Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Story of Lior J Avni

I will not write out my whole life story in this brief blog post.  All I want to tell you is the history of how I got to be such a great musician and writer.

With music, it all started in the 1980s.  I was young when I first learned about music.  Most of the music of the 1980s was crap, but some of it was good.  It was nothing like rhythm and blues or rock n roll of the 50s 60s and 70s.  I used to listen to mixtapes and dream with my eyes as I heard with my ears. 

When the 90s came, I was a teenager in high school.  I had other interests like swimming, wrestling, food, pornography, and I had many friends.  But music was the most special.  I hated waking up at 6am to make the bus to high school because I am a night owl and can't wake up before 9am.  So I would go through high school like a zombie and come home exhausted. 

Every day, I would nap from 3pm to 6pm and then wake up and watch MTV from 6pm to bedtime.  That was my life in high school.  Between 1992 and 1996, I absorbed pop culture.  I wouldn't even do exercise or homework.  I would always manage to do homework the next day in the library during my free period.  So although I was lazy and self indulgent, I was intelligent enough to graduate high school with a 85 average, which is slightly above average.  Anything above 90 is good. 

Nirvana was the biggest hit of the 1990s, and there where other hit acts then like Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Soundgarden, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Iced Tea.  Then there was pop music like Mariah Carey. 

This was the last great music of the modern era.  When Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1993 or 1994, he ruined himself, pop music, and western culture with him.  The music of the past 25 years has been commercial crap, with some cleverness here and there.  I started playing guitar in 1995 when I discovered The Beatles.  Their 30 year reissue of their two greatest hits albums was a revelation.  I could hear real music from creative musicians having a ball.

After my youth and obsession with the Beatles, I went back in time to the rhythm and blues that inspired them.  Most of all, I liked Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.  The black musicians of the 50s spawned the British musicians of the 1960s, and the past 50 years have been an explosion of creativity.  Pop music is very important to me.

I am not just a musician.  Throughout my four decades or so, I have mastered Judo, writing, drawing, cooking, the Baghavad Gita, the concepts of Kabbalah, and other things.  My two books on Amazon are about using my TCM education in a way to educate the common people on stuff people in India and China already know. 

Best of all, the Baghavad Gita inspired me to fight the good fight and never quit.  Philosophy can save your life.  By doing the right thing with enthusiasm, you get good results and a good reputation.  I used Hindu Philosophy to be a great Judoka and a great musician.  I am also a great writer. 

I know I should concentrate on writing moving forward because that is where the money is.  And nutrition seems to be a subject that appeals to everyone.  You won't get very far talking about race, gender, politics, the history of America, Aryan supremacy and its fallacy, or the Asiatic Black Man.  These are controversial subjects.  Race and Gender are hot topics in the USA.

Moving forward, I will create more albums or original music with some covers on them, write boooks on health and nutrition, and resume practice of my favorite exercises, like kickboxing, judo, swimming, and yoga.  I have let my physical health go.  Perfect diet is not enough to be healthy.  You must exercise or your body will become decrepit by age 50. 

So my life began in the attainment of zen, and ended in music.  I have learned a lot in 41 years.  By far, music gives me the most pleasure, but it doesn't give me the most money.  And at this point, I need to improve my money situation.  I am not as established as most middle aged men.

So I need to scheme up a way to increase my money situation without relying solely on music.  Judo, writing, health education, fitness, are all possibilities.  I don't want to do the bare minimum for the rest of my life.  I am not doomed.  I want multiple streams of income from online work that help me live a humble but contented lifestyle. 

If I want to enjoy the next 20 years of my life, and 20 years means a generation, I must learn to get out of the house, socialize, create relationships, and be of benefit to someone other than myself.  It's easy to do the bare minimum and just live for yourself.  But that is how a child is not a grown person.  The riddle of Kabbalah is, altruism is more fun than being selfish, but most people are selfish and not altruistic, that is why they are miserable.  Learn early that giving is better than receiving.

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