Thursday, February 28, 2019

Too Much Monkey Business

'Spider Monkey'

My Photoshop skills are improving quickly with diligent practice and study.  I'm relearning layers and selections and coloring.  So here I took an old design and made some corrections to it.

I really am growing as an artist, I'm finding my calling, and I'm exploring visuality through pinterest, which has a wealth of inspiration for those who love art and photography.  Nature lovers especially can find many great photos pinned to pinterest.

So here is a monkey, a spider monkey to be more exact, looking back at the viewer as if to wonder what his intentions are and if he is in any danger.  When humanity and nature collide, nature always loses.  

But someday the bottom will drop out.

NOTE:  I modified the color of the monkey.  I found his yellowish brown color to be too muddy so I made his color darker brown as shown now.

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