Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Music and Sport

I am learning to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

My two educations were in Acupuncture and Graphic Design.  A typical acupuncturist in this part of the world makes 100 dollars per hour.  A typical graphic designer makes 15 or 16 per hour.  The difference between a licensed profession and typical office work. 

But now, Acupuncture is no longer an option.  I don't even have an active license anymore.  I have a graphic design job, so I am an actively working graphic designer.  It is a good career path.

The main thing in work is trading time for money.  It is a lot like high school and college.  You are rewarded for good behavior, consistency, and conformity.  They want you to do what they say.  It is not that hard to make and spend money.

So Graphic Design is my job.  But what I really love is my hobbies.  I have been doing guitar since 1995 and grappling since 1998.  I spent 5 years doing Shootfighting, 15 years doing judo, and 6 months doing sambo.  I also have boxing experience.  I am a trained combat athlete.  The belt rank and medals mean nothing, it matters that you have sparring experience and the conditioning of a trained fighter.  85% of men can't fight.

So I have a job, two hobbies, and I have enough money to get by.  Now that I have a good paying gig, it will lead to others.  It is called building your resume.  When one job is about to end, start looking for another one.  When you find a near ideal job, then you stay there a few years.  But I just do graphic design for the money, if there was no money involved, I wouldn't do it.

But this it the real world.  Without money, you don't get to enjoy any worldly power or pleasure.  Money is power, women are pleasure.  You need both, unless you are a Buddhist monk in a monastery.  They don't enjoy much power and pleasure. 

I have 5 albums on YouTube and Spotify.  I listen to my own music a lot.  I think it is genius.  People don't really listen to rhythm and blues and rock n roll much anymore.  But I sound like what I listen to, and I listen to the old stuff.  I don't like hip hop and heavy metal.  I see the black hip hop music as having more creativity in it, but I am not from the Bronx so it doesn't interest me.

I can also do judo in a diminished capacity since when I was in my twenties.  Since 2008, people don't do doubles and singles anymore.  Without leg attacks, I can't really wrestle. I am a te-guruma expert.

Now that I am older, past 40, I am middle aged and more mature.  I think boxing is better than judo.  I think the music industry is better than Hollywood.  I think porno and MMA is not showbusiness, but a kind of drug you can get addicted to.  I am into reality not fantasy.  Americans have distorted values and the media is too liberal and anti-Christian and anti-Semitic.  Jews are always outcasts wherever they go, which shows how holy they are.

This world is worthless and the whole premise of the Hindu lifestyle is to be in the world but not of it.  As long as we have physical bodies, we are prisoners.  At least while you are alive, you can enjoy what you can enjoy and do the right thing.  Part of life is work.  Doing productivity for others not just yourself.  There is no life without work.  But when you are done with work, then you have the money and time to do what you really want to do.

I like music and sport.  Rhythm and Blues and Judo.  It is a bit old fashioned but I like it.  I don't like boxing and hip hop.  I am not a Jamaican guy from Brooklyn.  I'm a Syosset Jew.  But don't hold it against me.

So as time goes on, I will do what I must do to get to what I want to do.  If you were smart, you would check out my music on YouTube and Spotify.  It is free to you and it makes me 7 dollars for every 1000 streams.  It is old-fashioned music, but some people like this stuff.  At the very least, it is an exploration of the music of the climax.  The 1960s was a time when white kids and black kids were brought together with music.  Nowadays, black and white is more segregated than ever. 

If you believe the media, it is white overclass and black underclass and Arabs are the enemy.  But this is just a delusion of the media.  They are lying to you.  All the problems in the world come from the myth of Aryan Supremacy.  If you don't believe in God, you think you are God.  And that is sin.

There are Latinos, Asians, and Jews who practice clean faith and live humble lives.  They are the real Israelites.  I hope I can grow my fanbase in South America.  I am sure I am a popular musician there.

So Music and Sport is what I enjoy.  So I will keep doing the work to get the play I want.  That is all I am trying to say.

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