Monday, May 25, 2020

How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

The secret is to do a little bit every day. 

You must incorporate work into your daiy life.  We are not living in Paradise, you have to work.  Nobody gets a life of leisure.  It doesn't even feel good.  Life is about building up tension, releasing it, and letting it accumulate again.

The main skill in work is not how talented you are.  Talent does not matter.  The main skill is socializing.  If you can network, convince people you are important, make new friends, garner interest in what you are doing, etc.. you will be rich.

I have said this before.  Someone with intermediate talent but advanced business savvy will be rich.  Someone with master talent but no business savvy will die penniless and heartbroken.  That is what happened to Van Gogh. 

The main thing is business savvy.  And it is mostly about socializing.  If you are blunt, lack tact, too straightforward, or just confrontational you are not going to make it in business.  A businessman should be tactful and polite.  Kill 'em with kindness.

So it is possible to succeed in business.  Just find where your talents and the needs of the world intersect.  But you must be able to socialize.  With the internet, it has made socializing much easier.  You dont' need to be good looking, have a nice voice, or even be in the same room as a person to reach them.  Through social media, one can reach people in other parts of the country or world and create relationships.  Business is about creating relationships.

Nobody wants to buy things from a stranger.  Their resources are limited.  They want to create a relationship with the businessman.  A good businessman is like a Samurai, serving the communal good.  He wants to create a good reputation and keep them coming back for more. 

So it is easy to succeed in business these days.  Remote work, the internet, social media, the Adobe suite, and lots of other technologies makes our lives easier.  But it is not all improving.  Morally and Spiritually, we are more crapulent than ever.  Just because you have more stuff doesn't mean you are more happy.

So the future is not making more money and being more rich.  That's easy.  The future is moral education and spirituality.  This is what Tesla was aiming at when he invented all the technology we now take for granted.  He wanted people to have more time for philosophy and moral reasoning.  He didn't want more porno, MMA, weed, streetfights, and fatherless boys.  That was not his aim.

It is possible these days for anyone to succeed in business.  The internet is a great tool.  But don't let it consume your life.  You still need to eat, exercise, get out of the house, and interact.  The good side is, even socially limited people can work now.  I myself don't like dealing with people but find social media to be fun.  It is fake socializing. 

So it is possible to succeed in business without really trying.  First, you must be educated in the basics like English and computers.  Then you need a skill or hobby.  And finally, you need to learn how to schmooze.  If you can't socialize, you can't work.  Learn to socialize and sweet-talk people.

And then the money will come.

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