Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sporty Spice

 I went to a nice high school.  I didn't realize it was jam packed with talent.  And I busted out and made something of myself.  I went through disgrace, upset, tribulation, and heartache.  And I still held out til the end.  I was disabled from youth, and one day I walked in with a grotesque hunchback and they said, 'this guy is ok'.  But I digress.

I don't care about money.  It is just a kind of objectification of value.  I did a lot of stuff with my life.  Booyah.  I am living on a low budget but I give away my creative stuff for the people because I feel I am indebted to society.  But now I am going on offense.

You don't deserve free shit.  Nobody does.  This blog is now a kind of vehicle of dissemination to the public.  I give you ideas, and you take the ball and run with it.  Take it.

So I was inspired by two girls in high school.  One Irish, and one Asian.  And now I am learning to appreciate myself.  Booyah.

I learned art, bodybuilding, and sexology in the 10s.  And now I am going strong.  When you repress something in your daily life, it comes out in your sleep.  And when you die with and unfulfilled desire, it manifests in your next life.  When you die, content, then you can rest.  And I will not rest. I will not stop until I am done.

So Vader is actually the good guy, and Luke, Solo, and Leah are just average people.  I still like Princess Leah.  She blew it up.  Everyone thought she was just a Jewish lady with a bouffant hairdo, but she really tore them up.  And now they are crying for their mother.

So I learned what is really real.  Monogamy is legit.  The Celts did handfasting for years.  And the Chinese love their unique culture.  And the Mexicans do the right thing and do it well.  I am not getting racial.

So I am learning to unlearn.  Follow me, I know the way..

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