Monday, May 25, 2020

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

It is fair to analogize that men are like dogs and women are like cats.  The counter-intuitive thing is always true.

Dogs are lovers, peaceful, gentle, and strong.  They are guardians.  They only fight if they have to, to defend their territory or protect their family.  A good man is like a dog.

Cats are by nature warlike.  They fight everyone, feel less emotion, hunt, kill, eat only meat, and spend a lot of time grooming and sleeping.  Cats are warriors.  If you move towards them, they run away, because most good warriors avoid violence unless they have no choice but to defend themselves.

The counter-intuitive thing is always true.  Cats are better fighters than Dogs pound for pound, but dogs are so big that cats seem like a joke in comparison.  But a 50 pound minx can eat a 50 pound pit bull.  Dogs are not a warlike species.  They are guardians, they are primarily designed for protection and living in a group.

God is love.  Dogs are better than Cats.  Dogs were the first domesticated animal, and cats were the last.  So Cats are the most wild.  They are the closest thing to nature in the modern world. 

Men should be like dogs.  Women can't help but be like cats.  They have power.  They don't actually fight with their fists, but they compete in nonviolent ways.  Women compete through appearance, through the status of their boyfriends, through money, through their job, and in other ways.  Women don't dress up to attract men, they dress up to compete with other women.

Women are losers.  But we need them.  In all manners, women are more barbaric than men.  Men are more obvious, they punch you in the face or they tell you fuck you.  But that is kid's stuff.  Women control sex and choose the man.  So we are all just competing for women.

Love is the best feeling in the world.  There is no true love, but there are good relationships and terrible relationships.  The woman chooses the man.  Porno and strippers is just an illusion, where the man chooses the woman and uses her like a lump of meat.

Dating is nothing like porno, sexchat, and strippers.  That is why I haven't dated much.  I can't beat women.  I don't understand their psychology.  Good lovers know how to manipulate women and win the war of the sexes. 

So if I want to learn how to date, I must learn female psychology.  These girls aint loyal.  I am tired of evil sex.  I am ready for a real relationship.  The fulfillment of life is the ideal marriage.  Not perfect, but ideal.  You will never find anything perfect. 

This blog post was an analogy and a study in duality.  I am trying to understand things.  I don't know why I post to this blog, I get nothing from it.  But at least people who read this blog get some education in morality and moral reasoning. 

If I was smart, I would promote my music and books and shut up.  But I am not smart.  I just want to have a ball.

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