Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Back in the Saddle Again

What I mean by this post's title is that I've decided I should make art and drawing my primary thing.  Music and Writing has gotten me a little bit, but if I stay in my chosen field of design and art, good things might happen.

I have a degree in digital design, and so I have a thorough education about art, drawing, aesthetics, and the revisionist process.  I'll still keep writing and music on the back burner, but I know art will be my career.

When creating art of any kind as a business, remember, the work is for the audience not for you.  Do what the people want or need.

So I'm back in the saddle as far as drawing goes.  My two main products will be books that involve illustration, and YouTube videos that include my artworks and music as a slide show.

The prognosis is good.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Buddha Taught Compassion for the Animals

'Buddha and the Animals'

While I did kind of copy this depiction of the Buddha from something I saw online, I hope my message doesn't get lost.  Part of the lasting legacy that Buddha left behind was compassion for the animals.  If man sees himself as the pinnacle of evolution or creation, than he really is steward of the land.  That means, all plants and animals are for man's use, not for manipulating or abusing.

Some animals are for food, some are for pets, some are for work, and some are best left alone.  

Similarly, some plants are food, some are medicine, and others are poison.

This is how Buddhism and other spiritual paths concur with the bible.  Early in Genesis, God gives the commandment to 'be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth, and replenish it.'

To further explain this drawing, the buddha is serenely meditating in the middle, to his left is the elephant, and to his other side is an eagle coming straight towards the viewer.  Maybe I could have put more work into it and made it a fancier design, but I think you get it even without much detail.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Taoism and the Creative Arts

A brief word about me, just so you'll know who is creating all this art and writing.

While I am from a secular jewish home, I have only been interested in eastern philosophy, lifestyle, and concepts.  Still, I know a lot of the Hebrew Bible.

I'm not a religious person, but I find that the wisdom of Tao and Zen really speaks to me.  One might not consider Taoism a religion, it's more like a philosophical lifestyle, or, a cohesive world view.  Tao encourages you to be spontaneous, compassionate, minimalistic in everything you do, and touches on subjects other religions or systems don't dare talk about.

The Taoist lifestyle includes not only scripture and meditation, but encourages individuality and innovation.  There is no aspect of life that Tao does not touch upon.

Nutrition, Sexology, Martial Arts, Cooking, Socializing, Exercise (such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Taoist Yoga) are not taboo. 

Taoism started in Ancient China, but by now, is known worldwide.  The good Taoist looks upon the world with detached amusement.  And I heard a quote somewhere, 'When it comes down to the Tao, being at ease and at peace, not many people are really interested in it.'

That about sums it up.  People like excitement and pleasure, but not so much peace and tranquility.  It's a good lifestyle.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Many Ways to Do the Same Thing

'Perfect Girl'

In Illustration, and in Photoshop, and in life in general, there are many ways to do the same thing.  I'm learning new things everyday, and part of it is knowing that there is more than one way.  This is a phenomena that can be seen everywhere, deep study and practice of any art leads to a deeper understanding of human existence.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Art has Value

I got this quote from a guy who has a Youtube channel about how to get your writing published and make a living.  When he said, 'art' he means all types of creative work.  Art has value.  In other words, don't be shy or ashamed to ask for money for your art, music, writing, or anything else. 

In this era, making a living from creativity, or at  least having a side gig in creativity is more possible than ever.  That is a great thing about America, it may be cruel and harsh, but if you have talent, you can make it.  It's a lot like the jungle.  It's completely neutral like sport. 

The reason I am writing this post is to inform the people who read it about what I'm doing.  I will still post free works here on this blog, but I will also sell newer artworks on Etsy.  I've given away so much art, writing and music that its not right.

Art has value, and no one should work for free unless there's potential to be paid later.  So if you like, look at my stuff here.  But be aware I will soon be posting new works on Etsy.

