Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A Quick Review of What I've Done Lately

'And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?' John Lennon in 'War is Over'

This poignant line was written decades ago.  And so here ends another year and I am still living in the USA.  With the second half of 2018, I spent a lot of time creating art and put music on the back burner.

While that may have not been the smartest thing to do, at least I kept busy and created a lot.  My artist website, is doing well in terms of views and viewers.  My plan for 2019 is to do a lot more music, and a lot more exercise, especially in exercises I enjoy, such as kickboxing, tai chi, and even matwork.  I am not to old for these types of exercises, I'm just slowing down and a bit out of shape.

I want to share with you, gentle blog reader, a video I created earlier today and posted on YouTube and Reverbnation.  It features my own song, my own artworks, and refers you to my artist website. 

If you click and watch the video, which is less than 2 minutes, you'll see my art has improved lately and I am maturing.  But I definitely plan on doing more music in 2019.  

I've also been improving as a blogger.  Instead of posting here, I post mostly on my artist website, which also features a blog.  But I have enough ideas to write in both places.

So here comes 2019, and I am ready.

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