. 

So I will continue innovating on my sound and writing songs.  The possibility of the guitar is endless.  With six strings and twelve frets, there is infinite creativity.  So I will continue what I am doing and be happy with it.

A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey

This is a knickname for Israel mentioned in the Bible.  The modern state of Israel began in 1948 and this was an ominous time for the human race.

After World War 2, the United Nations granted a land for the exiled and homeless Jews of Europe in British Palestine.  The secular state of Israel began over 70 years ago and is going strong now.

Israel is not like what you think it is.  People in the USA have a different idea of what Jews are like.  Israeli Jews are more hip, more modern, more tough, and more athletic.  The climate is much hotter in Israel and the food is on a much higher level than in any part of America.

I visited Israel 5 years ago after graduating graphic design school.  It was an important experience.  A lot has happened since.  But I plan on returning one day, and I see Israel's great potential.

Technically, I am a type of Latino.  But I like Jewish and Asian culture.  If you read the bible carefully, Abraham was from modern day Iraq, and therefore was a descendant of Shem, which means he was an Asian.  He was neither a European nor an African.  So when Ben Gurion said, 'the Jews are an Asiatic race', he wasn't that far off.

In my life, I hope I get to visit Israel and Japan.  Israel is the leader of Hebrew culture and Japan is the pinnacle of East Asian culture.  Japan is the USA of the east.

But until I get to move back, I must learn how to survive, make money, and save up for the future.  I may never get to visit Mexico or Spain.  Mexico has a rich culture, but it is also swarming with crime and murder.  25 out of 100,000 people get murdered in Mexico.  That is a huge rate!  The Mexicans are passionate men of honor and carry knives.

The fun is at Hotel Tijuana but so is the danger.  And I am all avoiding danger.  But Israel and Japan are high societies with safe cities.

So I can live in the present moment and dream of the future.  Peace.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Think and Grow Rich

I have plans for a career.  I see that copywriting and design are lucrative fields in this cultural milieu.  The internet changed the way people do business.  Most businesses and jobs involve the computer.  If you do not know English and Computers, you will fall behind.  I knew English and computers from a young age.  I grew up on long island, new york, and I was educated.  So I am not helpless.

I know I can survive the current economy.  I know I am a survivor.  I am like Sun Tzu on steroids. 

It went from Hindu philosophy to boxing to judo to graphic design to right here and now.  My life is not over.  I am still conscious, so I am not dead.

It turns out boxing is better than judo, and nutrition is better than TCM.  Judo is kids stuff. TCM is useless if you don't change your diet.  Both the western and eastern doctor is a kind of businessman.  I am by nature not trying to rob you.  I want mutual welfare and benefit.  I will not rob you.

I see my career in graphic design as a service to humanity.  When I show up to work, it is like showing up to a battle.  But nobody will get shanked.  It is simply a battle to do the right thing, not to kill all my enemies and watch them die.

So I will think and grow rich.  Even if I have to only work part time and live on a lean budget, I can do it.  Because I know how to survive.  I am neither the smartest nor the most beautiful nor the biggest, but I have the most capacity to distinguish between right and wrong.  So I choose what is beneficial and discard the useless.

Besides office jobs, I want to write illustrated books.  Something between comic books and real books.  Books with illustrations.  This was popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century.  There was an explosion of creativity before the coming of the modern era.  By the mid 1950s, boxing and music became more popular.  Maybe the modern era was a mistake?

I am trying to bring it back to the old school.  Music is a hobby.  Grappling is for kids. Sparring and Nutrition is something you learn in youth and you move on.  Since I am not esteemed as a high man, I cannot function as a doctor or healer. 

But through the agency of the computer, I can use text and graphics to teach children how to be healthy and strong.  My aim is to educate the youth.  But you don't have to do it in a classroom.  Even a fitness teacher or a bodybuilder is a kind of teacher.  Through illustrated books, I can educate the youth on how to be strong and healthy and survive a rigged economy.

So my next book will be titled, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense.'  It will be similar to the two previous books I wrote which are available on Amazon.  I plan on writing a book on diet, self defense, conditioning, saving money, living lean, and enjoying your time on earth.  It is in the same vein as Sport and Physical Culture and Taoist Nutrition.  The first book was a general primer on TCM.  Taoist Nutrition was a general cookbook on how to make Chinese food.  This third book will be my opus.  It will be a real service to humanity. 

I see Americans as being pathetic losers.  Every year goes by, I get more fit and healthy, and they get more fat and disabled and sick and rounded shoulders.  Sitting infront of a computer, using a smartphone all day, not interacting face to face, not walking, eating too much pizza and lattes, etc.. is not a recipe for a healthy life.  It is the opposite.  I'll teach your ass.

When you buck the trend, you are in the right.  When you go with the herd, you are sheep.  Nietzsche was the original philosophical rebel.  He was trying to say nobody does Christianity right, so go back to Hellenic lifestyle and live a full life.  Greeks invented culture but Hebrews invented morality.  These were two great innovations in world culture.

So I will think and grow rich.  I am talented in copywriting and design.  Both are aspects of the advertising business.  One is the English aspect the other is the art aspect.  If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense.  I want the payday, so I can get the love. 

So I have plans moving forward.  I hope my book is ready by the end of the year.  By the end of the summer would be even better.  I will write the whole manuscript and do the illustrations and prepare for publishing.  I see Americans as being boys compared to men.  Instead of defeating you, I will ift you up.  Each one Teach one.  I know things you don't know, and you have stuff you can teach me.  This is the premise of civilization.  Every man helping the other, so we all survive.

I see myself as the best man in America, and Donald Trump as the worst.  But most people think he is a hero and I am born loser.  But I take the opposite stance.  But you don't have to believe me.  So I will do my thing and see who is vindicated in the end. 

Above all, I just want to have fun and hurt no one.  Even if I go down dying, I am happy as a loon.  And that is all that matters.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Once Again Back Is The Incredible...

I decided I won't give up on this blog completely.  I just won't give away free advice or ideas and work for free.  My future involves graphic design, some books and albums, and getting involved in sports again.

This is July 4 weekend.  We celebrate the birthday of the United States of America.  Obviously, it's a sin to be rich.  But I am indebted to this country, because it is better than being poor in other countries.  Poor in the USA is like rich in other countries.  It is possible to live in the USA and not assimilate to American culture.

Lots of people do this.  What I like best about American culture is mostly the pop art and music which comes from the poor and downtrodden.  I most of all like rock n roll music and comic books.  I feel I was destined for showbusiness.  But even if this never happens, I don't care.  There is no success.

In my youth, I mastered Hindu philosophy and Kodokan Judo.  I am not a beginner.  I am both a healer with a philosophical mindset and a takedown expert.  This philosophy of being a saint soldier empowers me to do what I want to do.

I know we are all going to die.  The purpose of life is simply to have fun and exist.  I was brainwashed by an evil family with wrong ideas.  There are few good Jews, and I have not met one authentic Christian.  But I see Vedanta, or Yogic philosophy, as having the capacity to civilize the gentiles.  Philosophy doesn't work in a cage brawl.  But Hindu Philosophy is not about philosophy.  It is about being courageous in both love and war.  I avoid confrontation and seek out love.  I could rise to honor if I had to, but I want to live in peace.  I just want to have fun and find friends and lovers.

So this July 4, before you throw another shrimp on the barbie, or scarf down another hot dog, think and reflect on how you can be a better person.  The point of life is not to acquire stuff or to win anything.  It is simply to be happy and useful.

On that note, I will look forward to getting more graphic design jobs, writing more illustrated books, and even play some music here and there.  I am glad I am here and not in Israel or Africa or South America.  The real leader of the free world is now Europe and Asia.  America is falling behind.  But I can take advantage of this situation and eek out an existence.

Darwin knew that he was full of bologna.  He once said, 'it is neither the strongest nor the most intelligent that survives, but the most adaptable to change.'  That means, strength and intelligence and beauty is almost useless.. The main thing in surviving is the ability to choose between right and wrong and go where the best chances for survival are.  That is why the Chinese are the most successful people in the USA.  They are neither the most beautiful, the most strong, nor the most intelligent.  But they can observe what works, and they cling to what works and discard what doesn't.  So they win. 

All eastern philosophy and culture arises from Indian thought.  But the Chinese took the ball and ran with it.  And then the Japanese preserved the original Chan Buddhism in its original form which they call Zen. 

Japan does business, warfare, and dating similar to America.  But they got more pinnache and style and spirit.  So Japan is growing, and America is sinking.  The reason is, Japan did not abandon faith.  They incorporate a more realistic faith into their lifestyle, and don't argue Christianity vs Evolution vs Veganism vs Gay rights vs Donald Trump is a loser.  Their lifestyle is their faith.  Every aspect of life is part of their irreverent yet spiritual culture. 

So no matter what you do or don't do, philosophy is part of your life.  It is not a useless academic subject.  It can literally be the difference between comiting suicide and living one more day.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Don't Give It Away For Free

I know I am doing wrong with this blog.  While it is growing, and I am getting a name as a designer and copywriter, I have not monetized this blog, so I am essentially giving away ideas for free.

If I want to succeed, I need to monetize what I do.  That means, get paid for your services.  In any business, you start working for free, and then you start charging for what you do.  It is similar to the business model of the crack dealer.  He gives you free samples, then you get addicted, then you cannot live without his product, then he starts charging you, and then he has a customer for life.

I must learn to be a skillful crack dealer.  But not literally.  My music is pretty darn good.  I have produced 6 official albums and over 100 unique songs.  Just my albums feature over 35 songs.  They are all high quality and feature sensitive songwriting and skillful use of rhythm guitar.  I should be rich, but I am not.  Because I am too generous, lack business savvy, and want to help the world.

By nature, business is not a charity act.  It is warfare.  I am serving you, and you renumerate me with money.  I want to make music and get paid for it.  Streams and Downloads is the lowest way to make money with music.  If you want to make money with music, you must get paying gigs, monetize your YouTube channel, get syncing and licensing deals, do merchandise and poster art, and teach guitar lessons.  What I am saying is that music is a lot like other businesses in the modern era.  You must diversify income streams.

Right now, I only have two income streams from music, and they have not paid out yet.  I have made some money in books and blogs and copywriting and designs.  But this is not where my heart is.  I do not belong in an office.  I belong in showbusiness, because I have the looks and talent for it.  But in reality, there is no justice in this world, and you never get what you really deserve.

So I will balance between hustling for money and doing what I really love.  Music and poetry is what I really love.  I see my college educations as a waste.  I studied for nothing and ultimately got nothing.  It is when you do something out of desire, a little bit every day, day in and day out, that you get what you want.  That is the secret to success and the teaching of Taoism.  Your life is simply the daily practice.  Your job is what you can see yourself doing every day, day in and day out, for the rest of your life. 

I saw a meme on Facebook that said, 'do your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession'.  I have done music for 25 years, I have done martial arts for 22 years, although I started wrestling in junior high school.  My record does not matter.  I am not results driven.  I started young, and never gave up.  So over many years, I developed skill and technique.

Now that I am older, judo and tai chi are no longer relevant.  Music is all I have.  And ultimately, it is all I want.  I love the feeling of performing for people and being a clown.  It is like imitating Chuck Berry, except I am not in it to fool you and make a million dollars.  I just want to make you happy and be loved.

So I will balance between what I do for love and what I do for money.  I will stop posting in this blog so often, because I do not want to give my stuff away for free.  I am aware people are reading this blog and stealing my ideas.  I will never run out of ideas.  The more you use creativity, the better it gets.  You cannot exhaust creativity.  But if you work for free, you are a slave.  I am tired of being a slave.  So watch out for music and books and dayjobs and dates and nights out on the town.  I am not a free service.  You must pay me for what I do.

The whole premise of a civilized society is mutual welfare and benefit.  If one is only giving and one is only receiving, someone is being used.  Love and Business and Friendship is a two way street.  Life is all about giving and receiving.  So Kabbalah wins again.  God gives to us, we receive, and our job is simply to give and receive all day long.  So West same stupid as the East.

I want to make love all day long, and get paid for it.  I am not giving away free shit.  Love is a two way street.  So watch out for more creative stuff from Lior Avni.  I am both a musician and an author, and I have a degree in graphic design.  So I consider myself a Creative Professional.  I will work until I die.

So don't look on this blog as often.  I want to work in silence and just show people the results.  I am planning a new album out by end of summer and a new book out by end of the year.  I am also looking for jobs.  So Peace, and be well.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Is It Really Real?

At some point in your life, you will learn to distinguish fantasy from reality.  And after a while, you will acquire a taste for reality.  Reality is ugly and raw but it makes you more happy than fantasy, which is just an illusion.

This is a principle of life.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  You cannot really create anything new.  Everything you create is a combination of things that have come before.  I never created anything new, I just took old ideas and recombined them in different ways.

Hollywood is all about the appearance of the actor.  MMA is a bully beatdown in a cage.  It is a realistic combat sport.  But sport is not reality.  Sport teaches you the timing and reflexes of a trained fighter.  No combat sport is a legal streetfight.  Streetfighting is by nature not legal.  You should avoid violence. They might shank you, they might blindside you, they might sucker punch you, they might tackle you and get the full mount on you.  A smart man avoids trouble.  Don't go looking for fun.  The fun is inside your mind, it is not out there.

I like reality.  My favorite entertainment is blues music.  It is not a music of fantasy, but rather, the music of oppressed slaves who sang of their hardship.  My favorite musician is Lightnin Hopkins from Houston, Texas.  He was a humble black man who was at once a musician and poet who only played three chords in his whole career.  You can do more with less or less with more.  He did the bare minimum, but he was so creative, he could reinvent an E boogie every time he played or wrote a song.  So he had efficiency in music.

Hollywood is all about appearance.  MMA is about aggression and confrontation and pride.  Boxing is a very competitive sport, but what does it amount to?  Porno is  a part of everyone's life, whether they admit it or not.  But I see it as a necessary evil, not something you should walk  around talking about.  A pornographer is essentially a famous prostitute.  The music industry is extremely corrupt, and the guys who are pop stars are not necessarily the most talented guys. 

The whole history of modern pop music comes from white guys stealing black people's music.  Black people have the creativity, but the anglo saxon have the most musical talent.  I admire the Spanish flamenco guitarists.  They have speed and agility in their hands. 

The way you play guitar is influenced by your innate characteristics like your physique, your talent, your personality, etc... I am strong and slow with agility and intellect and this comes through in the way I play my guitar.  I find the best guitarists are Anglo Saxon and Spanish and Black and there are even some guitarists with Native American blood in them.

My favorite musicians include Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, and Jimi Hendrix.  Bob Dylan was a Jewish man with a terrible voice and terrible guitar style but his lyrics were genius, and that was what made his whole career.  He overcame a tremendous deficiency of talent to be a superstar.  And when he is interviewed these days, he dismisses his own importance.  He knows he is just a punk Jewish rockstar.  Real Jews are doctors and lawyers and rabbis.  Even Itzschak Pearlman is more talented but less famous.  The media is fake.  But even in Babylon, there is wisdom.

I admire Jimi Hendrix.  He was a master of love.  At his heart, he was just an Afro-Irishman who wanted to have a good time and sing about love.  He was a lover, and he innovated on the genre. 

But most of all, I admire Bob Marley.  He came from poverty, started with nothing, wrote numerous great songs, and now he is posthumously known as the hero of Jamaica.  Every Jamaican admires Bob Marley.  I feel his songs were gentle and soft and pleasing, which shows he strong a survivor he was.  It takes strength to be gentle.  If he sang such a soft song, he must have been tough as nails.

You will find some day, that the Taoists are right. Reversal is the movement of the Tao. If you are a punk, you talk tough to hide your feelings of insecurity.  If you are tough, you speak gently and don't need to prove yourself.  I have met many fake toughguys and many real men.  When I look at humanity I see 8 out of 10 are just average and I ignore them.  1 out of 10 is exceptionally good.  1 out 10 is beneath contempt.  Like the Hitlers and Stalins of the world.  I try to contemplate the characteristics of good people and try to not think about the bad.   I don't even remember average people.

I have met a handful of good people in my life.  Most of my friends are good losers like me.  But I admire the good winners.  I have met a kickboxing coach, a rabbi, a commodities broker, a practitioner of TCM, and a good simple accountant.  I admire the qualities of good people and I try to emulate them.  Even with small talent, I can dream big and keep my eyes on the goal. 

There are all kinds of people in this world.  There are many talented failures and many succesful zeros.  But there are few talented successes.  That is why Hollywood and the elite are less than 5% of the whole world.  Very few win the game.  Very few are both good and rich. I have met bad rich people and good losers.  It takes all kinds.

I am opposite of the world.  My biggest joys are zen buddhism, morality, music, and poetry.  I do not value money and women and power and pleasure and porno and MMA and streetfighting.  So despite being poor, I am more happy than most people.  My desire in life is to teach people how to be happy.  The trick is, it has nothing to do with how much stuff you have.  The Buddhists are right.  Happinesss is an inside job.  It starts in your mind. 

So if you want to attain reality and clarity and wisdom and sagacity and ultimately happiness, you must distinguish reality from fantasy.  Reality is always better.  The whole story of modern American society is a bunch of rich people imitating what they see on TV.  If you try this at home, you will get injured.

It is so fake.  That is why I don't watch TV or Movies or go to Nightclubs or read newspapers.  It all seems so fake.  If you want to know reality, go out your door, look up at the sky, look at the trees and grasses and shoots and the street and the cars and people, etc..  Reality is right where you are.  It is not somewhere else.  Do not postpone happiness for later.  You might be dead by the time you reach happiness.

In my life, I must learn not to be a beggar.  Nobody owes me free shit.  In America, there is no socialist medicine or education or basic income.  America was founded on the principle of open market economy.  It has nothing to do with JudeoChristian morality.  The founding fathers were not Christian.  They all smoked weed and raped black female slaves.  John Adams had mulatto trick sons.  I am not kidding.

In this society, you can either sink down into despair or learn how to play the game.  I must see my career in graphic design and copywriting not as a career but as survival.  It is a war.  And even if they despise me, I can show them the results and learn to make do on a low income and be independent.  So my message is a positive one. I can learn to survive, and so can you.

Beyond a day job, I want to teach my knowledge to the youth.  I would like to teach guitar and Aikido and LifeFood and offer all my services to the youth.  A volunteer job pays more than a paying job.  But money is the real deal.  Without money, you don't survive.  Make the money first, then with your time and money, you can really have a ball.  During the evenings and weekends it is your time and your money.  So rock on.

I love reality.  I do not like fake shit.  All my friends admire my honesty and bluntness.  I have had more than five or ten friends and lovers in my life.  They have come and gone.  But some have stayed.  Keep your friends.  Don't burn your bridges. 

So you must ask yourself, what is really real?  Is the visible world all there is to see?  Is there something beyond tangible reality?  We cannot perceive UV light or electromagnetic radiation, but it exists regardless.  Some things are beyond our understanding.  The mark of a good scientists is that he knows he doesn't know.  That is why he is wise.  He knows the extent of his own foolishenss.  So Solomon wins again.  Humility goeth before honor, Haughtiness before a fall. 

Stay humble stay real, keep your eyes on the dream.