Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Music is Growing

So far, I have produced 6 albums since 2017.  The first one was taken off the internet.  So right now you can see 5 albums on YouTube and Spotify for stream and view.  I think my music is very creative and sounds like my influences.

I started with Nirvana, then went to the Beatles, then discovered the roots of rock n roll.  That is, black men playing guitar.  People like Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Elmore James, Howlin Wolf and others.  The music just comes out of my soul and I write the chords before the lyrics.

I have a presence on Instagram, Reverbnation, and obviously YouTube and Spotify.  I love music more than anything and the money doesn't matter.  I have enough money.  I create the music because I want to touch someone out there.

I don't gig out so I don't know where the streams and views are coming from.  But I know someone out there digs it.  In 2019, I made 5.1k streams on Spotify.  Hopefully, in 2020 I will make more streams.  I am planning an electric album which will be out by the end of the summer.

So as I continue to work in an office, I also do music and books on the side.  I wish I could be a celebrity musician and author, but I realize it is an unlikely dream.  Rockstars are all drug users and authors tend to be intellectuals. 

So I am not worrying about the future.  I am living in the present.  God understands the past, present, and future.  We only know now.  So we are limtied.  God is greater than mortal man.

I just want to promote my music and poetry and do what I want to do.  I can make money.  It's easy.  When I was in TCM school, one practitioner said, 'when you are done doing what you have to do, do you have the energy to do what you want to do?'. 

The main thing in life is to be happy and productive.  It is not about results or more money and women.   If you are miserable now, then that is all you have.  Live in the here and now.

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