Monday, March 2, 2020

The Beat Goes On

I am trying to concentrate on music now.  I have two books online on Amazon, but they are not selling well.  And it is harder to write a book than to write a song or an album of songs.  Music is fun.

In addition to judo and cooking, I play guitar most days, and I find it very necessary.  The music is soothing and joyous and sounds like a woman's voice.  Reversal is the movement of the Tao.  If I keep mastering music this way, it may pay off someday.

Obviously, I must grapple again.  You don't train as an athlete for 20 years and suddenly stop and do something else.  One Judo coach said, 'Judo is a lifelong pursuit.' 

But I don't want to be pigeonholed into one thing and one thing only.  I want to expand into music and nutrition.  You're supposed to do judo in your youth and that empowers you to do other things in life.  Many police officers start as collegiate wrestlers, join the military, come back, join the police, and do judo to keep their wrestling skills sharp throughout life.

I never served in the police or military.  I just took a lot of meds and slept til noon.  But that is not the case anymore.  I wake up early every day and I get a lot done.  The money is not the issue.  I am productive.

So the beat goes on and I keep doing what i want to do.  But Benjamin Franklin once said, 'If you would be happy, do what you should not what you want.'  He was wise.  I must do judo or I won't accomplish anything in life.  I can't just have a ball all my life.  Music and Food are things for the home.  But to really succeed, you must leave the home and do something with your life. 

Look at it as a good fight. It is duty, you must do it.  I must literally wrestle with grown men, you must do your dayjob.  But it's all good.  Everything in life is just one big fight.  But you don't have to be an asshole.  Be a gentle warrior.  Peace.

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