Friday, September 11, 2020

The Rise and Fall of Beliefs

I see how things change.  Ten years is a huge span of time in a man's life.  That is why our lives go by decades.  When we listen to music, we think in terms of 80s, 90s, and so on.  Ten years is a lot of time in a person's life.  And 20 years is technically a generation.

I remember the 90s.  I was a teenage boy.  And I masturbated a lot.

So people come and people go.  I have had a few relationships, much fewer than most.  But I am into quality not quantity.  I knew maybe 4 or so good girls.  And as one fades away, another comes in.  Don't hold on to anyone.  Treasure yourself.  The first experience is usually just for learning.  I almost did surprise butt sex.

And there were friends here and there.  But you must learn to let go.  There is nothing you can hold on to.  And death is not the end.

So I will move on from my previous experiences and man up.  True Love is a fairy tale, relationships don't last that long, and people change.  The reason why Larry King could have 6 different wives in 6 different decades is because the guy is made of money.  Socioeconomics is a factor in dating.

But I met and kept only good people.  I will not name names.  People move on.

Even in business, people change.  I know one guy who started out a grappler, then explored music, then explored pugilism, then became a construction manager who works on cars, etc... But he still has that street credibility.  Most guys can't punch.

So things change.  And I must change.  I realize I am not a spring chicken.  A man over 30 or 40 is not viable for reproduction.  But you can still have some fun in other ways.  I am talking stress relief.

So people change and people move on.  You exist before birth and after death.  The teaching of the Gita is that atman and Brhaman are the same, and the body simply rises and falls.  So the soul is immortal.

I will continue doing what I enjoy.  I like art, communications, poetry, cooking, and some basic exercises like walking and tai chi.  Nobody listens to guitar music anymore.  Paul is dead.  And judo gave way to BJJ and the tap out boys.  

So I move on.  Let it go.  

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