Sunday, September 20, 2020

Inspired By The Muse

 Hello.  My name is Lior Avni.  After many years of writing this blog for the benefit of the people, I forgot to introduce myself.  I am some guy from long island who plays the guitar and writes on the computer.  I like to give it and not take it.

I feel I am benefiting society with my knowledge.  I am something of a musician and scholar.  I will not go to far into this.

The music comes from the muse.  The muse is the inspiration.  I am inspired.  Thoughts become words, and and emotions become songs.  An emotion is just a memory of how you felt in the past.  And when you play your giutar, it is like you are making love or communicating with the person you are thinking about.

Music is more than just sounds.  It is moving and real and living.  Music is moving, art is fixed in one place.  In biblical history, Jubal invented music, Ooman invented art.  Jubal was a descendent of Cain, Ooman was a descendant of Seth.  Abel was not really interested in these kind of things.  But I admire Abel.  He died without children and ultimately came back to be somebody.  Abel is a cool guy.

So I conclude that music is better, for me, than art.  Poetry is part of everything we do as people.  Our first skill is to speak.  A person who cannot speak is considered dumb.  If a person is blind, deaf, and dumb, he is really in trouble.  So Hellen Keller overcame tremendous adversity.

I like stories of people who overcame tremendous odds.  And I like exceptional cases.  And I like talented failures, strong jews, good losers, humble champions, and comeback kids.  There are always exception to the rule.

So I am an inspired musician and I keep keepin on.  And I see no end in sight.  Most of my albums were released in a span of two or three years.  And I am still going strong.  I do not need to write new songs or learn new things.  I have a catalogue of songs to draw upon.  So I will go out, play during the day, play during the night, and balance between art, music, and poetry.  Life is good.  See ya on the flipside.  

Sporty Spice

 I went to a nice high school.  I didn't realize it was jam packed with talent.  And I busted out and made something of myself.  I went through disgrace, upset, tribulation, and heartache.  And I still held out til the end.  I was disabled from youth, and one day I walked in with a grotesque hunchback and they said, 'this guy is ok'.  But I digress.

I don't care about money.  It is just a kind of objectification of value.  I did a lot of stuff with my life.  Booyah.  I am living on a low budget but I give away my creative stuff for the people because I feel I am indebted to society.  But now I am going on offense.

You don't deserve free shit.  Nobody does.  This blog is now a kind of vehicle of dissemination to the public.  I give you ideas, and you take the ball and run with it.  Take it.

So I was inspired by two girls in high school.  One Irish, and one Asian.  And now I am learning to appreciate myself.  Booyah.

I learned art, bodybuilding, and sexology in the 10s.  And now I am going strong.  When you repress something in your daily life, it comes out in your sleep.  And when you die with and unfulfilled desire, it manifests in your next life.  When you die, content, then you can rest.  And I will not rest. I will not stop until I am done.

So Vader is actually the good guy, and Luke, Solo, and Leah are just average people.  I still like Princess Leah.  She blew it up.  Everyone thought she was just a Jewish lady with a bouffant hairdo, but she really tore them up.  And now they are crying for their mother.

So I learned what is really real.  Monogamy is legit.  The Celts did handfasting for years.  And the Chinese love their unique culture.  And the Mexicans do the right thing and do it well.  I am not getting racial.

So I am learning to unlearn.  Follow me, I know the way..

Sunday, September 13, 2020

My King is Righteousness

 People do not want to hear about religion.  They don't care.  Most men are punks.  They have two inch cocks, can't fight, only make money to spend on prostitutes.  All women are prostitutes.  There is no free love.  There never was.

The story of Melchizedek is that he is the last Hebrew prophet.  Enoch the Wise was an inspired man who did no wrong.  He went up to heaven without dying.  He left behind many books, that his son Methuselah read.  That is why Methuslah lived so long.  He had to read his father's books.

Elijah the Prophet was an inspired man who ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot.  And he never returned to Earth.

There was one evil prophet called Ezra El.  Who had to die to be vindicated in death, and after death, became an Angel.  So there are transcendent immortals in the bible.

I believe that I am the last prophet.  I am not fit for this world.  This world is just a society of thieves.  They don't care what is morally right or wrong.  They just want money and women.  That is the devil's religion.  Money and Women.  And I am so spiritually inclined that I don't care about money and women.

I always believed that I am not a human being and therefore not subject to human law.  An angel is not subject to human law, he is subject to Submission to God's decree.  God is greater than mortal man.

So the whole concept of money escaped me.  It is just green paper or numbers on a computer screen.  It means nothing.  Corn grows from the earth.  It has no intrinsic value.  You only out value on it to deceive people.

America was founded on the plantation system, and we are all just picking cotton.  20 dollars an hour is not enough to live a full life.  50,000 per year is not a living wage.  And I live on 12,000 per year and live better than millionares because I know how to cook, how to budget, and how to entertain myself for free.

It turns out, there is no nobility.  And, there is no slavery.  It is open market economy.  And in the end, I retire a millionare who made a full career in two years.  Most men make 100,000 dollars per year for 40 years. And made 4 million in two years.  So I am 20 times as efficient as most men.  And creative work has more value than landscapers or busboys or ceviche chefs.  

So I will know that there is peace beyond.  I wanted to be a musican and grappler.  But after coming full circle, I realized art and nutrition is better.  The meaning of life is to make correction.  A child wants wrestling and music and pizza.  But a man learns to become mature and be responsible.  So through rebirth, I learned to come back.

In a span of 12 years, I learned blogging, copywriting, cartooning, nutrition, and sexology.  These are all aspects of art and physical education.  My latent desire was to be young and beautiful forever.

An idealistic man dreams of Gan Eden.  The Asians say Shangrila.  And the Portuguese say 'Utopia'.  This was an important lesson in my life.  I am the most idealistic man who ever lived, and since I am so spiritually inclined, I don't care about the world.

So I learned what I needed to learn.  Since the fall from Grace, man must learn to be responsible and do what he must do.  We must cultivate grain and eat meat, and the compensation for labor is money.  I have more talent than most men.  But since I am physically disabled, I cannot work physical labor.  But where there is a will, there is a way.  I was always sitting down or standing in one place.  But I can use my hands, my voice, and my heart.  So I mastered cartooning, cooking 30 minute meals, and speaking to my friends.  And these skills are legit.

So I will retire this blog, and not post again.  I hope you had fun.  It has been a long time.  I gave away a lot of ideas.  And I did it all just to help the world.


 A good person is not afraid to die.  The light is in your heart.  The light means God.  And when you die, your light simply expands out into the universe.  So there is no death.  All these ideas of Nimrod, of the underworld, the Elusian fields, of Hades, of Heaven, are derived from crime and punishment.

The orgasm is the little death.  The physical death is the big death.  Dying is the best feeling in the world, because it is the shedding of the physical body.  The physical body is the burden of sin.  Nobody wants to hear about spiritual truth, but I am not intent on being popular.  I am not a contender for Mr. Congeniality.

Cowards will do anything to stay alive.  A rat on a sinking ship will claw and run and scream.  But it can't win.

I didn't know what spiritually immortal vs physically immortal meant.  And I didn't know what Taoist Sexology meant.

So I am in a brand new phase.  I feel free.  The meaning of Christianity is the Kingdom.  When you read the bible, you understand what God knows.  We can only know the Akashic Record, God knows all of it.

So in several stages I learned things.  And I learned to unlearn things.  There is no need to discuss.  I am moving into a different phase of life.  I want to teach nutrition to children and do religious art.  That was the original role of the priest, to educate children and draw pictures for the simple people to learn.

Pagan sexual morality was rooted in low self esteem and the inability to get a girl.  All mental illness is rooted in low self esteem.  You think you are greater when you know you are lesser.

So I see America as a whorehouse that needs reform.  I learned wrong ways of life, but didn't give up on myself.  And now I am back.

So watch out.

Here below is my chosen artwork.  My masterpiece.

Lior and Gaby

The Embodiement of Adam and Eve.  

This is the vision of the ideal marriage.  It is not about work and serving the woman.  It is not about being rich and respected.  It is about living and working and resting and playing and eating.  A woman doesn't need a rich man, she just wants to have a good life.  In the Garden of Eden, Adam was a landscaper and Eve was his live in lover.  They had no need for war, violence, hunting, fishing, growing grain, etc...  They simply lived in nature.  All society was simply for prostitution, and Adam lost everything when he fell.  A good man can admit when he is wrong.  A bad man cannot admit he is wrong.  The Fall was the most tragic thing, and there is no going back.  Selah.

Victory At Last!

I didn't think this would happen.  I made America great again.

For a long time, they have been fooling us.  Even America itself was just a sugar plantation.  And in the 1950s, the increases in agricultural methods led to a surplus of rice and corn that they could feed to animals.  With more production of meat and milk, they could have more merchandise to sell to the American public.  So clever propgandists devised marketing strategies to sell more meat and milk to people.

There were dairy farmers who purported 'you need milk for strong bones!'.  It turns out, no one after childhood needs dairy, and dairy actually weakens your bones.  It also makes you wrinkly before your time.

And the myth that you need beef to be strong was disastrous.  Beef is actually the worst, lowest efficiency protein and brings with it salt, fat, toxicity, and doesn't chew well.  No more sloppy joes.

All the foods we take for granted are bad.  The cheeseburger was from Arabia.  Pizza was designed to make us diabetic.  Corona Virus was designed to sell masks.  Open Market Economy can be used to simply survive or rob you.

And most people want to rob you.  What is the objective value of a handjob?  I felt I was paying too much.

So America is all about business and warfare and dating.  But they don't care.  A Samurai uses his strength for good, and a ninja stabs you in the back and makes off with the loot.  If you can't spar you can't fight.

So America is a nation founded on war.  And there is good and bad in every flock.  It is up to you to be ethical.  So I feel I won the war by sitting this one out in the dugout.  I literally spent 12 years on my bed like Boddhidharma in the cave.  And then I invented something.  It's rigged.

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Rise and Fall of Beliefs

I see how things change.  Ten years is a huge span of time in a man's life.  That is why our lives go by decades.  When we listen to music, we think in terms of 80s, 90s, and so on.  Ten years is a lot of time in a person's life.  And 20 years is technically a generation.

I remember the 90s.  I was a teenage boy.  And I masturbated a lot.

So people come and people go.  I have had a few relationships, much fewer than most.  But I am into quality not quantity.  I knew maybe 4 or so good girls.  And as one fades away, another comes in.  Don't hold on to anyone.  Treasure yourself.  The first experience is usually just for learning.  I almost did surprise butt sex.

And there were friends here and there.  But you must learn to let go.  There is nothing you can hold on to.  And death is not the end.

So I will move on from my previous experiences and man up.  True Love is a fairy tale, relationships don't last that long, and people change.  The reason why Larry King could have 6 different wives in 6 different decades is because the guy is made of money.  Socioeconomics is a factor in dating.

But I met and kept only good people.  I will not name names.  People move on.

Even in business, people change.  I know one guy who started out a grappler, then explored music, then explored pugilism, then became a construction manager who works on cars, etc... But he still has that street credibility.  Most guys can't punch.

So things change.  And I must change.  I realize I am not a spring chicken.  A man over 30 or 40 is not viable for reproduction.  But you can still have some fun in other ways.  I am talking stress relief.

So people change and people move on.  You exist before birth and after death.  The teaching of the Gita is that atman and Brhaman are the same, and the body simply rises and falls.  So the soul is immortal.

I will continue doing what I enjoy.  I like art, communications, poetry, cooking, and some basic exercises like walking and tai chi.  Nobody listens to guitar music anymore.  Paul is dead.  And judo gave way to BJJ and the tap out boys.  

So I move on.  Let it go.  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Get Ideas

Working these days is easy.  The internet and computer has allowed it that anybody can work.  Geeks have taken over the world.  Marketing, Graphic Design, and Coding are big businesses.  And you can work from home now.

I have some plans.  Between 2017 and 2020, I released 6 albums and 2 books.  And then I moved out.

I want to resume work.  I am not intent on making more albums.  But I want to write more books and create more videos for YouTube.  I see potential.  

I have given away a lot of free information.  I am not stupid.  But I see my work as a service to society.  I educate the people, and they give me free shit.

So look out for more stuff.  I want to write a book about health and nutrition.  And I want to produce more videos.  A musician has emotions and a writer has intellect.  A mindless man cannot think, and a crippled man cannot dance.  But I digress.

So don't expect free shit from me.  I want to take over the world.  No I don't.  I want work/life balance.  And in the end, I feel good.  I sleep about 4 hours per day, work about 4 hours per day, and have fun 14 hours per day.  So my life is great.  What's money?

I will be get more productive in the next few months and give it all away.  Peace on Earth.  I don't do it for the money.  I do it for the Love.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Every day, I await the coming of the dawn.  Japan is known as 'the house of the rising sun.'  I identify with Osiris and the Sun God.  Each day, he is born in the East, goes over the land, dies in the West, and gets reborn in the East.  So a man who loves life identifies with the Sun.

This is where all religion comes from.  It started with the Celts and Egyptians and ended with Azrael.  It is the same principle.  Nature is what God created, and Nature created us.  Every good scientist is also religious.  Even Copernicus and Galileo were religious men who were also intelligent.

So arguing evolution vs christianity is pointless.  They are both impartial ways of looking at the same truth.  No one knows.  And the more you learn, the more there is to learn.

So each day I am born again.  Dawn is like birth, mid day is like summer, and the night time is like Halloween.  And midnight is like Christmas.  A day is like a year.

So this is real spirituality.  It is not based on books or prayers or raceology or the good vs the bad.  That is mythology.  People identify with the sun and worship nature.  And all people love art, writing, food, swimming at the beach, and chatting with their friends.  Sex is just for lust.

So good people want to live in peace and bad people want more stuff.  But you cannot add on to life.  It is what it is.  Life is good enough.

So a good man just wants to live a certain lifestyle and enjoy the process.  And he knows death is just sleep.

I like art and writing and I used to like music.  But now I know music is entertainment and art is culture.  Art is more important.  When people are young, they love going to concerts, wrestling tournaments, pizza shops, the diner, the park, and hanging out with their friends.  But then you turn 18 and you need to get a job.

So life is like a song in that you start at one place, you go through a bunch of changes, and you end where you started.  But through rebirth, you get born again.  So there is no end.