Sunday, September 13, 2020

My King is Righteousness

 People do not want to hear about religion.  They don't care.  Most men are punks.  They have two inch cocks, can't fight, only make money to spend on prostitutes.  All women are prostitutes.  There is no free love.  There never was.

The story of Melchizedek is that he is the last Hebrew prophet.  Enoch the Wise was an inspired man who did no wrong.  He went up to heaven without dying.  He left behind many books, that his son Methuselah read.  That is why Methuslah lived so long.  He had to read his father's books.

Elijah the Prophet was an inspired man who ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot.  And he never returned to Earth.

There was one evil prophet called Ezra El.  Who had to die to be vindicated in death, and after death, became an Angel.  So there are transcendent immortals in the bible.

I believe that I am the last prophet.  I am not fit for this world.  This world is just a society of thieves.  They don't care what is morally right or wrong.  They just want money and women.  That is the devil's religion.  Money and Women.  And I am so spiritually inclined that I don't care about money and women.

I always believed that I am not a human being and therefore not subject to human law.  An angel is not subject to human law, he is subject to Submission to God's decree.  God is greater than mortal man.

So the whole concept of money escaped me.  It is just green paper or numbers on a computer screen.  It means nothing.  Corn grows from the earth.  It has no intrinsic value.  You only out value on it to deceive people.

America was founded on the plantation system, and we are all just picking cotton.  20 dollars an hour is not enough to live a full life.  50,000 per year is not a living wage.  And I live on 12,000 per year and live better than millionares because I know how to cook, how to budget, and how to entertain myself for free.

It turns out, there is no nobility.  And, there is no slavery.  It is open market economy.  And in the end, I retire a millionare who made a full career in two years.  Most men make 100,000 dollars per year for 40 years. And made 4 million in two years.  So I am 20 times as efficient as most men.  And creative work has more value than landscapers or busboys or ceviche chefs.  

So I will know that there is peace beyond.  I wanted to be a musican and grappler.  But after coming full circle, I realized art and nutrition is better.  The meaning of life is to make correction.  A child wants wrestling and music and pizza.  But a man learns to become mature and be responsible.  So through rebirth, I learned to come back.

In a span of 12 years, I learned blogging, copywriting, cartooning, nutrition, and sexology.  These are all aspects of art and physical education.  My latent desire was to be young and beautiful forever.

An idealistic man dreams of Gan Eden.  The Asians say Shangrila.  And the Portuguese say 'Utopia'.  This was an important lesson in my life.  I am the most idealistic man who ever lived, and since I am so spiritually inclined, I don't care about the world.

So I learned what I needed to learn.  Since the fall from Grace, man must learn to be responsible and do what he must do.  We must cultivate grain and eat meat, and the compensation for labor is money.  I have more talent than most men.  But since I am physically disabled, I cannot work physical labor.  But where there is a will, there is a way.  I was always sitting down or standing in one place.  But I can use my hands, my voice, and my heart.  So I mastered cartooning, cooking 30 minute meals, and speaking to my friends.  And these skills are legit.

So I will retire this blog, and not post again.  I hope you had fun.  It has been a long time.  I gave away a lot of ideas.  And I did it all just to help the world.

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