Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Arroz con Pollo Religion

I am planning on starting a cult called, 'The Arroz con Pollo Religion'.  Just kidding.  What I am really trying to do is educate the American people that they are being used and the first step in turning your life around is changing your nutrition.

The whole system in the USA is skewed.  You start in student loan debt, you live paycheck to paycheck, and you die in medical debt.  It seems like we are all slaves. 

If you want to survive America, you need to learn how to play the game.  This system is rigged to defeat you.  I want you to survive. I am trying to help.

The first thing you should know by age 15, before you start working and fucking, is nutrition.  Most of the commercial food in America is very low quality.  Everything from pizza, to Starbucks, to Dunkin Donuts, to Coca Cola, to bacon, to cheese, to a porterhouse steak is all bad for you.  Before the 1950s, nobody had access to these foods on a daily basis. 

People back then ate pork, eggs, yogurt, beans, corn, vegetables, bread, potatoes, and drank coffee and tea.  They lived like farmers and were healthy like farmers.  So the smartest thing for you to do is learn the history of food and intentionally live simpler not fancier.

Old fashioned food is best.  You don't have to be a strict vegan, nor do you need to subsist on protein and vegetables.  You need a well balanced diet of mostly plant foods like rice and vegetables.  People in India and China know this already but you don't.  Because you are eating merchandise.

I wrote two books already, and both are available on Amazon.  The first book was called, 'Sport and Physical Culture' and the second was called, 'Taoist Nutrition'.  Both are good but brief ebooks on Amazon.  The first one is only 19 pages long, the second is 35 pages long.  But in these brief ebooks is a lot of information crammed into a few words. 

The government in America is not for the people.  In an open market economy, everyone is fighting for resources the way baboons fight over mating rights.  But in reality, there is an abundance of resources there for everyone  So we are being deceived. 

First thing you should learn in life is nutrition.  There are other important subjects to learn, but first thing is eating, because everyone eats.  Bot the good and the bad.

So I will not start a cult that eats only chicken and rice.  But I will start to write more about nutrition, and plan another book.  Maybe a cookbook with pictures and hand-drawn illustrations.  I want to call my next book, 'Health, Strength, and Self Defense'.  It will not be just a cookbook.  But I don't want to give it all away here.  It will be a comprehensive book on how to be fit and healthy. 

So I hope to finish this book by the end of the year.  Look out for it on Amazon.  My name is Lior Avni. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bruce Lee's Whole Shtick

He was a real kung fu master, he was trying to teach you something.

He didn't just make kung fu movies and become known as a handsome Chinese American actor.  He never actually sparred or competed in any combat sport, but that doesn't matter.  What he did was invent a theory, a philosophy, and a method of self realization.

What he did in the movies was Tae Kwon Do.  But that is garbage.  In real life, he invented a martial art called 'Jeet Kune Do' which means 'The Way of the Intercepting Fist'.  It is also called Jun Fan Gong Fu after his actual Chinese name, Jun Fan.  Bruce Lee was the anglicized name a nurse gave him in the hospital he was born in.

What Jeet Kune Do was about was, that boxing has a more realistic training methodology than Karate, Judo, and Kung Fu.  Martial Arts is largely an exercise about zen culture and ethics and not how to knock a man out.  Bruce Lee was about reality self defense, not theories or philosophies. 

But he also had morality, and saw things from a wholistic viewpoint like most Chinese people.  Jeet Kune Do is not just punching.  It is not just punching and kicking.  It is a complete karate with an answer for everything.  It involves punching, kicking, trapping, and weapons grappling.  It is a lot like other Chinese martial arts like Wing Chun and Tai Chi.

But one thing he was trying to teach humanity was, that if you are too dangerous to spar, you are delusional and just talking out of pride.  A boxer gets in the ring and he fights.  He doesn't overthink it.  A boxer is conditioned, experienced, spars, competes, wins, loses, and doesn't complain.

But boxing alone is not a streetfight.  It is a fight with gloves on.  Without the gloves and the rules, you can do a lot more.  Bruce Lee once said, 'If Jeet Kune Do was a sport, it would be similar to Muay Thai.' 

Muay Thai means Thai Kickboxing.  It is not just punching with gloves on.  It involves kicks, knees, elbows, and clinch wrestling too.  The Thai fighters are extremely conditioned and spar and compete regularly.  Most will live and die poor, but some will be rich celebrities.  Muay Thai is the eastern concept of 'boxing'.

Even punching and muay thai is not a complete system.  A real martial artist can do more than punch and kick.  He also knows how to wrestle standing up and grapple with weapons.  In Chinese, wrestling is called 'Shuai' and weapons grappling is called 'Chin Na'.  A complete martial artist knows all four elements of hand to hand combat, not just one or two. 

So whether you are doing  Tai Chi or Chin Na or San Da or Wing Chun or Dragon Boxing, you must have answer for everything or you are not a real martial artist.  There is wholistic martial arts like there is wholistic medicine.  That is the Chinese worldview.  Having a comprehensive view not a partial vew.  The Chinese are not stupid.

So Bruce Lee was a great innovator and his movies were just stupid kung fu flicks.  He invented a new martial art, coached many kickboxers in the USA, married a white woman, had biracial children, and ultimately, he died because a doctor gave him the wrong meds.  What a tragedy.

Bruce Lee had more merit than most actors.  He wasn't just some guy on a movie screen.  He could do what he said.  In my life, I trained Muay Thai and JKD principles in a gym near my house and this empowered my to do sparring and Combat Sambo.  I am not just a judoka and grappler.  Jeet Kune Do principles work in any combat sport you do, as long as it involves striking with gloves on.  That includes boxing, muay thai, Combat Sambo, and MMA.  There are even Jeet Kune Do principles in wrestling and aikido.

So he wasn't a fake.  Even now, over 40 years after his death, people still honor him as a hero.  There are no Bruce Lee jokes, because he wasn't a joke.  He was telling you the truth.

A real master of kung fu can punch, kick, trap, and grapple.  Chinese martial arts don't teach groundfighting because groundfighting is an exercise.  In the end, Chinese martial arts are better than Japanese martial arts.  But China despises the west and Japan loves fooling the west.  They sell us all their crap, like sushi and karate and Sony and Toyota and manga comics.  Japanese are more sneaky, the Chinese just call us barbarians. 

So to understand martial arts is to understand zen.  To be a man who can knock a man out, you must understand the nature of reality and morality first.  It is not just about sparring and competing and anger and aggression.  We do east Asian martial arts not African martial arts.  Black people are the most strong and fast and invent the worst martial arts, and Asians are the smallest and weakest and invent the best martial arts.  It is counter-intuitive.  The soft overcome the hard.  If you are soft and weak and slow, then you must learn to survive by being more efficient, having better timing, and understanding human anatomy and psychology.  A small, weak, slow man can still fight if he knows what he is doing.  Only a punk shoots right away or jumps right in with the right cross.

So Bruce Lee invented something of lasting benefit to society.  I think Jeet Kune Do is better than Judo.  Judo is physical education, Jeet Kune Do is self realization through Budo.  Both have potential to help.  Easy going but tough and humble people do judo.  People into what works in a streetfight and how to become the best version of yourself do Jeet Kune Do.  It is so much more than Olympic combat sports or karate and MMA.  Jeet Kune Do is like a religion and a lifestyle. 

So I might go back to my old instructor and ask him for guidance.  I don't want to stop training all together.  As a martial artist, you are never done training.  You could be black belt and world champion and still have something to learn.  Martial arts is not a gang, it is a form of exercise with a functional use 

So Bruce Lee's whole shtick was self realization through karate.  He was saying boxers actually spar and aren't delusional or overly-confident.  They actually do it while you sit around talking about it.

In my life, I gave up on boxing and switched to takedown sports like Greco and Judo and Sambo.  I am more of a wrestler than a boxer or grappler.  But western people tend to have a limited, partial view of things because they are less intelligent and only believe in tangible results.  There is more to a confrontation than punching and choking.  Some fights end with a takedown or a pin or an armbar.  Some fights involve weapons.  And ultimately, criminals don't fight fair or else they would lose.  Most criminals are weak, slow, have no training, and only want to hurt and destroy you.  So training any martial art or combat sport is about being the better man and not having to prove it. 

I started grappling in 1998 and haven't stopped since.  After 22 years of training, I am not a beginner.  Shootfighting led to Judo and Judo led to Sambo.  Sambo was the best experience of my life.  What I am trying to say in this post is, martial arts is about self realization not self defense.  The whole concept of self defense is stupid.  If you beat someone up in a streetfight, you go to jail for doing the right thing, and if you walk away, they assume you are afraid.  So there is no way to win a confrontation.  The only real way to win is not to get into conflict to begin with.  Combat means stealth and weapons, that is a crime.  Self Defense is for children.  If you are too dangerous to spar, you are delusional.  God is Love.  Love conquers all.

I know I am a great martial artist and I will never stop training and teaching.  I don't care if I am not popular in my part of the world, I am popular somewhere else.  The USA seems to be the most distorted, wicked country on earth.  They got rich by deceiving the world and deceiving their own people.  I am not trying to deceive you. I am trying to help you.

So keep training your style and become yourself.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Music is Growing

So far, I have produced 6 albums since 2017.  The first one was taken off the internet.  So right now you can see 5 albums on YouTube and Spotify for stream and view.  I think my music is very creative and sounds like my influences.

I started with Nirvana, then went to the Beatles, then discovered the roots of rock n roll.  That is, black men playing guitar.  People like Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Elmore James, Howlin Wolf and others.  The music just comes out of my soul and I write the chords before the lyrics.

I have a presence on Instagram, Reverbnation, and obviously YouTube and Spotify.  I love music more than anything and the money doesn't matter.  I have enough money.  I create the music because I want to touch someone out there.

I don't gig out so I don't know where the streams and views are coming from.  But I know someone out there digs it.  In 2019, I made 5.1k streams on Spotify.  Hopefully, in 2020 I will make more streams.  I am planning an electric album which will be out by the end of the summer.

So as I continue to work in an office, I also do music and books on the side.  I wish I could be a celebrity musician and author, but I realize it is an unlikely dream.  Rockstars are all drug users and authors tend to be intellectuals. 

So I am not worrying about the future.  I am living in the present.  God understands the past, present, and future.  We only know now.  So we are limtied.  God is greater than mortal man.

I just want to promote my music and poetry and do what I want to do.  I can make money.  It's easy.  When I was in TCM school, one practitioner said, 'when you are done doing what you have to do, do you have the energy to do what you want to do?'. 

The main thing in life is to be happy and productive.  It is not about results or more money and women.   If you are miserable now, then that is all you have.  Live in the here and now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Music and Sport

I am learning to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

My two educations were in Acupuncture and Graphic Design.  A typical acupuncturist in this part of the world makes 100 dollars per hour.  A typical graphic designer makes 15 or 16 per hour.  The difference between a licensed profession and typical office work. 

But now, Acupuncture is no longer an option.  I don't even have an active license anymore.  I have a graphic design job, so I am an actively working graphic designer.  It is a good career path.

The main thing in work is trading time for money.  It is a lot like high school and college.  You are rewarded for good behavior, consistency, and conformity.  They want you to do what they say.  It is not that hard to make and spend money.

So Graphic Design is my job.  But what I really love is my hobbies.  I have been doing guitar since 1995 and grappling since 1998.  I spent 5 years doing Shootfighting, 15 years doing judo, and 6 months doing sambo.  I also have boxing experience.  I am a trained combat athlete.  The belt rank and medals mean nothing, it matters that you have sparring experience and the conditioning of a trained fighter.  85% of men can't fight.

So I have a job, two hobbies, and I have enough money to get by.  Now that I have a good paying gig, it will lead to others.  It is called building your resume.  When one job is about to end, start looking for another one.  When you find a near ideal job, then you stay there a few years.  But I just do graphic design for the money, if there was no money involved, I wouldn't do it.

But this it the real world.  Without money, you don't get to enjoy any worldly power or pleasure.  Money is power, women are pleasure.  You need both, unless you are a Buddhist monk in a monastery.  They don't enjoy much power and pleasure. 

I have 5 albums on YouTube and Spotify.  I listen to my own music a lot.  I think it is genius.  People don't really listen to rhythm and blues and rock n roll much anymore.  But I sound like what I listen to, and I listen to the old stuff.  I don't like hip hop and heavy metal.  I see the black hip hop music as having more creativity in it, but I am not from the Bronx so it doesn't interest me.

I can also do judo in a diminished capacity since when I was in my twenties.  Since 2008, people don't do doubles and singles anymore.  Without leg attacks, I can't really wrestle. I am a te-guruma expert.

Now that I am older, past 40, I am middle aged and more mature.  I think boxing is better than judo.  I think the music industry is better than Hollywood.  I think porno and MMA is not showbusiness, but a kind of drug you can get addicted to.  I am into reality not fantasy.  Americans have distorted values and the media is too liberal and anti-Christian and anti-Semitic.  Jews are always outcasts wherever they go, which shows how holy they are.

This world is worthless and the whole premise of the Hindu lifestyle is to be in the world but not of it.  As long as we have physical bodies, we are prisoners.  At least while you are alive, you can enjoy what you can enjoy and do the right thing.  Part of life is work.  Doing productivity for others not just yourself.  There is no life without work.  But when you are done with work, then you have the money and time to do what you really want to do.

I like music and sport.  Rhythm and Blues and Judo.  It is a bit old fashioned but I like it.  I don't like boxing and hip hop.  I am not a Jamaican guy from Brooklyn.  I'm a Syosset Jew.  But don't hold it against me.

So as time goes on, I will do what I must do to get to what I want to do.  If you were smart, you would check out my music on YouTube and Spotify.  It is free to you and it makes me 7 dollars for every 1000 streams.  It is old-fashioned music, but some people like this stuff.  At the very least, it is an exploration of the music of the climax.  The 1960s was a time when white kids and black kids were brought together with music.  Nowadays, black and white is more segregated than ever. 

If you believe the media, it is white overclass and black underclass and Arabs are the enemy.  But this is just a delusion of the media.  They are lying to you.  All the problems in the world come from the myth of Aryan Supremacy.  If you don't believe in God, you think you are God.  And that is sin.

There are Latinos, Asians, and Jews who practice clean faith and live humble lives.  They are the real Israelites.  I hope I can grow my fanbase in South America.  I am sure I am a popular musician there.

So Music and Sport is what I enjoy.  So I will keep doing the work to get the play I want.  That is all I am trying to say.

Monday, May 25, 2020

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

It is fair to analogize that men are like dogs and women are like cats.  The counter-intuitive thing is always true.

Dogs are lovers, peaceful, gentle, and strong.  They are guardians.  They only fight if they have to, to defend their territory or protect their family.  A good man is like a dog.

Cats are by nature warlike.  They fight everyone, feel less emotion, hunt, kill, eat only meat, and spend a lot of time grooming and sleeping.  Cats are warriors.  If you move towards them, they run away, because most good warriors avoid violence unless they have no choice but to defend themselves.

The counter-intuitive thing is always true.  Cats are better fighters than Dogs pound for pound, but dogs are so big that cats seem like a joke in comparison.  But a 50 pound minx can eat a 50 pound pit bull.  Dogs are not a warlike species.  They are guardians, they are primarily designed for protection and living in a group.

God is love.  Dogs are better than Cats.  Dogs were the first domesticated animal, and cats were the last.  So Cats are the most wild.  They are the closest thing to nature in the modern world. 

Men should be like dogs.  Women can't help but be like cats.  They have power.  They don't actually fight with their fists, but they compete in nonviolent ways.  Women compete through appearance, through the status of their boyfriends, through money, through their job, and in other ways.  Women don't dress up to attract men, they dress up to compete with other women.

Women are losers.  But we need them.  In all manners, women are more barbaric than men.  Men are more obvious, they punch you in the face or they tell you fuck you.  But that is kid's stuff.  Women control sex and choose the man.  So we are all just competing for women.

Love is the best feeling in the world.  There is no true love, but there are good relationships and terrible relationships.  The woman chooses the man.  Porno and strippers is just an illusion, where the man chooses the woman and uses her like a lump of meat.

Dating is nothing like porno, sexchat, and strippers.  That is why I haven't dated much.  I can't beat women.  I don't understand their psychology.  Good lovers know how to manipulate women and win the war of the sexes. 

So if I want to learn how to date, I must learn female psychology.  These girls aint loyal.  I am tired of evil sex.  I am ready for a real relationship.  The fulfillment of life is the ideal marriage.  Not perfect, but ideal.  You will never find anything perfect. 

This blog post was an analogy and a study in duality.  I am trying to understand things.  I don't know why I post to this blog, I get nothing from it.  But at least people who read this blog get some education in morality and moral reasoning. 

If I was smart, I would promote my music and books and shut up.  But I am not smart.  I just want to have a ball.

How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

The secret is to do a little bit every day. 

You must incorporate work into your daiy life.  We are not living in Paradise, you have to work.  Nobody gets a life of leisure.  It doesn't even feel good.  Life is about building up tension, releasing it, and letting it accumulate again.

The main skill in work is not how talented you are.  Talent does not matter.  The main skill is socializing.  If you can network, convince people you are important, make new friends, garner interest in what you are doing, etc.. you will be rich.

I have said this before.  Someone with intermediate talent but advanced business savvy will be rich.  Someone with master talent but no business savvy will die penniless and heartbroken.  That is what happened to Van Gogh. 

The main thing is business savvy.  And it is mostly about socializing.  If you are blunt, lack tact, too straightforward, or just confrontational you are not going to make it in business.  A businessman should be tactful and polite.  Kill 'em with kindness.

So it is possible to succeed in business.  Just find where your talents and the needs of the world intersect.  But you must be able to socialize.  With the internet, it has made socializing much easier.  You dont' need to be good looking, have a nice voice, or even be in the same room as a person to reach them.  Through social media, one can reach people in other parts of the country or world and create relationships.  Business is about creating relationships.

Nobody wants to buy things from a stranger.  Their resources are limited.  They want to create a relationship with the businessman.  A good businessman is like a Samurai, serving the communal good.  He wants to create a good reputation and keep them coming back for more. 

So it is easy to succeed in business these days.  Remote work, the internet, social media, the Adobe suite, and lots of other technologies makes our lives easier.  But it is not all improving.  Morally and Spiritually, we are more crapulent than ever.  Just because you have more stuff doesn't mean you are more happy.

So the future is not making more money and being more rich.  That's easy.  The future is moral education and spirituality.  This is what Tesla was aiming at when he invented all the technology we now take for granted.  He wanted people to have more time for philosophy and moral reasoning.  He didn't want more porno, MMA, weed, streetfights, and fatherless boys.  That was not his aim.

It is possible these days for anyone to succeed in business.  The internet is a great tool.  But don't let it consume your life.  You still need to eat, exercise, get out of the house, and interact.  The good side is, even socially limited people can work now.  I myself don't like dealing with people but find social media to be fun.  It is fake socializing. 

So it is possible to succeed in business without really trying.  First, you must be educated in the basics like English and computers.  Then you need a skill or hobby.  And finally, you need to learn how to schmooze.  If you can't socialize, you can't work.  Learn to socialize and sweet-talk people.

And then the money will come.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Work/Life Balance

This is what it is all about.  Once you turn 18, you are no longer a child and must make your own money.  It took me twice as long to reach maturity.  But that is not my fault.

In the real world, it is about money.  Money is worldly value.  Money has no intrinsic value, so the world has no intrinsic value.  But worldly life, about money and women, starts with generating income and managing your resources. 

I am starting to learn how to make money, budget, socialize, do self care, and do chores around my apartment.  I am becoming independent.  These skills were rudimentary until the past three years when I started publishing albums, selling articles, writing books, and publishing a nutrition blog on WordPress.  You got to start somewhere.

The secret to success is to do a little bit every day and never give up on yourself.  If you do something one hour per day, every day, for twenty years, you will be the master.  Twenty years is a generation, and also how long it takes to master something.  I mastered music and Judo. 

Now that grappling and combat sport is no longer age appropriate, I have to move on to other things.  Of course, I need a day job to pay the bills.  My degree is in graphic design, and that is why this blog is titled lioravnidesignwriter.  I write the designs and design the writings.  I am the author of what I create, when I create something, it is a product of my imagination.  That is what I like about creative work, it is productive and you are judged by how good what you create is, not what you are esteemed as.

Reputation doesn't matter in graphic design or music.  It does in TCM and Judo, but not in creative work. 

I am seeking work/life balance.  Nobody gets through life without work.  If you have done more than eat, sleep, and shit, you have done work.  And any skill can be monetized, even cooking a meal or driving a car.  I learned to drive at age 16 and I started cooking in my twenties, as an aside.

I began guitar lessons in 1995, and I began grappling in 1998.  But even before that, I have been writing all my life.  In the 1980s, when I was just a boy, I would write constantly, as if I carried something over from a previous birth.  My soul is very old.  My writings seem inspired.

When I was young, I liked GI Joe and knights in armor and King Arthur.  But as I entered teenage years, I began to like music and pornography and sports like judo and swimming.  Maybe the meaning of life is to come full circle and end where you started.  Youth is the most important part of life.  At the beginning of your life, you are weak and helpless and vulnerable, and also at the end.

So all of life is just a journey, and you end where you started.  That is why everyone loves music.  It is like a poem that starts at one place, goes through a bunch of changes, and ends on the one.  You end where you started.  The purpose of life is not to acquire more stuff, you will die anyway.  The purpose of life is to enjoy the journey. 

The Dalai Llama said, 'the meaning of life is to be happy and useful.'  That about sums it up.  If you have little, but are happy with it, and are productive to others besides yourself, then you have everything.  The results don't matter.  Evidence based science is garbage.  Money cannot buy happiness.  More women does not mean more happiness.  But as a human being, you have a body and must fulfill your base desires, like to eat and to have sex.  You also need to sleep and digest your food and excrete it.  But even an animal can eat, sleep, and shit. 

When you develop a desire in your mind, it leads to action, and an accumulation of action leads to experience.  Skill just means knowledge and experience in doing something.

So I aim for work/life balance and living in harmony.  I don't want an excessive amount of money or a multitude of relationships.  I just wan't fulfillment and to feel like I am not a slave.  Freedom is the unconditioned state.

So as I learn to survive, a I see that work/life balance is the ultimate thing.  A person without a job is a bit odd.  Everybody does some kind of work, even if they are limited and can only get money from the government and take care of themselves. 

So I continue to strive and grow.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Getting Along

I am learning how to survive on my own.  For the past 11 weeks, I have been in my own apartment.  I am paying rent and utilities, and with a little help from my family, I am getting along.  Life is not that hard.  The main skills for survival are budgeting and socializing.  It is not self defense.  No one is going to challenge you to a street brawl, and if they are intent on hurting you, they will use stealth and weapons so what can you even do?

Besides budgeting and socializing, one should know self care and chores.  I need to work on that, but I am learning anyway because I must learn.  Keeping a neat appearance, basic hygiene, and keeping a clean apartment makes you feel better about yourself.

Freud once said, "work and love, love and work, that's all that is."  He was right.  You do things for money or you do things for love.  Prostitutes literally make love for money.  But that is the lowest profession. 

I know in my life I can do certain things for money and certain things for love.  Most of all, I enjoy music, but I don't make much money from it.  I also enjoy grappling, especially the traditional kinds, Judo and Aikido.  But that also is not a big money maker. 

I have two degrees, one in Acupuncture, and the other in graphic design.  The typical Acupuncturist makes 100 dollars per hour, the average graphic designer makes 16 dollars per hour.  But Acupuncture is no longer an option.  So I have to take a big pay cut. 

But the good thing about the field of graphic design is, it is versatile, always in demand, there is flexibility in working online or onsite, and there is always continuing education.  It is the only real lucrative use of creativity in the modern world.  Not many people become rockstars or celebrity authors.  That is just a fantasy.

The thing is, success in business is not based on talent or merit.  It is based on guile.  To succeed in business, you must have tact, be able to socialize, be able to fake interest, and conform to society's expectations of you.  So some rich people are worthless punks and some poor people are exceptional geniuses.  This confirms the Christian worldview and tends to disprove Darwin and Evolution.  Success is not based on how good you are.  Nobody cares how good you are.

So I see these times as dark times and I become more religious as I age.  I still need food and sex, I have a body.  But I am becoming more spiritual and religious.  When this Corona virus thing lets up, I am going to the Church or Temple.  That's where the fun is.  In the same place, you can get religion, women, and music.  Just a different kind of religion, women, and music.  There are secular people, there are religious people, and there are spiritual people.

Spiritual people are best.  There is a kind of lived religion.  You don't absolutely need to go to Church to be a good person, but neither do you need to believe in atheism, evolution, Aryan supremacy, or survival of the fittest.  These are all wrong concepts.  And man is not meant to be a vegan.

The world is degrading as we approach Judgement Day.  People are less Christian, more antisemitic, and more tolerant towards Islam, which is a religion of conquest. 

Don't be antisemitic.  Try to understand a deeper Christianity.  And don't tolerate wrong religion like paganism, Islam, and Voodoo.  There is clean faith and unclean faith.  And then there is no faith, which is worthless.

So I am getting along and learning quickly things I should have learned twenty years ago.  But it is better late than never.  I am in my early 40s but look 30.  So I am not doomed.  I just wasted a lot of time.  20 years is a human generation.  You shouldn't waste 5 years let alone 20.  But I know that just like a song, you end where you started, with the rootnote.  So if my life started well, it will end well. 

My life began in zen and will end in zen.  So there is nothing lacking.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Music Education

One of the things I keep stressing in this blog is education.  Knowledge is power not power is power.  The first thing you teach a child is nutrition.  By 15, you should be well versed in nutrition and healthy eating. 

Another idea I keep reiterating is the 20 year or 10,000 hour rule.  It takes 20 years of one hour of practice per day, day in and day out, to master a skill.  I mastered Judo and Music.  Other people master other things.  I know yoga teachers, vegan chefs, guitar teachers, judo teachers, sparring coaches, practitioners of massage, etc...  If you start between the ages of 8 and 15 on your hobbies, by the time you are in your late twenties or early thirties, you will be a young master.  The late twenties and early thirties is the best part of a human being's life.

Don't waste your life.  And don't neglect your children.  They shouldn't just go to school and enjoy television and video games and the internet when they are not in school.  Get them involved in extra-curricular activities or they will be helpless later.  Practice your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession.  Most people will not do what I say, impregnate their high school girlfriend, and end up in a dead end job just to pay the bills to support their spouse and children.  Even a gorilla can find a mate, reproduce, and support it's offspring.  So a life of work and women is no better than that of an animal.

I am glad I am 41 and have no wife or children.  I did other things with my life.  I mastered judo, I mastered rhythm guitar, I mastered TCM theory, I write, I draw, and I am close to mastering cooking.  So I am an exceptional human being.

There are other forms of success besides money and children.  I consider myself a uniquely gifted human being. 

I have 5 albums on Spotify and YouTube right now.  I had a first album called Money and Women that came off the internet.  And I have another album coming soon.  This new one will be all electric and feature vocals.

Now that Judo is less age appropriate, I can switch my focus to music.  Music is not dependent on speed, power, timing, or reflexes.  It is a creative expression.  I can still practice Judo in a diminished capacity than when I was in my late twenties.  20 years is a huge period in a human being's lifespan.  It is a generation, and it takes 20 years to master a skill.

So I use judo to be a better musician and a better copywriter.  When I am sitting infront of the microphone with my guitar in my hand, I am totally confident in myself.  I wouldn't be able to do that without judo.  Judo makes you tough.  I also apply to copywriting jobs with no fear of failure because I know how talented I am and if the client doesn't hire me it is their loss not mine.

There are a lot of combat sports and martial arts to get involved in.  Boxing and Tae Kwon Do is pretty cool but has more to do with self defense and ego and less with moral education.  Grappling and MMA is for punks.  Judo can be used for physical education and has more uses than just its efficacy in self defense.  When you randori and compete, and get indifferent to winning and losing, it makes you mentally tough.  This is a good quality for life.  Not to be dissuaded by the outside world.

So I had some boxing potential but decided to switch to Judo because I had high minded ideals.  Whether that was a good decision or a bad decision doesn't matter.  I can't go back in time.  But I can deal with the situation now.

I think, moving forward, that I should take some music education courses at the local community college.  I would like to be around musicians and people who know music theory.  The history of rock n roll fascinates me.  Since the mid 1950s, rhythm and blues became rock n roll and since 1970, the past 50 years have been an explosion of creativity.  You can do so much with so few chords. 

So Copywriting can be a job, Judo can be an exercise, and Music can be a hobby.  I live a full life and not having a wife or child doesn't matter.  I have created things greater than children.

But I enjoy music the most, and wish to hang out with musicians and music teachers.  That is why this blog post is called Music Education.  The post is about music and it is about education. 

So word to the wise, educate yourself, and do what you love.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Come Electric

Today I started work on my next album.  I decided it will be all electric, including rhythm and lead.  It will be called, "Rhythm and Blues World Service" and feature a couple of classic covers. 

I am more a fan of acoustic music, but I am running out of ideas.  Most of my acoustic songs are in the Key of E, A, or C.  I don't often play in Open G or Open D because that sounds too old fashioned.  The standard tuning of a guitar has the most versatility.

It is easier to sound good electric than acoustic, that is why most people prefer electric.  But I prefer acoustic.  This album will be exploring something new, and I will eventually go back to acoustic guitar. 

When Bob Dylan went electric in the late 1960s, some people accused him of selling out.  But he was just going with the times and exploring different things, he was still a folk rock musician.  I dig Bob Dylan.

My album will probably feature 7 songs or so.  At least 2 of them will be covers, and there will be a few instrumentals.  But most of all, I enjoy writing my own songs.  It is when you push past the three major chords and add something extra that you create something unique. 

So this new album will be lively and original.  I am hoping to create something as good as Lonely Days.  All of my albums are available on Spotify and YouTube.  You just have to look for Lior Avni in the search bar.

Meanwhile, I continue to write and plan a book for release by the end of 2020.  It is harder to write a book than an album.  Books are not easy to produce, but cost almost nothing to produce, so anything you make is profit. 

So I continue to work as a musician and author, and I supplement my income with side jobs.  Life is not that bad.  It is when you stop learning new things that you die inwardly.  You can study all your life and know a fraction of what God knows.  So keep studying.  And that doesn't mean high school or college.

That means the bookstore, the library, Udemy, and Skillshare.  Even Adobe produces free video tutorials.  So you don't need a college degree to be smart.

Knowledge is power, not power is power.  Donald Trump has no real power.  It is by learning about fact not fantasy that you acquire power.  And when you are powerful, you are more joyous.

So I will continue to explore new sounds, new ideas, new exercises, new foods, and new women.  What is life if you don't enjoy it?  If you lived your life without enthusiasm, you missed the point.  When you do the right thing with enthusiasm do you get good results and a good reputation. 

So keep on keepin on.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Nothing New Since Plato vs Artistotle

All Philosophy started with the Hellenic Greeks.  You could even say high culture began with the Hellenic Greeks.  Philosophy creates culture.

To this day, in Academia, people still learn Plato and Artistotle.  There is not much new in the realm of philosophy.  The basic idea was, Plato believed the idea exists in heaven and the idea shapes the reality.  But Artistotle saw it the other way.  He said, be ignorant, observe nature and what really works, then base your conclusions on what you observe.

I am more like Aristotle than Plato.  A good scientist knows he doesn't know.  There is an element of humility in science.  If you are biased, egocentric, a xenophobe, or a retard, you won't make a good scientist.  The Chinese are the best scientists because they are the least egotistical and proud and are open to what is. 

The Ancient Greeks had a lot to offer modern man, that was Nietzsche's whole idea.  They loved combat sports like boxing, wrestling, and MMA.  They were secular yet educated.  There was upward mobility in their society.  They valued philosophy and the arts.  They took care of hygiene and health.  You could say all Western culture comes from the Greeks the way all Western religion comes from the Hebrews.

So there is nothing new in philosophy.  You either live in the realm of ideas and scientific theories and mathematical equations, or you simply observe what works.  You can study all your life and still be largely ignorant of many things. 

Western Medicine is based on reductionist science.  They do cadaver studies, so they know the way a human being is really made up.  They do studies in Academia with mathematical equations and scientific theories.  And they experiment constantly, even in the use of new medicines.

But there is another kind of science.  There is empirical science, where the scientist observes what works in the real world, and draws his conclusions on what actually works in real life scenarios.  This is what TCM is based on.  Observation.  The Chinese have been agrarian the longest, so they have had civilization the longest.  So they've seen generations come and go.

Chinese culture is more like Aristotle.  A good doctor can diagnose the patient just by looking at him or listening to his words.  He doesn't need fancy machines or diagnostic equipment.  And blood tests don't tell much about what is going on inside the human body.

So you can live in the world of ideas or the world of reality.  Accept reality.  It is what it is.

I love music the most, but I don't see it making a full time income for me.  And I will never be the Beatles or even Mariah Carey.  At best, I can be a copywriter during the day and play music during the evenings and weekends. I can also teach kickboxing and Aikido because i am qualified.

So there is hope for me.  I am stable on my budget and more or less money is not the issue.  By observing what the market wants, what businesses are profitable, and what I really need to do with my life, I can assess what is best for me.  I should teach Aikido and sell articles online and keep doing music every day. 

My college education didn't really help me, but my hobbies did.  You learn by doing.  Only through experience do you gain skill.  If you do something one hour per day for 20 years, you become the master.  So get children involved in extra curricular activities between ages 8 and 15.  Their youth is the foundation of their entire life.  Don't waste your youth. 

If I could, I'd teach children what I know.  But I don't socialize well.  So maybe I can teach through the written word, by writing books and blogs and selling articles. Music is educational too.  And Aikido is an education in survival and winning without a fight.  There is more to the martial arts than Karate and MMA. 

So Philosophy is not a waste of time and is not an optional subject.  Quite the contrary, philosophy is the most important thing you can learn.  Life begins in your mind.  By taming the mind, you master the self.  And then life is a breeze. 

So in conclusion, I like Aristotle, the Chinese, and Nietzsche a lot more than Plato, Western Science, and Western Medicine.  Don't be biased.  don't live in fantasy land.  Don't force the idea onto the reality.  But be natural and simple and humble.

It is what it is.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Judo Means To Me

Judo is not just physical education or an Olympic sport where two jacket wrestlers throw each other.  There is a lot more to it than that.

Americans tend to be reductionist scientists and see one thing and one thing only.  But someone who practices empirical science knows that what happens now is based on a complex variety of factors that culminated in the past.  The past determines the present, and what you do now determines the future.

Judo is a martial art.  It is based on Jujutsu, and was formulated in the late 1800s in Japan as a way of making Jujutsu less about fighting and killing and more about education, moral principles, sport, and martial readiness.  It is not just throws and there are a lot of other forms of physical educaiton out there.

Sport Judo is about throw, pin, choke, and armlock.  It is like freestyle wrestling, but involves a jacket, the guard, the half guard, chokes, and armlocks.  So in theory it is more dangerous than wrestling, but in reality it is much safer.

MMA is essentially two punks brawling in a cage.  70% of MMA champions are freestyle wrestlers.  They almost make martial artists look bad, how strong and fast they are.  Aikido is weapons grappling, and involves the clinch in a different way.  It involves trapping and blending and pinning uki without harming him.  If you win without harming, you are a master.

Judo is great for the young.  Ideally, you should start between 8 and 10.  You could start as late as your teens or college years.  But if you want to be World Champion, start at 8 or 9 or 10. 

Boxing is more hardcore, and has nothing to do with physical education.  It is essentially a fight with gloves on, and only people from the lower echelons of society who have no other option to make money get involved in pugilism.  Judo is something high minded and civilized, and is very popular with the Police and the Military.

I am not a fan of BJJ and MMA.  They seem like guys who took judo techniques and took it too seriously.  It's just Judo.  It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it matters that you get on the mat and you try.  It is better to try and lose than be an empty talker.

So in my life, I used Judo to make me mentally tough, to be confident, to believe in myself, and not to look down on anyone.  You could be champion one tournament and last place finisher the next.  That is what it can be used as phsyical education.  It makes you mentally tough.

Jigoro Kano was a great innovator in the martial arts.  Guys who are too dangerous to spar are delusional.  Just get on the mat and see who's better.  Randori is the vital aspect of Judo practice.  It is all non lethal techniques done in full force sparring.  There is no theory or technique or discussion.  You either win or you lose and you don't complain.

So if I had it all to do again, I wouldn't have done anything different.  Boxing is for guys who have nothing to give.  Grappling and MMA is for guys who think they are tough but can't stand up.  Wrestling and Judo is one thing, scholastic sport, and that is where the real men are.  Most truck drivers and cops were wrestlers in high school and college.  Then they got day jobs.  Now that Corona Virus has ruined America, we see that these low end, physical jobs are the most important jobs, and 80% of jobs are useless, sitting infront of a computer trading time for money.  In my part of New York, truck drivers, police officers, gas station employees, and grocery store workers are still hard at work while you enjoy downtime. 

Perhaps my philosophy is not just empty philosophy.  Hindus do Hatha Yoga because it makes their body tough.  Joy lives in strength.  When you are physically strong, you are joyous and generous.  Judo makes you tough, and this empowers you to do something in the world. 

I don't want a boring dayjob but I will work one if I have to.  I just want to play my guitar and cook my own food.  But if I want better women, I need more money.  So I see work as a fight I must fight.  That is the ideal of the Hindu warrior.  The man who fights because he must, not because he wants to.

So just keep showing up to work and doing the right thing.  They only way to get success and fame is by doing a little bit every day, day in and day out, and never quitting on yourself.  I use judo to make me better at everything else.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Love Doesn't Come In A Minute...

Sometimes, it doesn't come at all. 

That is a lyric from a Paul McCartney song.  It is true.  Most things in life, especially the good things, don't just happen in a flash and they are done.  Good things take a prolonged effort, sometimes many hours, many days, many years, before you reach your desired result.  I have been playing guitar since 1995 but only recording albums since 2017.  In three years, a lot has changed.

Even three years is not a long time, and I feel my life has improved dramatically since becoming an online musician.  I have a presence on YouTube, Instagram, Reverbnation, Twitter, and of course, Facebook like everyone else.

If I learned more about business principles and music marketing, I could make more income as a musician.  It turns out streams and downloads is the worst way to make money as a musician.  And that is my only musical income stream.  So I am not rich.

I have published one album through Reverbnation, two through CDBaby, and three through Routenote.  They are all good sites, but I feel intuitively that I am being ripped off of thousands while I get dollars.  The music industry is extremely corrupt and most of the money you generate does not go to the artist himself. 

When I first released Money and Women in 2017, I had no idea what I was doing.  I had a friend who was my music marketing guru at the time instructing me on how he did his career.  I feel my music is above average and his music is below average.  But since he had the experience in recording and publishing, he was the teacher and I was the student.

The best albums were the last three released through Routenote.  It seems like a fair business paradigm where you publish for free and they take a small percentage of everything you make.  It uses mostly streams and views from Spotify and YouTube, which by itself is not that lucrative.  But at least I am doing what I want to do and I have enough income every month anyway.  I do what makes me happy, not what makes me rich.

Coffee Blues, Lonely Days, and Trouble On My Way are good albums.  Each subsequent album gets more creative and masterful.  Some of my favorite songs that I have written include Roll Over and Boogie, Lonely Days, Trouble On My Way, Down So Low, and Weekend Blues.  It is better to feature vocals than to create an instrumental. 

I look on Spotify and see that in 2019 alone, I generated 5.1 thousand streams.  That is not a lot, but in actuality it is for an indie musician with no advertising.  Somebody out there digs it.

Spotify and the MP3 both ruined music and gave it to the whole world.  If you only make 7 dollars per 1000 streams, it is hard for musicians to make money.  But if all the music of the past 70 years is online on Spotify and is free to listen to, music has become a big part of modern life.  We need music.  It is emotional therapy.

So music fans are happy and full time musicians are sad.  It is not easy to make money as a musician, but it is possible.  The distance between starving artist and rich and famous is shrinking.  With clever business savvy, an understanding of marketing, and an advertising budget, one can create a side income of online music.  That is my ambition.  Perhaps music cannot be my main job.  But it is perfect for the evenings and weekends. 

So being a famous musician didn't come in a minute.  And it may not come at all.  But as long as I am creative, playing my guitar, writing new songs, and pretending I am the fifth Beatle, than life is alright.  I can do a dayjob and do music too. 

Get a job.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Story of Lior J Avni

I will not write out my whole life story in this brief blog post.  All I want to tell you is the history of how I got to be such a great musician and writer.

With music, it all started in the 1980s.  I was young when I first learned about music.  Most of the music of the 1980s was crap, but some of it was good.  It was nothing like rhythm and blues or rock n roll of the 50s 60s and 70s.  I used to listen to mixtapes and dream with my eyes as I heard with my ears. 

When the 90s came, I was a teenager in high school.  I had other interests like swimming, wrestling, food, pornography, and I had many friends.  But music was the most special.  I hated waking up at 6am to make the bus to high school because I am a night owl and can't wake up before 9am.  So I would go through high school like a zombie and come home exhausted. 

Every day, I would nap from 3pm to 6pm and then wake up and watch MTV from 6pm to bedtime.  That was my life in high school.  Between 1992 and 1996, I absorbed pop culture.  I wouldn't even do exercise or homework.  I would always manage to do homework the next day in the library during my free period.  So although I was lazy and self indulgent, I was intelligent enough to graduate high school with a 85 average, which is slightly above average.  Anything above 90 is good. 

Nirvana was the biggest hit of the 1990s, and there where other hit acts then like Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Soundgarden, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Iced Tea.  Then there was pop music like Mariah Carey. 

This was the last great music of the modern era.  When Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1993 or 1994, he ruined himself, pop music, and western culture with him.  The music of the past 25 years has been commercial crap, with some cleverness here and there.  I started playing guitar in 1995 when I discovered The Beatles.  Their 30 year reissue of their two greatest hits albums was a revelation.  I could hear real music from creative musicians having a ball.

After my youth and obsession with the Beatles, I went back in time to the rhythm and blues that inspired them.  Most of all, I liked Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.  The black musicians of the 50s spawned the British musicians of the 1960s, and the past 50 years have been an explosion of creativity.  Pop music is very important to me.

I am not just a musician.  Throughout my four decades or so, I have mastered Judo, writing, drawing, cooking, the Baghavad Gita, the concepts of Kabbalah, and other things.  My two books on Amazon are about using my TCM education in a way to educate the common people on stuff people in India and China already know. 

Best of all, the Baghavad Gita inspired me to fight the good fight and never quit.  Philosophy can save your life.  By doing the right thing with enthusiasm, you get good results and a good reputation.  I used Hindu Philosophy to be a great Judoka and a great musician.  I am also a great writer. 

I know I should concentrate on writing moving forward because that is where the money is.  And nutrition seems to be a subject that appeals to everyone.  You won't get very far talking about race, gender, politics, the history of America, Aryan supremacy and its fallacy, or the Asiatic Black Man.  These are controversial subjects.  Race and Gender are hot topics in the USA.

Moving forward, I will create more albums or original music with some covers on them, write boooks on health and nutrition, and resume practice of my favorite exercises, like kickboxing, judo, swimming, and yoga.  I have let my physical health go.  Perfect diet is not enough to be healthy.  You must exercise or your body will become decrepit by age 50. 

So my life began in the attainment of zen, and ended in music.  I have learned a lot in 41 years.  By far, music gives me the most pleasure, but it doesn't give me the most money.  And at this point, I need to improve my money situation.  I am not as established as most middle aged men.

So I need to scheme up a way to increase my money situation without relying solely on music.  Judo, writing, health education, fitness, are all possibilities.  I don't want to do the bare minimum for the rest of my life.  I am not doomed.  I want multiple streams of income from online work that help me live a humble but contented lifestyle. 

If I want to enjoy the next 20 years of my life, and 20 years means a generation, I must learn to get out of the house, socialize, create relationships, and be of benefit to someone other than myself.  It's easy to do the bare minimum and just live for yourself.  But that is how a child is not a grown person.  The riddle of Kabbalah is, altruism is more fun than being selfish, but most people are selfish and not altruistic, that is why they are miserable.  Learn early that giving is better than receiving.

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Courage

It takes courage to survive this world.  These days, religion is less popular because people feel they can't be religious and have a good time.  But this comes from flawed logic.  They assume that since Christianity was the prevailing religion of Europe and they assume that white people are the master race, that if Christianity is dying all religion is dying.  But this is not an accurate use of logic.

There are other religions, systems, and worldviews out there.  I myself am not a practicing religious person but realize that religion civilized humanity and was the driving force behind law and ethics.  It started with Abraham the first Jew who was monotheistic, nonviolent, and monogamous when a time when men were lawless barbarians.  Then Jesus came a long and reworked the Hebrew tradition in his own way.

But there is also the religion of the east, of India, a nation that spawned Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.  All three religions are valid, real, and worthy of study.  Hinduism became popular in South Asia, Buddhism spread to East Asia, and Jainism stayed small because of its unrealistic nature.

Buddhism is about monastic discipline and finding enlightenment.  Jainism is about nonviolence, veganism, and avoiding doing all evil.  But Hinduism seems to have the most potential.  Yoga is the mystical aspect of Hinduism and Hatha Yoga is just one aspect of it.

In India, education if the youth is very important.  Children should be educated in diet, wrestling, hatha yoga, and sex education.  As you progress, you should learn a skill and take 20 years to master it.  If you start judo at the age of 8, by the time you are 28 you will be a World Champion.  It takes 20 years of daily practice to master anything.  I am just using judo as an example. 

As you go through young adulthood, middle age, and old age, you should work and play and love in harmony.  By the time you are really elderly, you should leave the world of men and retire to nature to find God.  To die with contentment is victory.

So it takes courage to live, and you don't actually have to knock anybody out.  That doesn't make you courageous.  A good man is instructed by his father, teachers, and rabbi or priest and does the right thing because he must do it.  This is one of the essential teachings of Hinduism, duty.  That life is not a free for all or orgy, that you must do service before you get to the fun part. 

Real courage is about doing the right thing with enthusiasm and getting the right result.  The main holy book of the Hindus is called, 'The Baghavad Gita' and summarizes all Hindu philosophy in one book of 18 chapters.  Chapter 7 is a summary of the summary.  In it, a Charioteer instructs and Archer on the nature of duty, success, the meaning of life, a man's role in society, vice, virtue, courage, and excellence.  It is one book that summarizes a thousand books.

So instead of debating on Evolution vs Christianity, or going to the next Tinder date, or watching MMA at the local bar, I suggest picking up a copy of this book and reading it for yourself.  Even if you understand one line from this book, it will enrich your life and help you live better. 

Hinduism and Yoga is not about morality.  It is not about worship.  It is about lived religion, about living a good life and dying a good death.  It has tremendous potential.