Sunday, September 13, 2020

Victory At Last!

I didn't think this would happen.  I made America great again.

For a long time, they have been fooling us.  Even America itself was just a sugar plantation.  And in the 1950s, the increases in agricultural methods led to a surplus of rice and corn that they could feed to animals.  With more production of meat and milk, they could have more merchandise to sell to the American public.  So clever propgandists devised marketing strategies to sell more meat and milk to people.

There were dairy farmers who purported 'you need milk for strong bones!'.  It turns out, no one after childhood needs dairy, and dairy actually weakens your bones.  It also makes you wrinkly before your time.

And the myth that you need beef to be strong was disastrous.  Beef is actually the worst, lowest efficiency protein and brings with it salt, fat, toxicity, and doesn't chew well.  No more sloppy joes.

All the foods we take for granted are bad.  The cheeseburger was from Arabia.  Pizza was designed to make us diabetic.  Corona Virus was designed to sell masks.  Open Market Economy can be used to simply survive or rob you.

And most people want to rob you.  What is the objective value of a handjob?  I felt I was paying too much.

So America is all about business and warfare and dating.  But they don't care.  A Samurai uses his strength for good, and a ninja stabs you in the back and makes off with the loot.  If you can't spar you can't fight.

So America is a nation founded on war.  And there is good and bad in every flock.  It is up to you to be ethical.  So I feel I won the war by sitting this one out in the dugout.  I literally spent 12 years on my bed like Boddhidharma in the cave.  And then I invented something.  It's rigged.

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