Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Come Electric

Today I started work on my next album.  I decided it will be all electric, including rhythm and lead.  It will be called, "Rhythm and Blues World Service" and feature a couple of classic covers. 

I am more a fan of acoustic music, but I am running out of ideas.  Most of my acoustic songs are in the Key of E, A, or C.  I don't often play in Open G or Open D because that sounds too old fashioned.  The standard tuning of a guitar has the most versatility.

It is easier to sound good electric than acoustic, that is why most people prefer electric.  But I prefer acoustic.  This album will be exploring something new, and I will eventually go back to acoustic guitar. 

When Bob Dylan went electric in the late 1960s, some people accused him of selling out.  But he was just going with the times and exploring different things, he was still a folk rock musician.  I dig Bob Dylan.

My album will probably feature 7 songs or so.  At least 2 of them will be covers, and there will be a few instrumentals.  But most of all, I enjoy writing my own songs.  It is when you push past the three major chords and add something extra that you create something unique. 

So this new album will be lively and original.  I am hoping to create something as good as Lonely Days.  All of my albums are available on Spotify and YouTube.  You just have to look for Lior Avni in the search bar.

Meanwhile, I continue to write and plan a book for release by the end of 2020.  It is harder to write a book than an album.  Books are not easy to produce, but cost almost nothing to produce, so anything you make is profit. 

So I continue to work as a musician and author, and I supplement my income with side jobs.  Life is not that bad.  It is when you stop learning new things that you die inwardly.  You can study all your life and know a fraction of what God knows.  So keep studying.  And that doesn't mean high school or college.

That means the bookstore, the library, Udemy, and Skillshare.  Even Adobe produces free video tutorials.  So you don't need a college degree to be smart.

Knowledge is power, not power is power.  Donald Trump has no real power.  It is by learning about fact not fantasy that you acquire power.  And when you are powerful, you are more joyous.

So I will continue to explore new sounds, new ideas, new exercises, new foods, and new women.  What is life if you don't enjoy it?  If you lived your life without enthusiasm, you missed the point.  When you do the right thing with enthusiasm do you get good results and a good reputation. 

So keep on keepin on.

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