Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Like Consumption, Killing Me By Degrees...

Trying to make it in America is a waste of time.  If you don't have a wife or children to support, you are living for yourself.   And that is best.  A full time job may get you your own place, but you'll be so worn out you'll only have time and energy to eat and sleep on the evenings and weekends.  Is it worth it?
You're better off living with your parents, dating, not marrying or having children, and constantly learning and growing as a human being.  Masturbation should be encouraged and marrying at a young age should be laughed at.
The system is rigged and there is no way to live the fantasy life you see in the media or on Instagram.  Do what you love.  Eat vegetables and fruit.  Sleep deeply.
If you were wise, most of your day would be spent doing a business you enjoy and improving your skill set with education.  Knowledge is power, not phoney wealth, politics, and fame.  Be real.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Learn to do things yourself, for yourself.

Elephant Alone

This is a line art from november that I only colored last night.  It is of an elephant all by himself, and from the looks of it, he is quite skinny.  He is Elephant alone.

Everyone in life needs to learn to be alone.  You can be very lonely, weak, and dependent in a family, group, or meeting.  Learn to be a rugged individualist.  Learn to do things yourself, for yourself.

I know we live in a society of specialists, but ancient man had to be a jack of all trades to survive, we are complex beings with many factors, and it's hard to outdo the primitive past.  Cavemen were better.  They weren't hypocrites, there was no room for morality, theology, or civil law.

So take a lesson from this skinny, solitary elephant.  Do things on your own, and you will attract strong, independent people.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Change your mind, change your life.

There's not much we can do.  Human beings don't have a lot of power to change the world, or outside circumstances, but we can change our internal mind state.  There is no more religion among progressive, modern people.  It is a vestige of the past and should be done away with.

Neither should people give into hedonism and recklessness.  Moderation is key to happiness. 

But in regards to what you are in control over, you can control yourself, and you are responsible for what you do with your body.  Your body is your only real possession.  Everything else comes and goes, everything inanimate wears down and breaks and needs to be replaced.  Living tissue regenerates and replaces itself.

In ten years, your body will have regenerated all of its cells.  It is the DNA that codes the proteins into more of you and you alone.

Don't let vestiges of the past rule your life.  Throw away religion.  Obviously, there are some spiritual truths observable, but these are attributed to nature, science, and the law of cause and effect.  You're judged by your actions and everything you do comes back to you.

Even Yogic Philosophy and Buddhism is not necessary.  It's just eastern philosophical religion, and all the ascetic gets for his abstinence is less pleasure.  Moderation destroys all sorrow. 

Meditation and hatha yoga is essential to health, and these inner exercise teachers are in demand now.  So do it.  Hatha yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory.  Meditation quiets the inner restlessness and yogic postures help invigorate your body and realize your human potential.

They are an important thing to incorporate besides work, sleep, eating, bathing, talking, and fucking.


These are the 5 basic yoga poses everyone should begin their practice with.  They prepare the spine for exercise, both internal and external, and help the energy go up and down the midline with no stagnation, helping you realize your potential and grow wiser.

Monday, March 4, 2019


'Home in Argentina'

This is my ideal home.  A little villa in Argentina, or Spain, or Italy.  This cartoonish drawing represents peace, security, independence, and a place of my own.  And yet, I may never attain it.  Because I can't afford a home of my own.

The English word, 'mortgage' comes from two French words, mort and gague, which combines means, 'death pledge'.  That is what you need to have a home of your own in America.  A death pledge.

So keep working away at your job, paying your 'mortgage', and teach your children well.  American society is a bunch of savages indoctrinated into evil and materialism from a young age.  

Be well.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Bit Saucy...

'Woman and Banana'

Bravely departing from more serious, Judeochristian and eastern philosophical themes, here is a work that I am sure is to grab attention and keep it, at least for a few seconds.

This is not just inuendo, this design pokes fun at pornography, at what men really want, and what we these days consider 'erotic'.  It is just a picture of a pretty girl staring at a large banana over a noisy pink background.

But in it's stark simplicity and choice of subjects, it piques the interest of all who see it.
