Friday, May 22, 2020

Work/Life Balance

This is what it is all about.  Once you turn 18, you are no longer a child and must make your own money.  It took me twice as long to reach maturity.  But that is not my fault.

In the real world, it is about money.  Money is worldly value.  Money has no intrinsic value, so the world has no intrinsic value.  But worldly life, about money and women, starts with generating income and managing your resources. 

I am starting to learn how to make money, budget, socialize, do self care, and do chores around my apartment.  I am becoming independent.  These skills were rudimentary until the past three years when I started publishing albums, selling articles, writing books, and publishing a nutrition blog on WordPress.  You got to start somewhere.

The secret to success is to do a little bit every day and never give up on yourself.  If you do something one hour per day, every day, for twenty years, you will be the master.  Twenty years is a generation, and also how long it takes to master something.  I mastered music and Judo. 

Now that grappling and combat sport is no longer age appropriate, I have to move on to other things.  Of course, I need a day job to pay the bills.  My degree is in graphic design, and that is why this blog is titled lioravnidesignwriter.  I write the designs and design the writings.  I am the author of what I create, when I create something, it is a product of my imagination.  That is what I like about creative work, it is productive and you are judged by how good what you create is, not what you are esteemed as.

Reputation doesn't matter in graphic design or music.  It does in TCM and Judo, but not in creative work. 

I am seeking work/life balance.  Nobody gets through life without work.  If you have done more than eat, sleep, and shit, you have done work.  And any skill can be monetized, even cooking a meal or driving a car.  I learned to drive at age 16 and I started cooking in my twenties, as an aside.

I began guitar lessons in 1995, and I began grappling in 1998.  But even before that, I have been writing all my life.  In the 1980s, when I was just a boy, I would write constantly, as if I carried something over from a previous birth.  My soul is very old.  My writings seem inspired.

When I was young, I liked GI Joe and knights in armor and King Arthur.  But as I entered teenage years, I began to like music and pornography and sports like judo and swimming.  Maybe the meaning of life is to come full circle and end where you started.  Youth is the most important part of life.  At the beginning of your life, you are weak and helpless and vulnerable, and also at the end.

So all of life is just a journey, and you end where you started.  That is why everyone loves music.  It is like a poem that starts at one place, goes through a bunch of changes, and ends on the one.  You end where you started.  The purpose of life is not to acquire more stuff, you will die anyway.  The purpose of life is to enjoy the journey. 

The Dalai Llama said, 'the meaning of life is to be happy and useful.'  That about sums it up.  If you have little, but are happy with it, and are productive to others besides yourself, then you have everything.  The results don't matter.  Evidence based science is garbage.  Money cannot buy happiness.  More women does not mean more happiness.  But as a human being, you have a body and must fulfill your base desires, like to eat and to have sex.  You also need to sleep and digest your food and excrete it.  But even an animal can eat, sleep, and shit. 

When you develop a desire in your mind, it leads to action, and an accumulation of action leads to experience.  Skill just means knowledge and experience in doing something.

So I aim for work/life balance and living in harmony.  I don't want an excessive amount of money or a multitude of relationships.  I just wan't fulfillment and to feel like I am not a slave.  Freedom is the unconditioned state.

So as I learn to survive, a I see that work/life balance is the ultimate thing.  A person without a job is a bit odd.  Everybody does some kind of work, even if they are limited and can only get money from the government and take care of themselves. 

So I continue to strive and grow.

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