Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Getting Along

I am learning how to survive on my own.  For the past 11 weeks, I have been in my own apartment.  I am paying rent and utilities, and with a little help from my family, I am getting along.  Life is not that hard.  The main skills for survival are budgeting and socializing.  It is not self defense.  No one is going to challenge you to a street brawl, and if they are intent on hurting you, they will use stealth and weapons so what can you even do?

Besides budgeting and socializing, one should know self care and chores.  I need to work on that, but I am learning anyway because I must learn.  Keeping a neat appearance, basic hygiene, and keeping a clean apartment makes you feel better about yourself.

Freud once said, "work and love, love and work, that's all that is."  He was right.  You do things for money or you do things for love.  Prostitutes literally make love for money.  But that is the lowest profession. 

I know in my life I can do certain things for money and certain things for love.  Most of all, I enjoy music, but I don't make much money from it.  I also enjoy grappling, especially the traditional kinds, Judo and Aikido.  But that also is not a big money maker. 

I have two degrees, one in Acupuncture, and the other in graphic design.  The typical Acupuncturist makes 100 dollars per hour, the average graphic designer makes 16 dollars per hour.  But Acupuncture is no longer an option.  So I have to take a big pay cut. 

But the good thing about the field of graphic design is, it is versatile, always in demand, there is flexibility in working online or onsite, and there is always continuing education.  It is the only real lucrative use of creativity in the modern world.  Not many people become rockstars or celebrity authors.  That is just a fantasy.

The thing is, success in business is not based on talent or merit.  It is based on guile.  To succeed in business, you must have tact, be able to socialize, be able to fake interest, and conform to society's expectations of you.  So some rich people are worthless punks and some poor people are exceptional geniuses.  This confirms the Christian worldview and tends to disprove Darwin and Evolution.  Success is not based on how good you are.  Nobody cares how good you are.

So I see these times as dark times and I become more religious as I age.  I still need food and sex, I have a body.  But I am becoming more spiritual and religious.  When this Corona virus thing lets up, I am going to the Church or Temple.  That's where the fun is.  In the same place, you can get religion, women, and music.  Just a different kind of religion, women, and music.  There are secular people, there are religious people, and there are spiritual people.

Spiritual people are best.  There is a kind of lived religion.  You don't absolutely need to go to Church to be a good person, but neither do you need to believe in atheism, evolution, Aryan supremacy, or survival of the fittest.  These are all wrong concepts.  And man is not meant to be a vegan.

The world is degrading as we approach Judgement Day.  People are less Christian, more antisemitic, and more tolerant towards Islam, which is a religion of conquest. 

Don't be antisemitic.  Try to understand a deeper Christianity.  And don't tolerate wrong religion like paganism, Islam, and Voodoo.  There is clean faith and unclean faith.  And then there is no faith, which is worthless.

So I am getting along and learning quickly things I should have learned twenty years ago.  But it is better late than never.  I am in my early 40s but look 30.  So I am not doomed.  I just wasted a lot of time.  20 years is a human generation.  You shouldn't waste 5 years let alone 20.  But I know that just like a song, you end where you started, with the rootnote.  So if my life started well, it will end well. 

My life began in zen and will end in zen.  So there is nothing lacking.

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