Sunday, September 13, 2020


 A good person is not afraid to die.  The light is in your heart.  The light means God.  And when you die, your light simply expands out into the universe.  So there is no death.  All these ideas of Nimrod, of the underworld, the Elusian fields, of Hades, of Heaven, are derived from crime and punishment.

The orgasm is the little death.  The physical death is the big death.  Dying is the best feeling in the world, because it is the shedding of the physical body.  The physical body is the burden of sin.  Nobody wants to hear about spiritual truth, but I am not intent on being popular.  I am not a contender for Mr. Congeniality.

Cowards will do anything to stay alive.  A rat on a sinking ship will claw and run and scream.  But it can't win.

I didn't know what spiritually immortal vs physically immortal meant.  And I didn't know what Taoist Sexology meant.

So I am in a brand new phase.  I feel free.  The meaning of Christianity is the Kingdom.  When you read the bible, you understand what God knows.  We can only know the Akashic Record, God knows all of it.

So in several stages I learned things.  And I learned to unlearn things.  There is no need to discuss.  I am moving into a different phase of life.  I want to teach nutrition to children and do religious art.  That was the original role of the priest, to educate children and draw pictures for the simple people to learn.

Pagan sexual morality was rooted in low self esteem and the inability to get a girl.  All mental illness is rooted in low self esteem.  You think you are greater when you know you are lesser.

So I see America as a whorehouse that needs reform.  I learned wrong ways of life, but didn't give up on myself.  And now I am back.

So watch out.

Here below is my chosen artwork.  My masterpiece.

Lior and Gaby

The Embodiement of Adam and Eve.  

This is the vision of the ideal marriage.  It is not about work and serving the woman.  It is not about being rich and respected.  It is about living and working and resting and playing and eating.  A woman doesn't need a rich man, she just wants to have a good life.  In the Garden of Eden, Adam was a landscaper and Eve was his live in lover.  They had no need for war, violence, hunting, fishing, growing grain, etc...  They simply lived in nature.  All society was simply for prostitution, and Adam lost everything when he fell.  A good man can admit when he is wrong.  A bad man cannot admit he is wrong.  The Fall was the most tragic thing, and there is no going back.  Selah.

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