Thursday, February 14, 2019

An Old One from the Archives...


I never posted this one on my blog, social media, or anywhere else until I added it to 'my story' on Facebook a few days ago and it got some attention.

I try to avoid works about combat sports or fighting, but since martial arts training was a part of my life, I am going to share this one.

It's a nice color scheme to this work, it was done loosely based on a photo in a Google Images search, and I have experience training in kickboxing and judo.  

This one could have been called 'David and Goliath' based on the size discrepancy between the two fighters, but what I was trying to capture was not just the small man attacking the big man, but the theme of all eastern martial arts training.  And that would be the mental qualities of courage, belief in oneself, tenacity, and self-abandonment into the technique.

I think it's brilliant.

By the way, Savate is a western martial art of French origin.  It is the original style of kickboxing in a ring with gloves on, and a relative of western boxing that everyone is familiar with.  But the same ethos apply to any fighting sport or art or method.

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