Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Like Consumption, Killing Me By Degrees...

Trying to make it in America is a waste of time.  If you don't have a wife or children to support, you are living for yourself.   And that is best.  A full time job may get you your own place, but you'll be so worn out you'll only have time and energy to eat and sleep on the evenings and weekends.  Is it worth it?
You're better off living with your parents, dating, not marrying or having children, and constantly learning and growing as a human being.  Masturbation should be encouraged and marrying at a young age should be laughed at.
The system is rigged and there is no way to live the fantasy life you see in the media or on Instagram.  Do what you love.  Eat vegetables and fruit.  Sleep deeply.
If you were wise, most of your day would be spent doing a business you enjoy and improving your skill set with education.  Knowledge is power, not phoney wealth, politics, and fame.  Be real.

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