Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Parting Shots

I decided I am not going to blog much here anymore.  I am not getting much economic reward for it, so why give away my ideas for free?

From now on, I will be concentrating on the music primarily.  Judo and Grappling is something you do in youth and it empowers you to do something with your life.  Don't do judo into your 30's, 40's, and beyond.  Do something better with your life.

I have decided music is my career.  Although I have written two nutrition books available on Amazon, and will continue to write books about health and nutrition in the future, I will just concentrate on my music career.  By now, I am a master musician and I keep writing new songs and learning new covers.

You can find my musician website at where you can sample 10 of my songs.  I want to expand in music and grow my following.  In music, it is possible to make a living by diversifying income streams.  You can make money teaching guitar, creating band merchandise, syncing and licensing, and gigging out.  Streams and downloads is actually the worst way to make money with music. 

I know I have professional talent and I should be a full time musician.  Even as a solo act I can make it.  I must believe in myself and never quit on the dream of being a self sufficient musician. 

So I don't want to blog away ideas for free and be used.  In general, don't do anything for free.  You must monetize your knowledge and abilities.  All in all, my knowledge and abilities are exceptional, so i shouldn't work for free.  Right now, I make a few bucks from music streams and downloads, and I hustle doing cab rides for friends.  Any skill you have can be monetized. 

So as 2020 goes on, I will be more confident in my sound, get out of the house with the guitar more, and apply my talent.  I look forward to the Summer of 2020 and playing guitar at the beach.  There are plenty of good opportunities for musicians on long island.  There are plenty of nightclubs, restaurants, and coffeeshops that host live music.  It is all a matter of doing a little bit every day and applying yourself. 

Where there is effort, there is always results. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Back in the Saddle Again

Last night I resumed judo practice and it was a great workout.  My dream is coming to fruition, and this is only the beginning. 

Judo is physical education.  It has some use for self defense, but the point is to empower you to do something in the world.  It is not to choke the man out.

Judo is comprised of throw, pin, choke, and armlock.  In the 1970's, it used to be called, 'grappler's self defense'.  It is a playfight, a fight without strikes and weapons.  It is very useful as physical education because it is not damaging to the human frame.  It is in that way similar to collegiate wrestling, which could also be used as physical education.

I realize music is not that lucrative for a guy like me.  But you must diversify in this economy.  I want to do judo, music, and nutrition, and keep educating the youth.  The youth are the future, they are pure and innocent and less corrupt because they don't need to worry about money.  Money is the root of all evil.

I know boxing, grappling,and MMA have merit in self defense.  But judo has a rich combination of benefits.  It is team combat, self defense, physical education, a good workout, a social event, a moral pedagogy for the youth, and a way to attain enlightenment.  It is not just jacket wrestling. 

So I realize college is a scam and my scholastic education did not help me at all.  You learn by doing.  I learned music, judo, and cooking by doing.  Do your hobbies long enough, and they become your profession.  Don't impregnate your high school girlfriend and be stuck raising children while you are still a child yourself.  Lust is not worth it.  Dayjobs are boring and I want to have fun for a living.  So learn nutrition in youth, take twenty years to master a skill, and find Krishna in the end. 

Life is good.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Beat Goes On

I am trying to concentrate on music now.  I have two books online on Amazon, but they are not selling well.  And it is harder to write a book than to write a song or an album of songs.  Music is fun.

In addition to judo and cooking, I play guitar most days, and I find it very necessary.  The music is soothing and joyous and sounds like a woman's voice.  Reversal is the movement of the Tao.  If I keep mastering music this way, it may pay off someday.

Obviously, I must grapple again.  You don't train as an athlete for 20 years and suddenly stop and do something else.  One Judo coach said, 'Judo is a lifelong pursuit.' 

But I don't want to be pigeonholed into one thing and one thing only.  I want to expand into music and nutrition.  You're supposed to do judo in your youth and that empowers you to do other things in life.  Many police officers start as collegiate wrestlers, join the military, come back, join the police, and do judo to keep their wrestling skills sharp throughout life.

I never served in the police or military.  I just took a lot of meds and slept til noon.  But that is not the case anymore.  I wake up early every day and I get a lot done.  The money is not the issue.  I am productive.

So the beat goes on and I keep doing what i want to do.  But Benjamin Franklin once said, 'If you would be happy, do what you should not what you want.'  He was wise.  I must do judo or I won't accomplish anything in life.  I can't just have a ball all my life.  Music and Food are things for the home.  But to really succeed, you must leave the home and do something with your life. 

Look at it as a good fight. It is duty, you must do it.  I must literally wrestle with grown men, you must do your dayjob.  But it's all good.  Everything in life is just one big fight.  But you don't have to be an asshole.  Be a gentle warrior.  Peace.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Less is More

I will try not to be too philosophical in this post.  But Less is More.  More is not More.  You just need the bare minimum, and then stop.  In doing so, you avoid all harm.

King Solomon astutely pointed out in the bible that anything beyond the bare minimum goes to someone else.  You don't want to serve somebody else, do you?  So just do the bare minimum that is required of you and enjoy your free time for yourself.

Less is More.

Even in my music, I see this is true.  Most of my songs are based on the three chord structure of the blues.  But I try to push past three simple major chords and play a couple of extra chords too.  It gives the song more character, more complexity, and makes it uniquely yours.  Most of my songs have 5 chords in them.

The East Asians developed a high culture because they had to.  They are physically the smallest, weakest people, so they had to learn efficiency to survive.  Less is More.  A small frail woman who knows Judo or Jiu-jitsu can beat a large, strong, heavy man in a fight.  It is by using your small amount of resources in a big way that gets you maximum results.

I like music, judo, and cooking.  I learned by doing, not by passively absorbing someone else's knowledge.  I am not a boxer and I am not a pornstar.  That is just showbusiness.  I dwell in reality, and let all illusions go. 

So whether I am playing guitar, grappling, cooking, or even writing a blog or book, I use efficiency.  I apply my set of talents in the most efficient way possible, to get the biggest result.  You can get a lot accomplished if you understand philosophical principles of action.  Philosophy is not a waste of time.  It is using your mind to solve your problems.