Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Every day, I await the coming of the dawn.  Japan is known as 'the house of the rising sun.'  I identify with Osiris and the Sun God.  Each day, he is born in the East, goes over the land, dies in the West, and gets reborn in the East.  So a man who loves life identifies with the Sun.

This is where all religion comes from.  It started with the Celts and Egyptians and ended with Azrael.  It is the same principle.  Nature is what God created, and Nature created us.  Every good scientist is also religious.  Even Copernicus and Galileo were religious men who were also intelligent.

So arguing evolution vs christianity is pointless.  They are both impartial ways of looking at the same truth.  No one knows.  And the more you learn, the more there is to learn.

So each day I am born again.  Dawn is like birth, mid day is like summer, and the night time is like Halloween.  And midnight is like Christmas.  A day is like a year.

So this is real spirituality.  It is not based on books or prayers or raceology or the good vs the bad.  That is mythology.  People identify with the sun and worship nature.  And all people love art, writing, food, swimming at the beach, and chatting with their friends.  Sex is just for lust.

So good people want to live in peace and bad people want more stuff.  But you cannot add on to life.  It is what it is.  Life is good enough.

So a good man just wants to live a certain lifestyle and enjoy the process.  And he knows death is just sleep.

I like art and writing and I used to like music.  But now I know music is entertainment and art is culture.  Art is more important.  When people are young, they love going to concerts, wrestling tournaments, pizza shops, the diner, the park, and hanging out with their friends.  But then you turn 18 and you need to get a job.

So life is like a song in that you start at one place, you go through a bunch of changes, and you end where you started.  But through rebirth, you get born again.  So there is no end.

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