Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Can't Win Them All

This is a work I created yesterday, frustrated with how it looks, but I did the best I could to salvage it today.  I'm not experienced with landscapes, and yet I tried to recreate a photo I saw on the internet when I googled 'Mountains'.  For illustrative purposes, I will show both the image and site it was inspired by, and my work.

https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/habitats/mountains  click here to see the photo of the mountains that inspired this attempt.  It is part of the site for the San Diego Zoo.

'San Diego Mountains'

You can see my interpretation of the landscape implies a sense of depth, as in the trees in the bottom left are closest, the middleground of mountains behind them, and the atmospheric effect of the mountains in the distance being black lines and vague.

You can see my work is primitive, and yet if you look at both pictures, you can see how my interpretation of the image created a completely different image altogether.  That is part of what art and artistry is, the interpretation of one creative individual looking at the world in a different way.

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