Friday, December 7, 2018

The One Worth Saving


This is a rough drawing and upload I created while making a slide show video about Taoist Nutrition.  I don't care that much about Taoist Nutrition or making it the theme of my career, but out of 8 panels, this one was the most well done and intriguing.  So I'm posting it here.

It depicts a man seated in lotus pose, with the Seven Chakras highlighted.  Yogis have known for thousands of years that the chakras exist and are loosely tied to the glands that are located along and near the front line and dorsal line.  These captions explain the location of each chakra without the sanksrit name, since no one I knows speaks sanskrit.  

To understand human development, one must be aware that the root chakra, located between the genitals and the anus, is the most primitive, and deals with food, sex, and aggression.  The crown chakra, at the top of the head, deals with enlightenment and purpose.  So everything we experience is somewhere in between.

I called this post 'the one worth saving' because it was the one picture out of eight that I felt was unique.  And people don't really need a nutrition lesson.  In the Hebrew Bible, there is a story of a wicked city called 'Sodom and Gommorah' where sexual iniquity and vice was brazenly done.  Lot was the one man worth saving in this city, and he and his family where the only ones saved from God's wrath and the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah.  He was allowed to flee the city with his wife and two daughters, but his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.  That is in the bible.  Later, Lot fathered the eastern race by being duped into sleeping with both daughters (on different nights) and created the ancestors Moab and Ammor.  These ones where the ones to claim to be 'the ones of pure blood.'

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