Tuesday, December 11, 2018

War is Over...and so is this blog.

Well, maybe not completely.  You see, I want to start earning money through my artwork, and not just working for free.  This site gets hundreds of view per month and thousands since I first got serious about being an artist. 

Since creating my own artist website, which will soon be active at Www.lioravnidesignwriter.com. I have decided to focus all my attention on that site.  I will keep writing on this blog to share my views on aesthetics and truth, but i cant afford to give away visual art with no renumeration for me. 

This is a harsh world and art is my biggest skill.  I need money.  All in all, I've written some clever and useful knowledge here. 

I've even created new works that can only be seen on my artist website.  If you have a computer, an internet connection,  and some special skill or knowledge, you can form an online business.  The internet changed everything, and i wish you well just as i wish myself well.


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