Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Catching up with Art

Here below are two artworks I did recently.  I even posted them to facebook and to pinterest (which I just started using yesterday).

'Young Wrestler'

'Elephant Alone'

I did these two works in black and white for a plethora of reasons.  First of all, I like black and white art because it seems more 'real' (which is counterintuitive but true).  Also, I don't want to be tied down to Photoshop to make art.  Art should create a tangible result, not just an image on a screen.  And lastly, it's just too damn expensive to rent Photoshop from Adobe Creative Cloud monthly without a contract.  Maybe I should just buy the whole program, Adobe Photoshop CC upfront and forget about monthly subscriptions.

Anyway, these are two excellent pieces with a lot of potential.  Every design I make brings me closer to my goal, which is to combine cartooning, wholistic medicine, storytelling, and shamanism into one coherent entity.  

My current goal for the next two months is to create a comic book about shamanism and how food comes from the earth.  But it won't be easy.

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